10.0.0 • Published 11 months ago

@wbce-d9/format-title v10.0.0

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Last release
11 months ago

Title Formatter

Custom string formatter that converts any string into Title Case for the rules

This package converts any string into title case. This means only using capital letters for the principal words. Articles, conjunctions, and prepositions do not get capital letters unless they start or end the title

snowWhiteAndTheSevenDwarfsSnow White and the Seven Dwarfs
NewcastleUponTyneNewcastle Upon Tyne
brighton_on_seaBrighton on Sea
apple_releases_new_ipadApple Releases New iPad
7-food-trends7 Food Trends

The package contains a list of words that use some sort of special casing, for example: McDonalds, iPhone, and YouTube.


$ npm install @wbce-d9/format-title


The package by default converts camelCase, PascalCase, underscore, and "regular" sentences to Title Case

formatTitle(string, [separator]);

// => Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

You can provide an optional separator regex as a second parameter to support splitting the string on different characters. By default, this regex is set to /\s|-|_/g.


If your favorite specially cased word isn't being capitalized properly, please open an issue or submit a pull request!


  • NodeJS LTS
  • pnpm 7.5.0 or newer


The following pnpm scripts are available:

  • pnpm lint – Lint the code using Eslint / Prettier
  • pnpm test – Run the unit tests

Make sure that both commands pass locally before creating a Pull Request.

Pushing a Release

This applies to maintainers only

  1. Create a new version / tag by running pnpm version <version>. Tip: use pnpm version patch|minor|major to auto-bump the version number
  2. Push the version commit / tag to GitHub (git push && git push --tags)

The CI will automatically build and release to npm, and generate the release notes.