0.0.1 • Published 3 years ago

@wearableintelligence/test-cli v0.0.1

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3 years ago

Command Line Tools for the Parsable PaaS

Minimum NodeJS version >= 12.0.0

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$ npm install -g @wearableintelligence/test-cli
$ test-cli COMMAND
running command...
$ test-cli (-v|--version|version)
@wearableintelligence/test-cli/0.0.1 linux-x64 node-v14.16.1
$ test-cli --help [COMMAND]
  $ test-cli COMMAND


test-cli attributes:add

Add new attribute values

  $ test-cli attributes:add

  -a, --attributes=attributes  (required) Attribute and attribute values, formatted like key=value|value|value
  -t, --team=team              Team ID or subdomain the request is for
  -x, --extended               show extra columns
  --columns=columns            only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                        output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter              filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --no-header                  hide table header from output
  --no-truncate                do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml       output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort                  property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Use this command to add attribute values to a team, this is purely additive and will not remove any values. Attribute 
  input format is key=value|value|value

  $ test-cli attrs:add

  parsable-cli attributes:add -t my-team -a Location='San Francisco|Austin|Vancouver'
  parsable-cli attributes:add --team a-squad -a 'Location'='Mexico City' -a 'Business Unit'='Food|Alcohol'
  parsable-cli attrs:add -team team-b -a 'Location'='Berlin 1|Berlin 2' -a 'Business Function'='Planning|Operations'

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli attributes:list

List attribute values for a team

  $ test-cli attributes:list

  -t, --team=team         Team ID or subdomain the request is for
  -x, --extended          show extra columns
  --columns=columns       only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                   output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter         filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --no-header             hide table header from output
  --no-truncate           do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml  output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort             property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  List the attribute and attribute values for a team.

  $ test-cli attributes:ls
  $ test-cli attrs:list
  $ test-cli attrs:ls

  parsable-cli attributes:list -t the-team
  parsable-cli attributes:list --team the-team
  parsable-cli attrs:list -t 577cf2ed-b5b9-4bd4-a09d-f4a6c2571c13
  parsable-cli attrs:ls --team 577cf2ed-b5b9-4bd4-a09d-f4a6c2571c13

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli attributes:remove

Remove attribute values from a team

  $ test-cli attributes:remove

  -a, --attributes=attributes  (required) Attribute and attribute values, formatted like key=value|value|value
  -t, --team=team              Team ID or subdomain the request is for
  -x, --extended               show extra columns
  --columns=columns            only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                        output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter              filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --no-header                  hide table header from output
  --no-truncate                do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml       output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort                  property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Remove one or many attribute values on a team. Attribute input format is key=value|value|value

  $ test-cli attributes:archive
  $ test-cli attributes:rm
  $ test-cli attrs:remove
  $ test-cli attrs:archive
  $ test-cli attrs:rm

  parsable-cli attributes:remove -t my-team -a Location='San Francisco|Austin|Vancouver'
  parsable-cli attributes:archive --team a-squad -a 'Location'='Mexico City' -a 'Business Unit'='Food|Alcohol'
  parsable-cli attrs:rm -team team-b -a 'Location'='Berlin 1|Berlin 2' -a 'Business Function'='Planning|Operations'

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli exec-data:delete

Delete execution data corresponding to a specific Input Field on a Job.

  $ test-cli exec-data:delete

  -A, --all
      When set, deletes all execution data regardless of when it was sent to the server.

  -c, --fields-csv=fields-csv
      The absolute path to a CSV file containing rows of field-id/job-base-step-id pairs.
      The CSV file must not start with a header row (the first line must be the first field locator you wish to delete 
      data for).
      Each row should have as its first element the field id, and as its second element the job-base-step id.

  -f, --field-id=field-id
      The id of the Field to delete execution data from.

  -j, --job-base-step-id=job-base-step-id
      The jobBaseStepId of the Field's parent Step.

      When set, skips the "Are you sure" prompt.

      Any execution data sent to the server before this timestamp will not be deleted (format: UNIX, seconds since epoch).

      Any execution data sent to the server on or after this timestamp will not be deleted (format: UNIX, seconds since 

  Fields are uniquely identified by locators, which are combinations of:
    1. the 'id' of the Field itself, plus
    2. the 'jobBaseStepId' of the Field's parent Step

  A single locator can be specified inline, using the arguments --field-id and --job-base-step-id.
  Alternatively, a list of locators can be provided in the form of a CSV file via the --fields-csv argument.
  (More details provided below in the context of the --fields-csv argument.)

