4.2.0 • Published 6 years ago

@vue/eslint-plugin v4.2.0

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6 years ago


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Official ESLint plugin for Vue.js

:art: Playground on the Web

You can try this plugin on the Web.

:grey_exclamation: Requirements

  • ESLint >=3.18.0.
  • Node.js >=4.0.0

:cd: Installation

npm install --save-dev eslint @vue/eslint-plugin

:rocket: Usage

Create .eslintrc.* file to configure rules. See also: http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring.

Example .eslintrc.js:

module.exports = {
  extends: [
    // add more generic rulesets here, such as:
    // 'eslint:recommended',
  rules: {
    // override/add rules settings here, such as:
    // '@vue/no-unused-vars': 'error'


All component-related rules are being applied to code that passes any of the following checks:

  • Vue.component() expression
  • export default {} in .vue or .jsx file

If you however want to take advantage of our rules in any of your custom objects that are Vue components, you might need to use special comment // @vue/component that marks object in the next line as a Vue component in any file, e.g.:

// @vue/component
const CustomComponent = {
  name: 'custom-component',
  template: '<div></div>'
Vue.component('AsyncComponent', (resolve, reject) => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    // @vue/component
      name: 'async-component',
      template: '<div></div>'
  }, 500)

eslint-disable functionality in <template>

You can use <!-- eslint-disable -->-like HTML comments in <template> of .vue files. For example:

  <!-- eslint-disable-next-line vue/max-attributes-per-line -->
  <div a="1" b="2" c="3" d="4">

If you want to disallow eslint-disable functionality, please disable vue/comment-directive rule.

:gear: Configs

This plugin provides two predefined configs:

  • plugin:@vue/base - Settings and rules to enable correct ESLint parsing
  • plugin:@vue/essential - Above, plus rules to prevent errors or unintended behavior
  • plugin:@vue/strongly-recommended - Above, plus rules to considerably improve code readability and/or dev experience
  • plugin:@vue/recommended - Above, plus rules to enforce subjective community defaults to ensure consistency

:bulb: Rules

Rules are grouped by priority to help you understand their purpose. The --fix option on the command line automatically fixes problems reported by rules which have a wrench :wrench: below.

Base Rules (Enabling Correct ESLint Parsing)

Enforce all the rules in this category, as well as all higher priority rules, with:

  "extends": "plugin:@vue/base"
Rule IDDescription
@vue/comment-directivesupport comment-directives in <template>
@vue/jsx-uses-varsprevent variables used in JSX to be marked as unused

Priority A: Essential (Error Prevention)

Enforce all the rules in this category, as well as all higher priority rules, with:

  "extends": "plugin:@vue/essential"
Rule IDDescription
@vue/no-async-in-computed-propertiesdisallow asynchronous actions in computed properties
@vue/no-dupe-keysdisallow duplication of field names
@vue/no-duplicate-attributesdisallow duplication of attributes
@vue/no-parsing-errordisallow parsing errors in <template>
@vue/no-reserved-keysdisallow overwriting reserved keys
:wrench:@vue/no-shared-component-dataenforce component's data property to be a function
@vue/no-side-effects-in-computed-propertiesdisallow side effects in computed properties
@vue/no-template-keydisallow key attribute on <template>
@vue/no-textarea-mustachedisallow mustaches in <textarea>
@vue/no-unused-varsdisallow unused variable definitions of v-for directives or scope attributes
@vue/require-component-isrequire v-bind:is of <component> elements
@vue/require-render-returnenforce render function to always return value
@vue/require-v-for-keyrequire v-bind:key with v-for directives
@vue/require-valid-default-propenforce props default values to be valid
@vue/return-in-computed-propertyenforce that a return statement is present in computed property
@vue/valid-template-rootenforce valid template root
@vue/valid-v-bindenforce valid v-bind directives
@vue/valid-v-cloakenforce valid v-cloak directives
@vue/valid-v-else-ifenforce valid v-else-if directives
@vue/valid-v-elseenforce valid v-else directives
@vue/valid-v-forenforce valid v-for directives
@vue/valid-v-htmlenforce valid v-html directives
@vue/valid-v-ifenforce valid v-if directives
@vue/valid-v-modelenforce valid v-model directives
@vue/valid-v-onenforce valid v-on directives
@vue/valid-v-onceenforce valid v-once directives
@vue/valid-v-preenforce valid v-pre directives
@vue/valid-v-showenforce valid v-show directives
@vue/valid-v-textenforce valid v-text directives

