1.1.1 • Published 10 months ago

@vnve/core v1.1.1

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Last release
10 months ago


Use PixiJS + WebCodecs to create mp4 videos in browser.

You can view the browser's online editor at: vnve


npm install @vnve/core


import { Creator, Scene, Img, Text, Sound, PREST_ANIMATION } from "@vnve/core";

// Init creator
const creator = new Creator();

// Scene, the video is made up of a combination of scenes
const scene = new Scene({ duration: 3000 })

// Create some elements
const img = new Img({ source: "img url" })
const text = new Text("V N V E", {
  fill: "#ffffff",
  fontSize: 200
const sound = new Sound({ source: "sound url" })

// Adding elements to the scene

// You can add some animation to the element

// Provide the scene to the creator and start generating the video
creator.start().then(videoBlob => {
  URL.createObjectURL(videoBlob) // Wait a few moments and you'll get an mp4 file

Open in CodeSandbox

Use with template

Template Usage


If you've used PixiJS, you can get started quickly. This package is a simple layer of encapsulation for PixiJS objects, providing some additional methods and properties.


// options
const creator = new Creator({
  width: 1920, // video width, default is 1920
  heigh: 1080, // video height, default is 1080
  fps: 30, // video fps, default is 30
  background: '"#000000"', // video background, default is "#000000"
  onlyVideo: false, // only encode video, without audio default is false

// progress callback
creator.onProgress = (percent: number) => {
  console.log('video create progress:', percent)

// supported methods
creator.add(scene) // add scene to creator
creator.remove(scene) // remove scene from creator
creator.load(scene[]) // load scenes, will replace creator current scenes
creator.start() // start to create video
creator.stop() // stop creating


Scene is extends from PIXI.Container, you can use all the properties and call all the methods in PIXI.Container

// options
const scene = new Scene({
  duration: 3000 // scene duration, default is 0

// extends methods
scene.addChild(Text | Img | Graphics) // add child element to scene canvas
scene.removeChild() // remove child from scene canvas
scene.addSound(Sound) // add sound to scene
scene.removeSound(Sound) // remove sound from scene
scene.addTransition(Transition) // add transition to scene
scene.removeTransition(Transition) // remove transition from scene


Elements that can be added to the scene


Text is extends from PIXI.Text, you can use all the properties and call all the methods in PIXI.Text

const text = new Text('This is a PixiJS text', {
  fontFamily: 'Arial',
  fontSize: 24,
  fill: 0xff1010,
  align: 'center',


Img is extends from PIXI.Sprite, you can use all the properties and call all the methods in PIXI.Sprite. For convenience, we have modified the initialization parameters. Now, you only need to pass the image URL to the source parameter to complete the creation.

const img = new Img({
  source: 'img url'


Img is extends from PIXI.Graphics, you can use all the properties and call all the methods in PIXI.Graphics.

const dialogRect = new Graphics()

dialogRect.x = 100;
dialogRect.y = 100;

dialogRect.drawRect(0, 0, 100, 100);


// options
const sound = new Sound({
  source: 'sound url'

sound.start = 1000 // set start time, default is 0
sound.duration = 1000 // set duration, default is audio buffer duration
sound.volume = 0.5 // set volume, default is 1
sound.loop = true // set loop, default is false


We use GSAP to implement the animation effect

addAnimation params is [fromVars, toVars], same as GSAP.fromTo

const text = new Text('Animated Text') // Img | Graphics can also add animation

text.addAnimation([fromVars, toVars]) // same as GSAP.fromTo

// you can also use preset animation

Browser Support

Default browser support baseline is WebCodecs and OfflineAudioContext, you can use isEnvSupported method to determine if the environment supports.