  A time range must be set using the flags:
    1. 'from-time'
    2. 'until-time'
    3. both of the preceding, or
    4. 'all'
  If no range is set the delete command will not run.
  If 'all' is combined with 'from-time' or 'until-time' the command will not run.

  parsable-cli exec-data:delete --field-id=abc123 --job-base-step-id=def456 --all
  parsable-cli exec-data:delete -f abc123 -j def456 -A
  parsable-cli exec-data:delete --field-id=abc123 --job-base-step-id=def456 --from-time=123456789
  parsable-cli exec-data:delete --field-id=abc123 --job-base-step-id=def456 --until-time=123456789
  parsable-cli exec-data:delete --field-id=abc123 --job-base-step-id=def456 --from-time=123456789 --until-time=123456790
  parsable-cli exec-data:delete --fields-csv=/absolute/path/to/my/file.csv --all
  parsable-cli exec-data:delete -c /absolute/path/to/my/file.csv -A
  parsable-cli exec-data:delete -c /absolute/path/to/my/file.csv -A --force

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-author-cli

test-cli help [COMMAND]

display help for test-cli

  $ test-cli help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

test-cli jobs:create

Create jobs.

  $ test-cli jobs:create

  -x, --extended                   show extra columns
  --columns=columns                only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                            output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter                  filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --no-header                      hide table header from output
  --no-truncate                    do not truncate output to fit screen
  --number-of-jobs=number-of-jobs  number of job(s) to be created, will default to 1 if left out
  --output=csv|json|yaml           output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort                      property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
  --team-id=team-id                (required) Id of the team who will own the jobs

  --template-ids=template-ids      (required) template id(s) to be assigned for the created jobs and should match to the
                                   number of jobs (comma-separated)

  --title=title                    (required) title of the job(s) and should match to the number of jobs

  Send a request to create a job(s) and assigned templates.
  Currently it only supports on-demand job type.

  parsable-cli jobs:create --team-id=abc123 --title='Job Sample 1'
  parsable-cli jobs:create --team-id=abc123 --number-of-jobs=2 --title='Job Sample 1,Job Sample 2'
  parsable-cli jobs:create --team-id=abc123 --number-of-jobs=2 --title='Job Sample 1,Job Sample 2' 

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-author-cli

test-cli jobs:delete

Delete jobs and issues listed in CSV files of lookup/database ids.

  $ test-cli jobs:delete

  -i, --issues-csv=issues-csv
      Path to a CSV holding the issue lookup ids to be deleted.
      There should be no header row in the CSV.
      Each row is a single item: the lookup id (integer or 'issue-123' format key) or database id (UUID) of the issue to 
      be deleted.
      Maximum file length is 5K rows/issues. Beyond that, the CLI may fail to process.

      Example CSV contents:

  -j, --jobs-csv=jobs-csv
      Path to a CSV holding the job lookup ids to be deleted.
      There should be no header row in the CSV.
      Each row is a single item: the lookup id (integer or 'job-123' format key) or database id (UUID) of the job to be 
      Maximum file length is 5K rows/jobs. Beyond that, the CLI may fail to process.

      Example CSV contents:

  -t, --team-id=team-id
      (required) Id of the team owning the jobs

      When set, skips the "Are you sure?" prompt

  If a job/issue cannot be deleted because it is referenced (depended upon) by another job/issue, then a list of those
  dependents will be output to the files descendant-issues.csv and descendant-jobs.csv accordingly.
  These lists can be fed back into the command on subsequent attempts, issues first and then jobs.
  After the dependents are deleted, you can attempt to delete the original dependency job/issue that failed initially.

  parsable-cli jobs:delete --team-id=abc123 --jobs-csv=path/to/the/file.csv
  parsable-cli jobs:delete --team-id=abc123 --issues-csv=path/to/another/file.csv
  parsable-cli jobs:delete -t abc123 -j path/to/the/file.csv -i path/to/another/file.csv
  parsable-cli jobs:delete -t abc123 -i path/to/the/file.csv --force

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-author-cli

test-cli login

Sets a user context via browser for subsequent CLI calls to mothership env and to new microservice env.

  $ test-cli login

  -E, --env=env    Name of environment to use (ie. production, staging)
  -t, --team=team  Team ID or subdomain the request is for

  Use this command to login to new microservice env and to mothership in the same time.
  Important: browser is used during login.

  parsable-cli login
  parsable-cli login -t 'my-team'
  parsable-cli login -t '95ecc380-afe9-11e4-9b6c-751b66dd541e'
  parsable-cli login -t 'my-team' -E production

See code: @wearableintelligence/parsable-cli-common

test-cli login-mothership

Sets a user context for subsequent CLI calls (DEPRECATED)

  $ test-cli login-mothership

  -E, --env=env            Name of environment to use (ie. production, staging)
  -P, --password=password
  -t, --team=team          Team ID or subdomain the request is for
  -u, --username=username  Username or user id
  --skip-team              Skip team selection

