0.1.0 • Published 3 years ago

@vitro/babel-plugin-inject-location v0.1.0

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Last release
3 years ago

Differences with storybook

  • No addons, if you want more features open a pull request here, i want a cohesive code base
  • Many features inherited from next.js like
    • Zero config typescript, babel, css support
    • Incremental compilation
    • React Fast refresh

Features missing from storybook (in progress)

  • Viewport sizing
  • Display source code

Addons that won't be implemented

  • Actions
  • Knobs
  • Props

Things to do

  • make only one dependency for cli and ui called @vitro/vitro, the .vitro folder will import from that (the cli dependency will also need snowpack ...)
  • Add the githubUrl to config, make the open in vscode and click to source isomorphic
  • use bundless instead of nextjs, the routes are computed from the tree file with react router
  • snowpack should bundle dependencies incrementally snowpack/discussions/1208, impossible
  • replace next link with react router
  • replace Router.on with react router like https://gist.github.com/shelldandy/02ad1a9f8b5b86d1b2e4dd26a11967b2
  • make a single standalone bundle for @vitro/ui and export it from cli to only have one dependency, no more need to install the vitro app folder or adding it to workspaces
  • analyze esbuild deps output and determine the size of each page creating a bundle size report, can be done analyzing the esbuild metafile or snowpack
  • call vitro commands from subdirectories
  • open in vscode redirects to original file
  • vitro screenshot to make screenshots of all the stories and save them on disk (or upload them to s3 compatible store)
  • debug what files are transpiled with an additional loader
  • --filter filters out globs outside of cwd (adding an ignore glob)
  • wrap internal UI in shadow dom to isolate it from user CSS
  • add importCSS feature to let user import css like in CRA
  • add a blocks view, made of files and folders (folders are taken from files title slashes), each file shows its experiments rendered in a small grid (because every file can have more than one experiment) (svg thumbnails are generated during dev), clicking on a file block shows its experiments thumbnails larger)
  • make vitro callable from sub directories, searching for a top level vitro.config.js file and setting the cwd to that level,
  • make a dashboard where you can login with github, connect a repository and deploy its vitro app and get all the additional features like visual diffs, performance report, bundle size report
  • make an example with an iframe in wrapper with emotion
  • how to pass a custom babel? add a babelConfig and merge it in the babel.config.js
  • exit from full screen with esc key
  • reset render count to zero when rendering above profiler
  • add max zIndex to story toolbar (no this way is difficult to cover them with overlay in full screen)
  • investigate if the render count is accurate given that the profiler is parent of Component
  • add support for yarn v2 using a custom init flag (adding a packageManager in config, changes how the install process is done)
  • wait for https://github.com/vercel/next.js/issues/15950 and 9.5.3
  • investigate support for importing @storybook stuff for better migration process
  • rename stories to experiments (or studies or cases)
  • add a build command that runs the files generation and next build, add this command to the vitro app build script to make vercel work out of the box
  • if a file name is index get the containing folder name, also you can pass a function getName that given a file path gets the title out
  • make the index page with an how it works and what vitro does, inciting to subscribe to the managed platform for additional features
  • make a cute splash screen
  • use chokidar to watch for story changes and regenerate the stories paths
  • next run on top directory, this way urls are clickable in vscode
  • how to easily deploy a vitro app to a subpath together with other nextjs apps? maybe wait for https://github.com/vercel/vercel/issues/3547
  • when generating the .vitro add a version file with the current version
  • remove the new command, the default command checks if a vitro.config.js exists, if not asks if user wants to create .vitro and config (or errors if not tty), this way the default command always works and is idempotent
  • the start command keeps the .vitro updated running the new command when it sees that its version is greater than the generated one
  • rename stories, fileExports to files, fileExports
  • add the next css plugin to let users import css files that are not css modules, yes but this plugin is bugged
  • use more complex vitro-root/ because user could be using it already
  • sidebar in safari has zindex too high
  • render components inside iframe when specified, to not let css files modify the UI (or maybe render my UI inside iframes)
  • dark mode
  • dont recreate the stories if already present when running start (because mac and vscode go crazy)
  • enable the paths inspection compiled only if --verbose (also make it a separate package)
  • investigate if doing SSR or not
  • throttle the search bar
  • check that the global wrapper is a component before using it and give an error if not
  • make the sidebar fixed and scrollable
  • add a error boundary to every story block and display a pretty error
  • catch errors in server, wait for https://github.com/vercel/next.js/issues/5070
  • make the profiler id unique adding the filename path to it
  • investigate slow startup time, try to optimize the regex and context.require flow
  • CSS debug (injects border to every div, to see all components outlines)
  • Open in Vscode (via url with vscode://file)
  • see render counts and time
  • view in Full screen
  • better multi columns support
  • remove as much logic as possible from the .vitro folder, move it to dependency package
  • move UI components to vitro-ui package
  • the profiler does not run on hydration, maybe disable it when in production
  • no more needed, support for multiple globs paths adding more context.require (up to 10)
  • add emotion to aliases
  • add a button to make a block full screen
  • remove render counts and time on small blocks


  • offer a pro managed service that
    • notifies vai email on components visual changes
    • notifies on broken components
    • tells you the average, value over time of web vitals of every component (render time, count, accessibility, )
    • bundle size over time