Priority B: Strongly Recommended (Improving Readability)

Enforce all the rules in this category, as well as all higher priority rules, with:

  "extends": "plugin:@vue/strongly-recommended"
Rule IDDescription
:wrench:@vue/attribute-hyphenationenforce attribute naming style in template
:wrench:@vue/html-end-tagsenforce end tag style
:wrench:@vue/html-indentenforce consistent indentation in <template>
:wrench:@vue/html-self-closingenforce self-closing style
@vue/max-attributes-per-lineenforce the maximum number of attributes per line
:wrench:@vue/mustache-interpolation-spacingenforce unified spacing in mustache interpolations
:wrench:@vue/name-property-casingenforce specific casing for the name property in Vue components
:wrench:@vue/no-multi-spacesdisallow multiple spaces
@vue/require-default-proprequire default value for props
@vue/require-prop-typesrequire type definitions in props
:wrench:@vue/v-bind-styleenforce v-bind directive style
:wrench:@vue/v-on-styleenforce v-on directive style

Priority C: Recommended (Minimizing Arbitrary Choices and Cognitive Overhead)

Enforce all the rules in this category, as well as all higher priority rules, with:

  "extends": "plugin:@vue/recommended"
Rule IDDescription
:wrench:@vue/html-quotesenforce quotes style of HTML attributes
@vue/no-confusing-v-for-v-ifdisallow confusing v-for and v-if on the same element
@vue/order-in-componentsenforce order of properties in components
@vue/this-in-templateenforce usage of this in template


Rule IDDescription
:wrench:@vue/html-closing-bracket-newlinerequire or disallow a line break before tag's closing brackets
:wrench:@vue/html-closing-bracket-spacingrequire or disallow a space before tag's closing brackets
:wrench:@vue/script-indentenforce consistent indentation in <script>

:couple: FAQ

What is the "Use the latest vue-eslint-parser" error?

The most rules of eslint-plugin-vue require vue-eslint-parser to check <template> ASTs.

Make sure you have one of the following settings in your .eslintrc:

  • "extends": ["plugin:@vue/recommended"]
  • "extends": ["plugin:@vue/base"]

If you already use other parser (e.g. "parser": "babel-eslint"), please move it into parserOptions, so it doesn't collide with the vue-eslint-parser used by this plugin's configuration:

- "parser": "babel-eslint",
  "parserOptions": {
+     "parser": "babel-eslint",
      "ecmaVersion": 2017,
      "sourceType": "module"

The vue-eslint-parser uses the parser which is set by parserOptions.parser to parse scripts.

Can my javascript code have increased indentation?

It depends on the version of eslint you're using.

indent rule in eslint@3.x makes it possible, but if you use eslint@4.x be aware that this rule has been rewritten and is more strict now, thus it doesn't allow to have increased initial indentation.

You can however use indent-legacy rule instead. More informations here.

:anchor: Semantic Versioning Policy

This plugin follows semantic versioning and ESLint's Semantic Versioning Policy.

:newspaper: Changelog

We're using GitHub Releases.

:beers: Contribution guide

In order to add a new rule, you should:

  • Create issue on GH with description of proposed rule
  • Generate a new rule using the official yeoman generator
  • Run npm start
  • Write test scenarios & implement logic
  • Describe the rule in the generated docs file
  • Make sure all tests are passing
  • Run npm run update in order to update readme and recommended configuration
  • Create PR and link created issue in description

We're more than happy to see potential contributions, so don't hesitate. If you have any suggestions, ideas or problems feel free to add new issue, but first please make sure your question does not repeat previous ones.

:lock: License

See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).