  Use this command to login only in mothership. Command doesn't login to new microservice environment.
  In order to login into mothership along with new microservice environment use "parsable-cli login" command.

  parsable-cli login-mothership
  parsable-cli login-mothership -t 'my-team'
  parsable-cli login-mothership -t '95ecc380-afe9-11e4-9b6c-751b66dd541e'
  parsable-cli login-mothership -t 'my-team' -u 'user@parsable.com'
  parsable-cli login-mothership -u 'user@parsable.com' -P Pass1234 --skip-team

See code: @wearableintelligence/parsable-cli-common

test-cli me

View current environment

  $ test-cli me

  Use this command to see which environment and team is active

  parsable-cli me

See code: @wearableintelligence/parsable-cli-common

test-cli params:add

Add Parameters

  $ test-cli params:add

  -O, --owner=ALL|JOB_TEMPLATE|STEP_GROUP|STEP|JOB|USER  Parameter owner, will default to JOB_TEMPLATE if left out
  -T, --type=TEXT|NUMBER|MULTI_SELECT_LIST|LIST          (required) Parameter type
  -d, --defaultValue=defaultValue                        Default value, if multi-select list, separate values by |
  -k, --key=key                                          (required) Parameter key name

  -o, --options=options                                  Sets options for list and multi select list types, separate
                                                         options by |

  -r, --[no-]required                                    Set flag if parameter is required, use --no-required if not

  -t, --team=team                                        Team ID or subdomain the request is for

  -x, --extended                                         show extra columns

  --columns=columns                                      only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                                  output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]

  --filter=filter                                        filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo

  --no-header                                            hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                                          do not truncate output to fit screen

  --output=csv|json|yaml                                 output in a more machine friendly format

  --sort=sort                                            property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Use this command to add parameters for a team

  $ test-cli parameters:add
  $ test-cli metadata:add

  parsable-cli params:add -k 'Risk Level' -T TEXT -O STEP_GROUP -t corteva
  parsable-cli params:add -k 'Color' -T LIST -d green -o 'green|red|blue|yellow'
  parsable-cli params:add -k 'Shape' -T MULTI_SELECT_LIST -d 'big|round' --required

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli params:list

List parameters for a team

  $ test-cli params:list

  -a, --includeArchived   Set this flag to include archived parameters in the response
  -t, --team=team         Team ID or subdomain the request is for
  -x, --extended          show extra columns
  --columns=columns       only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                   output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter         filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --no-header             hide table header from output
  --no-truncate           do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml  output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort             property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Use this command to view parameters (metadata) for a team

  $ test-cli params:ls
  $ test-cli parameters:list
  $ test-cli parameters:ls
  $ test-cli metadata:list
  $ test-cli metadata:ls

  parsable-cli params:list
  parsable-cli parameters:ls
  parsable-cli params:list -a
  parsable-cli params:list --includeArchived

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli params:update

Update Parameters

  $ test-cli params:update

  -T, --type=TEXT|NUMBER|MULTI_SELECT_LIST|LIST  Parameter type
  -c, --clear-default                            Set this flag to clear the default value
  -d, --default-value=default-value              Default value, if multi-select list, separate values by |
  -k, --key=key                                  Parameter key name to update
  -p, --parameterId=parameterId                  (required) Parameter ID
  -r, --[no-]required                            Mark parameter as required, use --no-required if not required

  -s, --sort-list                                Sorts list options alphabetically, this only works for list and multi
                                                 select list types

  -t, --team=team                                Team ID or subdomain the request is for

  --add-options=add-options                      Adds options for list and multi select list types, separate options by

  --remove-options=remove-options                Removes options for list and multi select list types, separate options
                                                 by "|", returns error if any option does not match the current ones

  --rename-options=rename-options                Renames options for  list and multi select list types, separate obtions
                                                 by "|" and the new value with ":", returns error if any option does
                                                 snot match the current ones

  Use this command to update parameters for a team

  $ test-cli parameters:update
  $ test-cli metadata:update

  parsable-cli params:update -p 3f83a5f7-6615-48d8-b520-4018b551ffa3 -k "Risk Level"
  parsable-cli params:update -p 2cdc5ba0-0a06-4958-8f79-eb53300d357a -t LIST -d green -a "green|red|blue|yellow" 
  parsable-cli params:update -p 2cdc5ba0-0a06-4958-8f79-eb53300d357a -T MULTI_SELECT_LIST -d "big|round" --add-options 
  parsable-cli params:update -p 2cdc5ba0-0a06-4958-8f79-eb53300d357a -T MULTI_SELECT_LIST --remove-options="big|small"
  parsable-cli params:update -p 2cdc5ba0-0a06-4958-8f79-eb53300d357a -T MULTI_SELECT_LIST -d "big|round" 
  parsable-cli params:update -p c72d37ff-07b3-4d46-a00a-de48784e13ed --required
  parsable-cli params:update -p c72d37ff-07b3-4d46-a00a-de48784e13ed --no-required
  parsable-cli params:update -p c72d37ff-07b3-4d46-a00a-de48784e13ed --clear-default

