0.0.18 • Published 2 years ago

@visoning/vue-floating-core v0.0.18

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Last release
2 years ago


This is the library to use Floating UI with Vue.


pnpm install @visoning/vue-floating-core


npm install @visoning/vue-floating-core


import { useFloating, useAutoUpdate } from '@visoning/vue-floating-core'

export default {
  setup() {
    const referenceRef = ref<Element>()
    const floatingRef = ref<HTMLElement>()

    const floating = useFloating(referenceRef, floatingRef, {
      placement: 'right',
      strategy: 'fixed'

    // If you want to automatically update the position of the floating element when necessary.
    // `floating.update()` allows you to update the floating position at any time,
    const stopAutoUpdate = useAutoUpdate(referenceRef, floatingRef, floating.update)

    // Remember to clear the effects before component unmount
    onBeforeUnmount(() => {

    // render
    return () => {
      return (
          <div style={{
            position: floating.data.value.strategy,
            top: `${floating.data.value.y}`px,
            left: `${floating.data.value.x}`px

It should be noted that in order to ensure the fine-grained code, useFloating does not provide any functions related to dom interaction, such as floating when the mouse enter the reference, which is also the original intention of floating-ui.

This also makes useFloating more general! We can develop a series of Vue components based on useFloating for this!

Type Declarations

type MaybeRef<T> = T | Ref<T>

export interface UseFloatingReturn {
   * @see https://floating-ui.com/docs/computePosition#return-value
  data: Readonly<Ref<UseFloatingData>>
  update: () => void
  stop: () => void

 * Uue hooks based on `computePosition`.
 * @see https://floating-ui.com/docs/computePosition
 * @params {MaybeRef<ComputePositionConfig & {disabled?: boolean}>} options
export declare function useFloating(
  referenceRef: MaybeReferenceRef,
  floatingRef: MaybeFloatingRef,
  options?: MaybeRef<UseFloatingOptions>
): UseFloatingReturn

 * Automatically updates the position of the floating element when necessary.
 * @see https://floating-ui.com/docs/autoUpdate
 * @params {MaybeRef<AutoUpdateOptions & {disabled?: boolean}>} options
export declare function useAutoUpdate(
  reference: MaybeReferenceRef,
  floating: MaybeFloatingRef,
  update: () => void,
  options?: MaybeRef<UseAutoUpdateOptions>
): () => void

Built-in Component

To facilitate developing Vue components based on useFloating, we also provide a minimal FloatingComponent. All our floating components are based on it!
