2.2.0 • Published 8 months ago

@volcengine/imagex-openapi v2.2.0

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Last release
8 months ago




The documentation for the Volcengine VCloud API can be found here

The documentation for the nodejs SDK API can be found here

The documentation for the Volcengine AK&SK can be found here


@volcengine/imagex-openapi uses a modified version of Semantic Versioning for all changes.

Supported Node.js Versions

This library supports Nodejs version 12 and above.

Sample Usage

Setting OpenAPI service's AK&SK

Available in three settings

1. By class initial options to set AK&SK

import VolcSdk from '@volcengine/imagex-openapi';

const client = new VolcSdk({
  accessKey: 'your own accessKey',
  secretKey: 'your own secretKey'

2. Use environment variables to set AK & SK


3. Use configuration file

Put it in ~/.volc/config in json format, the format is:

{"VOLC_ACCESSKEY":"your ak","VOLC_SECRETKEY":"your sk"}

Specify Region and/or Host

You could specify the target Region and/or Host for the client:

import VCloudSdk from '@volcengine/imagex-openapi';

const client = new VCloudSdk({
  accessKey: 'your own accessKey',
  secretKey: 'your own secretKey',
  region: 'cn-north-1',
  host: 'open.volcengineapi.com'

Logging and custom log

To log this SDK request, you could set the logLevel or set your own application log policy by setting LoggerOptions.log method.

import VCloudSdk from '@volcengine/imagex-openapi';
import winston from 'winston';

const appLogger = winston.createLogger();

const client = new VCloudSdk({
  accessKey: 'your own accessKey',
  secretKey: 'your own secretKey',
  loggerOptions: {
    level: 'debug',
    log: function(opts) {

Using a Custom HTTP Request Client

The Volcengine VCloud nodejs SDK uses axios, a promise-based HTTP client, to make requests. You can also provide your own httpClient to customize requests as needed.

import VCloudSdk from '@volcengine/imagex-openapi';
import customHttpRequest from './customHttpRequest';

const client = new VCloudSdk({
  accessKey: 'your own accessKey',
  secretKey: 'your own secretKey',
  region: 'cn-north-1',
  host: 'open.volcengineapi.com',
  httpRequest: customHttpRequest,

Write a custom HTTP client

async function request(url, options) {
  const { headers = {}, proxy, maxBodyLength = 0 } = options;
  const reqOption: AxiosRequestConfig = {
    headers: {
      'User-Agent': 'your own user agent'
  try {
    const res = await axios(reqOption);
    return {status: res.status, body: res.data, headers: res.headers};
  } catch(e) {
    // report metrics and so on...

Use a custom HTTP client with this SDK, you could mock the Volcengine API responses, and run your unit and integration tests quickly without the need to make a connection to Volcengine.


If the current features can't meet your needs, you can try to write a custom plugin following the next format

function plugin () {
  return async (context, next) => {
    // ...
    // execute before send request
    await next() // execute the rest plugins and send request at last
    // execute after send request
    // ...

there is a simple example

export default function accessPlugin() {
    return async (context, next) => {
        if(checkAccess()) {
          await next();
        } else {
          context.response = 'has no access';

then you need to register this plugin to a client

const client = new VCloudSdk({
  accessKey: 'your own accessKey',
  secretKey: 'your own secretKey',
  region: 'cn-north-1',
  host: 'open.volcengineapi.com',
  httpRequest: customHttpRequest,

Proxy Settings

To make request via a proxy host, you could set the proxy options.

1. By class initial options to set proxy

import VCloudSdk from '@volcengine/imagex-openapi';

const client = new VCloudSdk({
  accessKey: 'your own accessKey',
  secretKey: 'your own secretKey', 
  proxy: {
      protocol: 'https',
      host: 'your own proxy host ip',
      auth: 'your own proxy host auth',
      port: 8080, // your own proxy host port

2.Use environment variables to set proxy.

VOLC_PROXY_HOST="your own proxy host" VOLC_PROXY_PORT="your own proxy host port"

Getting help

If you need help installing or using the sdk, please check the Volcengine Support Help Center first.

If you've instead found a bug in the library or would like new features added, go ahead and open issues or pull requests against this repo!