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli policies:add

Add new team policies

  $ test-cli policies:add


  -e, --expression=expression


  -p, --policy=policy


  -t, --team=team
      Team ID or subdomain the request is for

  -x, --extended
      show extra columns

      only show provided columns (comma-separated)

      output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]

      filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo

      hide table header from output

      do not truncate output to fit screen

      output in a more machine friendly format

      property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Add one or many team policies. Use the policy flag if you want to add multiple policies with the same command. If 
  adding a single policy, you may use the combination of subject, object, action, and expression flags.

  parsable-cli policies:add -t mikes-team --policy 'p,USER,ANALYTICS_2,role_admin,VIEW'
  parsable-cli policies:add -t myteam --policy 'p,USER,ANALYTICS_2,role_admin,VIEW' --policy 
  parsable-cli policies:add -t 42d2b7b8-1f8d-4dc7-8fcc-328dd3ac9e0b --subject USER --object TEAM_SETTINGS --action VIEW 
  --expression role_admin

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli policies:list

List all team policies

  $ test-cli policies:list

  -t, --team=team         Team ID or subdomain the request is for
  -x, --extended          show extra columns
  --columns=columns       only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                   output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter         filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --no-header             hide table header from output
  --no-truncate           do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml  output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort             property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Retrieve a list of all policies for a team.

  parsable-cli policies:list -t team-name
  parsable-cli policies:list -t 95c9044c-39e9-42e2-93d0-4ba001981409
  parsable-cli policies:list --team team-one

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli report:retention:get

Fetch a retention policy for analytics reports

  $ test-cli report:retention:get

  -t, --teamId=teamId     Team ID or subdomain the request is for
  --columns=columns       only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                   output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --no-header             hide table header from output
  --no-truncate           do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml  output in a more machine friendly format

  Fetch a retention policy for analytics reports by Team ID or Subdomain.

  $ test-cli report:retention:get
  $ test-cli report:retention:show
  $ test-cli report:retention:info

  parsable-cli report:retention:get -t best-team
  parsable-cli report:retention:show -t 767d94cd-2c48-455a-9da3-7f608c51f5f5

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-data-shipper-cli

test-cli report:retention:set TTL [UNIT]

Set/change/delete a retention policy for analytics reports

  $ test-cli report:retention:set TTL [UNIT]

  TTL   ttl (digit), -1 to turn off retention policy
  UNIT  (min|hours|days) [default: DAYS] unit of ttl

  -t, --teamId=teamId  Team ID or subdomain the request is for

  Set/change/delete a retention policy for analytics reports by Team ID or Subdomain.

  parsable-cli report:retention:set -t best-team 10
  parsable-cli report:retention:set -t best-team 10 days
  parsable-cli report:retention:set -t 767d94cd-2c48-455a-9da3-7f608c51f5f5 -1

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-data-shipper-cli

test-cli report:upload:delete

Delete an existed and disabled schedule for uploading

  $ test-cli report:upload:delete

  -t, --teamId=teamId  Team ID or subdomain the request is for

  Delete an existed and disabled schedule for uploading analytic report for certain team by Team ID or Subdomain.

  parsable-cli report:upload:delete
  parsable-cli report:upload:delete -t best-team 
  parsable-cli report:upload:delete -t 767d94cd-2c48-455a-9da3-7f608c51f5f5

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-data-shipper-cli

test-cli report:upload:enable MODE

Enable/disable a configured schedule for uploading

  $ test-cli report:upload:enable MODE

  MODE  (on|off) "on" for turn schedule on, "off" for turn it off

  -t, --teamId=teamId  Team ID or subdomain the request is for

  Enable/disable a configured schedule for uploading analytic report for certain team by Team ID or Subdomain.

  parsable-cli report:upload:enable on
  parsable-cli report:upload:enable -t best-team off
  parsable-cli report:upload:enable -t 767d94cd-2c48-455a-9da3-7f608c51f5f5 on

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-data-shipper-cli

test-cli report:upload:get

Fetch schedule of uploading

  $ test-cli report:upload:get

  -a, --all               Request all available schedules for all teams.
  -t, --teamId=teamId     Team ID or subdomain the request is for
  -x, --extended          show extra columns
  --columns=columns       only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                   output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter         filter property by partial string matching, ex: --filter "Interval (min)"=123
  --no-header             hide table header from output
  --no-truncate           do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml  output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort             property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Fetch available schedule of uploading by Team ID or Subdomain.
  Or fetch all schedules available for all teams. Last action requires a super admin role.

