0.1.14 • Published 3 years ago
@wareset-utilites/nearly v0.1.14
Returns the nearest value from the array, or from a pattern.
npm i @wareset-utilites/nearly ## yarn add @wareset-utilites/nearly
nearly(value: number, pattern: number | number[], method?: -1 | 0 | 1): number
- -1 - floor
- 0 - round // By default
- 1 - ceil
import nearly from '@wareset-utilites/nearly'
// If the pattern is an array, returns the nearest value.
expect(nearly(1.25, [1, 1.24, 1.26, 2])).toBe(1.26)
expect(nearly(1.25, [1, 1.24, 1.26, 2], -1)).toBe(1.24)
expect(nearly(1.25, [1, 1.24, 1.26, 2], 0)).toBe(1.26)
expect(nearly(1.25, [1, 1.24, 1.26, 2], 1)).toBe(1.26)
expect(nearly(1.25, [], -1)).toBe(1.25)
expect(nearly(1.25, [], 0)).toBe(1.25)
expect(nearly(1.25, [], 1)).toBe(1.25)
// If the pattern is a number, it returns a multiple of it.
expect(nearly(3040.10576, 150.101)).toBe(3002.02)
expect(nearly(3040.10576, 150.101, -1)).toBe(3002.02)
expect(nearly(3040.10576, 150.101, 0)).toBe(3002.02)
expect(nearly(3040.10576, 150.101, 1)).toBe(3152.121)
// If the pattern is zero, it returns standard rounding.
expect(nearly(3040.10576, 0, -1)).toBe(Math.floor(3040.10576))
expect(nearly(3040.10576, 0, 0)).toBe(Math.round(3040.10576))
expect(nearly(3040.10576, 0, 1)).toBe(Math.ceil(3040.10576))