0.0.4 • Published 4 years ago

@voxalyze/jovo-plugin v0.0.4

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4 years ago

Voxalyze Jovo Plugin

npm (scoped) GitHub

With Voxalyze, you can get real-time reports and insights about your Alexa skill visitors on multiple dimensions. This Jovo Plugin reports meta-data from your Alexa Skill to our API. We match the data received from your skill with data we collect through our campaign proxy. This allows us to track where your visitors come from and which of your campaigns perform best.


To use the Voxalyze Jovo plugin, simply install it to your project dependencies:

$ npm install @voxalyze/jovo-plugin

Afterwards, in your Jovo project:

const { Voxalyze } = require('@voxalyze/jovo-plugin');

const app = new App();

  new Alexa(),
  // ... other plugins etc.
  new Voxalyze()

Finally, add your Voxalyze API key to your Jovo config:

module.exports = {
  // ... other configs
  plugin: {
    Voxalyze: {
      apiKey: 'YOUR_VOXALYZE_KEY',

Testing Voxalyze with the Jovo Debugger

If you want to test sending data to Voxalyze with the Jovo Debugger, you'll need to follow these steps:

  1. After installing the Voxalyze plugin, execute jovo run and open the Debugger in your browser
  2. Click the 'Launch' button to simulate an Alexa launch request
  3. Check out the log on your console. You'll find a random test skill ID there
  4. Add the skill ID to your Jovo app's config.js at plugins.Voxalyze.debugSkillId
  5. Add a new skill with the same skill ID in the Voxalyze web app

Now you should see your debugger runs showing up on Voxalyze. Please note that it takes up to 5 minutes for new data to get processed.

Error handling

The Voxalyze plugin will not block the execution of your skill code. If there is an error occurring in the SDK, it will be logged but not thrown.

Privacy and compliance

The Voxalyze plugin does not send any personally identifiable information (PII) to our servers. You are free to choose what handlers you want to track. Although you need to track at least the LaunchRequest handler to receive meaningful campaign attribution data. Below you can find an exact overview what data we collect through this SDK.

eventIdA random ID, generated by the SDK for each event
skillIdThe unique ID of your Alexa skill
userIdThe user ID for your skill user. This is no PII since the ID is unique per user/skill and gets regenerated everytime the user re-installs your skill
deviceIdThe device ID for your skill user's device. This is no PII since the ID is unique per user/skill and gets regenerated everytime the user re-installs your skill
viewportData on the device's screen type and sizes
requestTypeThe type of request, e.g. 'LaunchRequest'
requestIdThe Amazon request ID. Useful for tracing and error handling
localeThe device's locale, e.g. 'de-DE'
timestampA timestamp when the event was triggered


We use the debug package for debug log output. If you experience any issues, we recommend testing your skill handlers locally while activating the SDK's debug output:

$ DEBUG=voxalyze-sdk:* node index.js

Or on Windows:

> set DEBUG=voxalyze-sdk:* & node index.js