  $ test-cli report:upload:get
  $ test-cli report:upload:show
  $ test-cli report:upload:info

  parsable-cli report:upload:get
  parsable-cli report:upload:get -a
  parsable-cli report:upload:get -t best-team
  parsable-cli report:upload:show -t 767d94cd-2c48-455a-9da3-7f608c51f5f5

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-data-shipper-cli

test-cli report:upload:set

Create/update a schedule for uploading

  $ test-cli report:upload:set

  -t, --teamId=teamId  Team ID or subdomain the request is for

  Create/update a schedule for uploading analytic report for certain team by Team ID or Subdomain.
  When try to update active existed trigger it should be stopped first.
  Command runs in interactive mode.

  parsable-cli report:upload:set
  parsable-cli report:upload:set -t best-team
  parsable-cli report:upload:set -t 767d94cd-2c48-455a-9da3-7f608c51f5f5

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-data-shipper-cli

test-cli report:upload:test

Test data uploading on demand

  $ test-cli report:upload:test

  -p, --usePipeline    Use pipeline
  -t, --teamId=teamId  Team ID or subdomain the request is for

  Test data uploading on demand for predefined upload directory for certain team by Team ID or Subdomain.
  Command to create a test file and try to upload it to the customer directory.
  Return file name to lookup or return errors if exists. 
  Before using this command make sure there is a predefined uploading configuration for team: 
       command parsable-cli report:upload:get -t teamId

  parsable-cli report:upload:test
  parsable-cli report:upload:test -t best-team
  parsable-cli report:upload:test -t 767d94cd-2c48-455a-9da3-7f608c51f5f5
  parsable-cli report:upload:test -p

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-data-shipper-cli

test-cli settings:audit

Setting Changes

  $ test-cli settings:audit

  -s, --settingId=settingId  Setting ID

  See all changes made for a specific feature flag or parameter

  $ test-cli settings:changes

  parsable-cli settings:audit -s abac
  parsable-cli settings:audit -s analyticsR2
  parsable-cli settings:audit -s attributeOrdering

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli settings:list

List settings for a team

  $ test-cli settings:list

  -t, --team=team         Team ID or subdomain the request is for
  -x, --extended          show extra columns
  --columns=columns       only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                   output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter         filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --no-header             hide table header from output
  --no-truncate           do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml  output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort             property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Use this command to view feature flags and parameters for a team

  $ test-cli settings:ls

  parsable-cli settings:list
  parsable-cli settings:ls
  parsable-cli settings:list --filter='type=Feature Flag'
  parsable-cli settings:list --sort=-type

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli settings:update

Update Team Settings

  $ test-cli settings:update

  -V, --value=value            Update setting with this value
  -d, --disable                Disable a feature flag
  -e, --enable                 Enable a feature flag
  -m, --commit-msg=commit-msg  [default: Updated via parsable-cli] Summarize your changes
  -s, --settingId=settingId    (required) Setting ID
  -t, --team=team              Team ID or subdomain the request is for
  -x, --extended               show extra columns
  --columns=columns            only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                        output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter              filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --no-header                  hide table header from output
  --no-truncate                do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml       output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort                  property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Use this command to toggle feature flags or update parameters for a team

  parsable-cli settings:update -s workflow --disable
  parsable-cli settings:update -s locale -V en-US
  parsable-cli settings:update -t shell -s multiPhoto -V true
  parsable-cli settings:update -t shell -s multiPhoto --enable -m 'Turning multi photo on for Shell'

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli settings:versions

Setting Rule Versions

  $ test-cli settings:versions

  -t, --team=team         Team ID or subdomain the request is for
  -x, --extended          show extra columns
  --columns=columns       only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                   output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter         filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --no-header             hide table header from output
  --no-truncate           do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml  output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort             property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  This command will provide a change log of any feature flags or parameter changes on a team

  parsable-cli settings:versions
  parsable-cli settings:versions -t honeywell
  parsable-cli settings:versions -t halliburton -x

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli teams:create

Create a new Parsable team

  $ test-cli teams:create

  -n, --name=name                   (required) The team display name
  -r, --region=us-west-2|eu-west-1  The region the team resides in
  -x, --extended                    show extra columns
  --columns=columns                 only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                             output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter                   filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --no-header                       hide table header from output
  --no-truncate                     do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml            output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort                       property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Use this command to create a new Parsable team. You will be the owner of the team and will be able to invite others to 

  parsable-cli teams:create -n 'New Team'
  parsable-cli teams:create -n 'My New Team' -r us-west-2
  parsable-cli teams:create --name 'The Newest Team' --region eu-west-1

