0.1.8 • Published 3 years ago

@vonage/multiparty v0.1.8

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3 years ago

Multiparty Toolkit

The Multiparty Toolkit is a JavaScript library to quickly create a multiparty video conference web application. It works on top of the Vonage Video API for JavaScript.


The documentation and API reference can be found at https://tokbox.com/developer/multiparty/

Accessing MP library

Via npm installed package

Install package:

$ npm i --save @vonage/multiparty
import * as MP from "@vonage/multiparty";
// or
import { Room, PreviewPublisher} from "@vonage/multiparty";

Via script tag

In html:

<script src="https://static.opentok.com/v0/js/multiparty-sdk.js"></script>

In javascript, access via global MP object:

/* global MP */

// e.g usage:
const room = new MP.Room({...


See the OpenTok developer guides on Session Creation and Token Creation.

  • Instantiate a room instance (with only mandatory parameters)

    // Example code 1: Only four parameters are required to set up a room instance. All other parameters have default values set internally
    // API key, Session ID and Token needs to be generated through the Vonage Video API portal.
    // roomContainer is an HTMLElement where all the participants who join the room will be displayed
    const room = new MP.Room({
      apiKey: "44444444",
      sessionId: "1_this1is2my3new4session5id6",
      token: "T1==this1is2a3token5nekot6a7si8siht9",
      roomContainer: "roomcontainer",
  • Instantiate a room instance (with all parameters)

    const room = new MP.Room({
      apiKey: "44444444",
      sessionId: "1_this1is2my3new4session5id6",
      token: "T1==this1is2a3token5nekot6a7si8siht9",
      roomContainer: "roomcontainer",
      managedLayoutOptions: {
        layoutMode: "active-speaker",
        cameraPublisherContainer: "cameraPublisherContainerDiv",
        screenPublisherContainer: "screenPublisherContainerDiv",
  • Instantiate a room instance but excluding the camera and screen publishers in the layout grid. Notice that both cameraPublisherContainer and screenPublisherContainer are omitted within managedLayoutOptions.

    const room = new MP.Room({
      apiKey: "44444444",
      sessionId: "1_this1is2my3new4session5id6",
      token: "T1==this1is2a3token5nekot6a7si8siht9",
      roomContainer: "roomcontainer",
      managedLayoutOptions: {
        layoutMode: "active-speaker",
  • Setup preview media before joining the room

    const previewPublisher = new MP.PreviewPublisher('previewContainer');
      publisherOptions: {
        targetElement: "previewContainer",
        publisherProperties: {
          resolution: "1280x720",
          publishAudio: true,
          publishVideo: true,
          mirror: false,
          audioBitrate: 15,
          audioFallbackEnabled: true,
  • Setting preview media audio/video devices

    // Changes the audio input device
    // Changes the video input device
  • Getting preview media audio/video devices

    // Returns the current audio input device
    const currentAudioDevice = await previewPublisher.getAudioDevice();
    // Returns the current video input device
    const currentVideoDevice = previewPublisher.getVideoDevice();
  • Join a room (with only mandatory parameters)

    // All parameters are optional for this method. This method will internally initialize a session and join the call
  • Join a room (with all parameters)

    // All parameters are optional for this method. This method will internally initialize a session and join the call
      publisherOptions: {
        targetElement: "publisherContainer",
        publisherProperties: {
          resolution: "1280x720",
          publishAudio: true,
          publishVideo: true,
          mirror: false,
          audioBitrate: 15,
          audioFallbackEnabled: true,
  • Leave a room (this method does not take any parameters)

  • Set the layout mode (only one parameter and its mandatory)

    room.setLayoutMode('grid'); // Set layout mode to grid
    room.setLayoutMode('active-speaker'); // Set layout mode to active-speaker
  • Start screensharing (only one parameter and its optional. If no parameter is passed, then the default value will be used)

      .then(() => console.log("Started screensharing"))
      .catch((err) => console.err(err));
  • Stop screensharing (this method does not take any parameters)

  • Accessing camera publisher's audio/video

    // Returns a boolean. Checks whether a camera publisher video is enabled or not
    // Returns a boolean. Checks whether a camera publisher audio is enabled or not
    // Enables camera publisher's video
    // Disables camera publisher's video
    // Enables camera publisher's audio
    // Disables camera publisher's audio
  • Setting camera publisher's audio/video devices

    // Changes the audio input device
    // Changes the video input device
  • Getting camera publisher's audio/video devices

    // Returns the current audio input device
    const currentAudioDevice = await room.camera.getAudioDevice();
    // Returns the current video input device
    const currentVideoDevice = room.camera.getVideoDevice();
  • Accessing screensharing publisher's audio/video

    // Returns a boolean. Checks whether a screen publisher video is enabled or not
    // Returns a boolean. Checks whether a screen publisher audio is enabled or not
    // Enables screen publisher's video
    // Disables screen publisher's video
    // Enables screen publisher's audio
    // Disables screen publisher's audio
  • Accessing camera subscriber's audio/video

    // Returns a boolean. Checks whether a camera subscriber video is enabled or not
    // Returns a boolean. Checks whether a camera subscriber audio is enabled or not
    // Enables camera subscriber's video
    // Disables camera subscriber's video
    // Enables camera subscriber's audio
    // Disables camera subscriber's audio
  • Accessing screen subscriber's audio/video

    // Returns a boolean. Checks whether a screen subscriber video is enabled or not
    // Returns a boolean. Checks whether a screen subscriber audio is enabled or not
    // Enables screen subscriber's video
    // Disables screen subscriber's video
    // Enables screen subscriber's audio
    // Disables screen subscriber's audio


