1.2.0 • Published 3 years ago

@wdkit/react-intl-organizer v1.2.0

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3 years ago

React Intl Organizer helps to split messages/translations declaration into smaller atomic logical groups (namespaces) without unnecessary exports. Exported structures are ready to use with react-intl.


yarn add @wdkit/react-intl-organizer


Definition of source

Folder structure

Create a folder/workspace with messages and translations, preserve defined structure (./messages and ./translations/<locale> at the root):

├── PHRASES.js
├── messages
│  ├── buttons.ns.js
│  ├── numbers.ns.js
│  └── submodule
│     └── buttons.ns.js
└── translations
   └── en
      ├── buttons.ns.js
      ├── numbers.ns.js
      └── submodule
         └── buttons.ns.js

Inside messages can be a custom structure with <namespace>.ns.js files. translations requires ./<locale>/**/<namespace>.ns.js structure.

Namespace (*.ns.js) files

// ./messages/buttons.ns.js
export default {
   next: 'defaultMessage next {value}',
   previous: {
      defaultMessage: 'defaultMessage previous',
      description: 'Description',
// ./translations/en/buttons.ns.js
export default {
   next: 'Next {value}',
   previous: 'Previous {value}',

See FAQ section to understand how react-intl-organizer works with namespace files.


Inside PHRASES.js (or just index.js) declare a dynamic import and merge the context via mergeMessages().

import { mergeMessages } from '@wdkit/react-intl-organizer';

const context = require.context('./', true, /^\..*\.ns\.js$/);
const optionalCallback = (namespace, key, message) => {
   // This callback is called when exported getMessage() cannot find a message
   // Use it e.g. for error tracking
   console.log(namespace, key, message);
   // 'buttons', 'does-not-exist-key', 'An informative human readable message'

export const { locales, messages, translations, getMessage } = mergeMessages(context, optionalCallback);
  • locales - all available locales, e.g. ['en', 'es_ES', 'custom']
  • messages - all messages
  • translations - all translations grouped by locale, e.g. {en: {...}, es_ES: {...}}
  • getMessage('namespace', 'key') - safe message getter, if pair does not exist, returns a default message and reports the missing message

Usage without React

import { getMessage } from './PHRASES.js';

export const message = getMessage('buttons', 'next');

Usage with React

Wrap a part of an application with MessagesProvider (react-intl is optional).

import { MessagesProvider } from '@wdkit/react-intl-organizer';
import { IntlProvider } from 'react-intl';
import { translations, locales, messages } from './PHRASES.js';

const locale = locales[0];

const App = ({ Component, pageProps }) => (
   <IntlProvider locale={locale} messages={translations?.[locale]}>
      <MessagesProvider messages={messages}>
         <Component {...pageProps} />

Usage at child components. If there is a callback, consider the creation of a new hook.

import { useMessages } from '@wdkit/react-intl-organizer';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';

const optionalCallback = (namespace, key, message) => {
   // See optionalCallback example above

const Component = () => {
   const getMessage = useMessages(optionalCallback);
   return <FormattedMessage {...getMessage('buttons', 'next')} />;


  • Q: Why I may consider to use react-intl-organizer?
    • A: I have too many message/translation declarations (probably in one file) that may be grouped into namespaces according to their type (buttonLabels, inputLabels, inputPlacehoders, etc.) and split into smaller atomic files (e.g. group of buttonLabels into files per page).
  • Q: Where are messages/translation IDs?
    • A: IDs are auto-generated from file namespace and provided key. E.g. buttons.ns.js and key declaration export default {next: 'Next'} can be called as getMessage('buttons', 'next').
  • Q: Why provide namespace and key as string values and increase the chance of typo?
    • A: There are cases when messages are chosen dynamically (label.${valueFromServer}) – string values persist a unified get-interface. For typos and other missing translations there is a special optionalCallback() function that can be provided as a parameter of mergeMessages() or useMessages(), see Usage section.
  • Q: What if I declare multiple buttons.ns.js name files in subdirectories?
    • A: react-intl-organizer will try to merge all of them into one buttons namespace and notify about possible key conflicts.
  • Q: Can I use it without webpack?
    • A: Yes, if the interface of context variable will be the same. I.e. it provides data and keys property (see prepareMessages.test.js).


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