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli teams:delete

Delete a Parsable team and all related data

  $ test-cli teams:delete

  -f, --force      Delete the team without confirmation prompt
  -t, --team=team  (required) Team ID or subdomain the request is for

  Use this command cautiously, this cannot be undone. All team data will be deleted from Parsable and cannot be 

  parsable-cli teams:delete -t 07fd7d69-52b8-4375-a1a0-ce1a0788fd45
  parsable-cli teams:delete --team e6cdd62d-36e0-43ba-9df0-c7bbdde28584

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli teams:disable

Disable a Parsable team

  $ test-cli teams:disable

  -t, --team=team         (required) Team ID or subdomain the request is for
  -x, --extended          show extra columns
  --columns=columns       only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                   output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter         filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --no-header             hide table header from output
  --no-truncate           do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml  output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort             property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Use this command to disable a team. Once a team is disabled, it can no longer be accessed until enabled again.

  parsable-cli teams:disable -t test-team
  parsable-cli teams:disable -t cbc2141b-b084-4f8f-944a-d4349ae244e7
  parsable-cli teams:disable --team 45d94ba2-439c-4398-a2b9-767a55dc3b30

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli teams:enable

Enable a Parsable team

  $ test-cli teams:enable

  -t, --team=team         (required) Team ID the request is for
  -x, --extended          show extra columns
  --columns=columns       only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                   output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter         filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --no-header             hide table header from output
  --no-truncate           do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml  output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort             property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  This command will enable a team that has been disabled. Team ID must be passed in, this will not work with only 
  passing in the subdomain.

  parsable-cli teams:enable -t 79b4d6b5-8ad5-43a1-a37b-a8d0089d2fca
  parsable-cli teams:enable --teamId 6625c0c1-8b8c-4f5b-a78d-89b94471ce69

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli teams:fetch

Fetch a team

  $ test-cli teams:fetch

  -t, --team=team         Team ID or subdomain the request is for
  -x, --extended          show extra columns
  --columns=columns       only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                   output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter         filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --no-header             hide table header from output
  --no-truncate           do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml  output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort             property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Fetch a team by Team ID or Subdomain

  $ test-cli teams:get
  $ test-cli teams:show
  $ test-cli teams:info

  parsable-cli teams:fetch -t purple-monkeys
  parsable-cli teams:fetch -t 767d94cd-2c48-455a-9da3-7f608c51f5f5

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli teams:list

Lists all teams you have access to

  $ test-cli teams:list

  -x, --extended          show extra columns
  --columns=columns       only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                   output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter         filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --no-header             hide table header from output
  --no-truncate           do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml  output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort             property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  This command will list all teams that your logged in user has access to.

  $ test-cli teams:ls

  parsable-cli teams:list
  parsable-cli teams:ls

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli teams:provision-trial

Provision a trial team

  $ test-cli teams:provision-trial

  -e, --email=email          (required) The email of the trial user
  -r, --region=region        The region the team resides in (us-west-2|eu-west-1)
  -t, --team-name=team-name  (required) The name of the team for the trial user
  -x, --extended             show extra columns
  --columns=columns          only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                      output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter            filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --no-header                hide table header from output
  --no-truncate              do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml     output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort                property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Sends a request to provision a trial team.

  parsable-cli teams:provision-trial -e=test@email.com -r=us-west-2 -t='The Trial Team'

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli teams:update

Update a Parsable team

  $ test-cli teams:update

  -T, --trial=on|off         Turn on/off trial status for a team
  -d, --disable              Disable a team
  -e, --enable               Enable a team
  -n, --name=name            The team display name
  -s, --subdomain=subdomain  The team subdomain
  -t, --team=team            (required) Team ID or subdomain the request is for
  -x, --extended             show extra columns
  --columns=columns          only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                      output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter            filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --no-header                hide table header from output
  --no-truncate              do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml     output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort                property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Use this command to update a team. The team name, subdomain, and trial status may be updated. You may also enable or 
  disable a team.

  $ test-cli teams:edit

  parsable-cli teams:update -t my-team -n new-team-name -s new-subdomain
  parsable-cli teams:update --team my-team --name just-another-team
  parsable-cli teams:update -t my-team --disable
  parsable-cli teams:update -t 1d0fef4c-3d7b-4315-bced-3cf5d0cd25ef --enable
  parsable-cli teams:update -t my-team --trial off
  parsable-cli teams:update -t dd9761cb-0b67-4085-952e-f532b8b4500b --trial on

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli template:copy

Send request to copy templates.

