0.1.3 • Published 4 years ago
@vtjs/mapper v0.1.3
Mapping data from object to another object
npm install @vtjs/mapper
Structure: mapping(from, mapper, handle?, option?)
- from: Data source
- mapper: Mapping key by key:
"destinationKey": "sourceKey"
- handle (optional): Custom function. You need return value of destination object.
- option (optional):
setValueWhenNull: "your value",
setValueWhenUndefined: "your value"
2.1. Simple with Javascript
const { mapping } = require('@vtjs/mapper');
const customer = {
firstName: 'Tuan',
lastName: 'Nguyen',
email: 'vantuan130393@gmail.com',
phone: '0333333333',
company: {
name: 'COMPANY',
website: 'company.com'
const user = mapping({
from: customer,
mapper: {
email: 'email',
mobile: 'phone'
handle: (from) => {
return {
name: `${from.firstName} ${from.lastName}`,
companies: [{ name: from.company.name, website: from.company.website }]
// Output
// {
// email: 'vantuan130393@gmail.com',
// mobile: '0333333333',
// name: 'Tuan Nguyen',
// companies: [ { name: 'COMPANY', website: 'company.com' } ]
// }
2.2. Or you need strong "typed" with Typescript
import { mapping } from '@vtjs/mapper';
interface ICustomer {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
email: string;
phone: string;
company: {
name: string;
website: string;
interface IUser {
name: string;
email: string;
mobile: string;
companies: { name: string; website: string }[];
const customer: ICustomer = {
firstName: 'Tuan',
lastName: 'Nguyen',
email: 'vantuan130393@gmail.com',
phone: '0333333333',
company: {
name: 'COMPANY',
website: 'company.com'
const user = mapping<ICustomer, IUser>({
from: customer,
mapper: {
email: 'email',
mobile: 'phone'
handle: (from) => {
return {
name: `${from.firstName} ${from.lastName}`,
companies: [{ name: from.company.name, website: from.company.website }]
// Output
// {
// email: 'vantuan130393@gmail.com',
// mobile: '0333333333',
// name: 'Tuan Nguyen',
// companies: [ { name: 'COMPANY', website: 'company.com' } ]
// }
2.2. You can use multi function "mapping" to handle your function
const user = mapping<ICustomer, IUser>({
from: customer,
mapper: {
email: 'email',
mobile: 'phone',
tag: 'tag'
option: {
setValueWhenNull: ''
handle: (from) => {
return {
name: `${from.firstName} ${from.lastName}`,
companies: [
mapping<ICustomerCompany, IUserCompany>({
from: customer.company,
mapper: {
name: 'name',
website: 'website'
Thank you for using!