Events in Room

  • connected: This event fires when a connected to a room

    room.on('connected', () => {
      // Can use this event to update visual indicator for connection status
  • reconnecting: This event fires when a client tried to automatically reconnect to a room

    room.on('reconnecting', () => {
      console.log('Try to reconnect to the room');
      // Can use this event to update visual indicator for reconnection status, like a loading spinner
  • reconnected: This event fires when a client reconnects to a room

    room.on('reconnected', () => {
      console.log('Reconnected to the room');
      // Can use this event to update visual indicator for reconnection is successfull
  • disconnected: This event fires when a disconnected from a room

    room.on('disconnected', () => {
      // Can use this event to update visual indicator for connection status
  • participantJoined: This event fires when a participant joins a room. This event will emit the participant object

    room.on('participantJoined', (participant) => {
      console.log('participantJoined: ', participant.id);
      // Can use this event to update visual indicator for participant joined
  • participantLeft: This event fires when a participant leaves a room. This event will emit the participant object, and reason

    room.on('participantLeft', (participant, reason) => {
      console.log('participantLeft: ', participant.id, ' reason: ', reason);
      // Can use this event to update visual indicator for participant left
  • activeSpeakerChanged: This event will fire when the layout is set to active-speaker the user who is currently speaking changes.

    room.on('activeSpeakerChanged', (participant) => {
      console.log('Active speaker changed', participant);

Events in CameraPublisher

  • created: This event fires when a camera publisher is created

    room.camera.on("created", () => {
      console.log("Camera publisher created");
      // Do something else here
  • destroyed: This event fires when a camera publisher is destroyed

    room.camera.on("destroyed", () => {
      console.log("Camera publisher destroyed");
      // Do something else here
  • audioLevelUpdated: This event fires when a audio level for camera publisher changes

    room.camera.on("audioLevelUpdated", (audioLevel) => {
      console.log("Camera publisher's audio level: ", audioLevel);
      // Do something else here
  • accessAllowed: This event fires when access to camera and mic is granted

    room.camera.on("accessAllowed", () => {
      console.log("Granted access to camera and mic");
      // Do something else here
  • accessDenied: This event fires when access to camera and mic is denied

    room.camera.on("accessDenied", () => {
      console.log("Denied access to camera and mic");
      // Do something else here
  • accessDialogOpened: This event fires when access to camera and mic dialog box is opened

    room.camera.on("accessDialogOpened", () => {
      console.log("The Allow/Deny dialog box opened");
      // Do something else here
  • accessDialogClosed: This event fires when access to camera and mic dialog box is closed

    room.camera.on("accessDialogClosed", () => {
      console.log("The Allow/Deny dialog box opened");
      // Do something else here

Events in ScreenPublisher

  • started: This event fires when a screen publisher starts screensharing

    room.screen.on("started", () => {
      console.log("Screen publisher created");
      // Do something else here
  • stopped: This event fires when a screen publisher stops screensharing

    room.screen.on("stopped", () => {
      console.log("Screen publisher stopped");
      // Do something else here
  • audioLevelUpdated: This event fires when a audio level for screen publisher changes

    room.screen.on("audioLevelUpdated", (audioLevel) => {
      console.log("Camera publisher's audio level: ", audioLevel);
      // Do something else here

Events in PreviewPublisher

  • created: This event fires when a preview publisher is created

    previewPublisher.on("created", () => {
      console.log("Preview publisher created");
      // Do something else here
  • destroyed: This event fires when a preview publisher is destroyed

    previewPublisher.on("destroyed", () => {
      console.log("Preview publisher destroyed");
      // Do something else here
  • audioLevelUpdated: This event fires when a audio level for preview publisher changes

    previewPublisher.on("audioLevelUpdated", (audioLevel) => {
      console.log("Preview publisher's audio level: ", audioLevel);
      // Do something else here
  • accessAllowed: This event fires when access to camera and mic is granted

    previewPublisher.on("accessAllowed", () => {
      console.log("Granted access to camera and mic");
      // Do something else here
  • accessDenied: This event fires when access to camera and mic is denied

    previewPublisher.on("accessDenied", () => {
      console.log("Denied access to camera and mic");
      // Do something else here
  • accessDialogOpened: This event fires when access to camera and mic dialog box is opened

    previewPublisher.on("accessDialogOpened", () => {
      console.log("The Allow/Deny dialog box opened");
      // Do something else here
  • accessDialogClosed: This event fires when access to camera and mic dialog box is closed

    previewPublisher.on("accessDialogClosed", () => {
      console.log("The Allow/Deny dialog box opened");
      // Do something else here

Events in Participant

  • cameraCreated: This event fires when a camera subscriber is created

    participant.on("cameraCreated", (cameraSubscriber) => {
        console.log("Camera subscriber created");
        // Do something else here
  • cameraDestroyed: This event fires when a camera subscriber is destroyed

    participant.on("cameraDestroyed", () => {
      console.log("Camera subscriber destroyed");
      // Do something else here
  • screenCreated: This event fires when a screen subscriber is created

    participant.on("screenCreated", (screenSubscriber) => {
      console.log("Screen subscriber created");
      // Do something else here
  • screenDestroyed: This event fires when a screen subscriber is destroyed

    participant.on("screenDestroyed", () => {
      console.log("Screen subscriber destroyed");
      // Do something else here

Events in CameraSubscriber

  • audioLevelUpdated: This event fires when a audio level for camera subscriber changes
    camera.on("audioLevelUpdated", (audioLevel) => {
      console.log("Camera subscriber audio level: ", audioLevel);
      // Do something else here

Events in ScreenSubscriber

  • audioLevelUpdated: This event fires when a audio level for screen subscriber changes
    screen.on("audioLevelUpdated", (audioLevel) => {
      console.log("Screen subscriber audio level: ", audioLevel);
      // Do something else here