  $ test-cli template:copy

  -x, --extended
      show extra columns

      only show provided columns (comma-separated)

      Path to config json file.
      Config json file should be in the following format:
          "templateIds": [<string>],
          "source": {
            "teamId": <string>,
            "email": <string>,
            "password": <string>,
            "apiBase": <string>
          "destination": {
            "teamId": <string>,
            "email": <string>,
            "password": <string>,
            "apiBase": <string>
          "options": {
            "includeApplets": <boolean>,
            "includeMetadata": <boolean>,
            "includeProcedureTypes": <boolean>,
            "includeInputTriggers": <boolean>
          "shouldPublishTemplates": <boolean>

      output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]

      hostname of the destination team environment

      email of admin user in the destination team

      password of admin user in the destination team

      destination team id for template(s) to copy into

      filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo

      copy applets over

      copy input triggers over

      copy metadata over

      copy procedure types over

      hide table header from output

      do not truncate output to fit screen

      output in a more machine friendly format

      copied templates should be published

      property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

      hostname of the source team environment

      email of admin user in the source team

      password of admin user in the source team

      source team id of template(s) to copy from

      template id(s) from source team to copy to destination team (comma-separated)

  Templates arrive at the destination team in Editing (draft) status.
  We do not support copying archived templates.
  Status report id will be returned unless the request takes over 30 seconds.
  Requests that take over 30 seconds will cause the command to timeout.
  This does not mean the request failed.
  You can still check the statuses by template id: `parsable-cli template:copy:request --template-id <template_id>`
  Please use 'parsable-cli login' to specify which environment (staging vs production) to run this command against.

  Additional Notes:
  * If you try to copy an object and it has attribute values, then the attribute values only copy over if the 
    team has custom policies on. Otherwise, for destination teams with custom policies off, we do not copy attribute 
  * Metadata = parameters at the Template level. We do not copy anything Job related (job parameters).
    We copy template metadata values if includeMetadata option is added and if the destination team has the exact
    metadata value matches available.

  parsable-cli template:copy
  parsable-cli template:copy --config ./config.json
  parsable-cli template:copy --should-publish-templates
  parsable-cli template:copy --template-ids <template_id>,<template_id>

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-author-cli

test-cli template:copy:status

Get the statuses for template copy requests.

  $ test-cli template:copy:status

  -s, --status-report-id=status-report-id  get statuses for this status report id (id found in output of `parsable-cli

  -t, --template-id=template-id            get statuses for this template id

  -x, --extended                           show extra columns

  --columns=columns                        only show provided columns (comma-separated)

  --csv                                    output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]

  --filter=filter                          filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo

  --no-header                              hide table header from output

  --no-truncate                            do not truncate output to fit screen

  --output=csv|json|yaml                   output in a more machine friendly format

  --sort=sort                              property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  There is one status per template copied.
  Status fields returned include:
  template_id, status (FAILED, SUCCESS, IN_PROGRESS, SCHEDULED), result, start_timestamp, end_timestamp, src_team_id, 
  Please use 'parsable-cli login' to specify which environment (staging vs production) to run this command against.

  parsable-cli template:copy:status
  parsable-cli template:copy:status --status-report-id <status_report_id>
  parsable-cli template:copy:status -s <status_report_id>
  parsable-cli template:copy:status --template-id <template_id>
  parsable-cli template:copy:status -t <template_id>
  parsable-cli template:copy:status --output json
  parsable-cli template:copy:status --filter status=FAILED

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-author-cli

test-cli update [CHANNEL]

update the test-cli CLI

  $ test-cli update [CHANNEL]

See code: @oclif/plugin-update

test-cli users:add

Add a user to a team

  $ test-cli users:add

  -P, --password=password

  -e, --email=email
      Email address of user

      Team roles

  -t, --team=team
      Team ID or subdomain the request is for

  -u, --username=username
      Username or user id

      Set flag to invite user by mail

  Use the password flag to create a user with a temporary password.
  IMPORTANT - you can only create a temporary password if the user is not already a Parsable user, if the user has 
  already been created in Parsable the password will be ignored.

  Set --mail flag to invite the user by email. You must be on the team to invite the user by mail.

  parsable-cli users:add -t yara -u lwhittle -e lw@parsable.com -r PARSABLE_ADMIN -r ADMIN -r AUTHOR
  parsable-cli users:add -u bgaffney -e bg@parsable.com -r PARSABLE_ADMIN -r ADMIN -P Pass1234! 
  parsable-cli users:add -e jd@parsable.com -r PARSABLE_ADMIN -r ADMIN --mail

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli users:apply

Apply attributes to a user

  $ test-cli users:apply

  -a, --attributes=attributes  Attribute and attribute values, formatted like key=value|value|value
  -t, --team=team              Team ID or subdomain the request is for
  -u, --username=username      Username or user id
  -x, --extended               show extra columns
  --columns=columns            only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                        output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter              filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --no-header                  hide table header from output
  --no-truncate                do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml       output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort                  property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Adds the attribute and attributes values to a user. This command is additive.
  Attribute values are separated by |
  Roles cannot be applied here, you must use the users:assign command to add Roles.

  $ test-cli users:applyAttributes

  parsable-cli users:apply -t onboarding -u lw@parsable.com -a 'Location=San Francisco|Austin' -a 'Business 

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli users:assign

Assign team roles to a user

  $ test-cli users:assign

      Team roles

  -t, --team=team
      Team ID or subdomain the request is for

  -u, --username=username
      Username or user id

  Adds team roles to a user. This command is additive.

  $ test-cli users:assignRoles

  parsable-cli users:assign -t onboarding -u lw@parsable.com -r ADMIN -r PARSABLE_ADMIN
  parsable-cli users:assign -u afb7b786-fddd-4a5e-9df3-a44eba144b85 -t heineken -r EXECUTOR

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli users:bulk:update

Update users in bulk from a CSV

  $ test-cli users:bulk:update

  -f, --file=file  (required) Path to the CSV file

  The CSV MUST have a header row that includes columns "id", "name", and "email".
  The "id" and "name" are required, "email" is optional.
  Save the CSV to your hard drive, then pass the path to the CSV with the --file flag

  Example CSV
  id, name, email
  12c31f28-2f14-4c13-a6e4-90129ec96833, George Foreman, gforeman@parsable.com
  b6e7596f-1178-435b-ad3e-d06f7fda87e9, Mike Tyson, mtyson@parsable.com

  parsable-cli users:bulk:update -f input/updateUsers.csv
  parsable-cli users:bulk:update -f /Users/username/parsable/update.csv

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli users:delete

Deletes a user from a team

  $ test-cli users:delete

  -t, --team=team          Team ID or subdomain the request is for
  -u, --username=username  Username or user id

  WARNING: This command will completely delete a user from the team and remove all of their roles and attributes.
  They will not show in the archived users list.

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli users:grant

Grants a user a persistent auth token

  $ test-cli users:grant

  -u, --username=username  (required) Username or user id

  Creates a persistent auth token for a user. A user can only have one persistent auth token at any given time.

  parsable-cli users:grant -u john.doe@parsable.com
  parsable-cli users:grant -u afb7b786-fddd-4a5e-9df3-a44eba144b85

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli users:list

Lists users on a team

  $ test-cli users:list

  -a, --attributes=attributes
      Attribute and attribute values, formatted like key=value|value|value

  -p, --paging=paging
      Paging for querying, in the format {page}:{limit}. The limit is the number of results per page and the page is how 
      many pages to “skip” over before starting to return results.

      Team roles

  -t, --team=team
      Team ID or subdomain the request is for

  -x, --extended
      show extra columns

      Set flag to list all users on the team

      only show provided columns (comma-separated)

      output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]

      filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo

      hide table header from output

      do not truncate output to fit screen

      output in a more machine friendly format

      property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Use this command to query users on a team by roles and attributes. Supports paging.

  $ test-cli users:ls

  parsable-cli users:list -t halliburton
  parsable-cli users:list -t d364a4aa-ef06-4848-9af3-ad1bf6f01dc7
  parsable-cli users:list -t corteva -r EXECUTOR
  parsable-cli users:list -t afb7b786-fddd-4a5e-9df3-a44eba144b85 -a Role=AUTHOR
  parsable-cli users:list -t afb7b786-fddd-4a5e-9df3-a44eba144b85 -r PARSABLE_ADMIN -a Location=Austin
  parsable-cli users:list -t afb7b786-fddd-4a5e-9df3-a44eba144b85 --all

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli users:query

Query for users across teams or within a specific team

  $ test-cli users:query

  -n, --name=name         (required) Name or partial name to query
  -t, --team=team         Leave blank to query across all teams, add to query within a specific team
  -x, --extended          show extra columns
  --columns=columns       only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                   output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter         filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --no-header             hide table header from output
  --no-truncate           do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml  output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort             property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Enter a name or partial name to query across all teams, or add the team flag to query within a specific team

  $ test-cli users:find

  parsable-cli users:query -n mike
  parsable-cli users:query --name michael
  parsable-cli users:query -n michael -t the-a-team

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli users:remove

Removes a user from a team

  $ test-cli users:remove

  -t, --team=team          Team ID or subdomain the request is for
  -u, --username=username  Username or user id

  This command removes all roles for a user on a given team.

  $ test-cli users:removeUserFromTeam
  $ test-cli users:rm

  parsable-cli users:remove -t halliburton -u jane@parsable.com
  parsable-cli users:remove -t d364a4aa-ef06-4848-9af3-ad1bf6f01dc7 -u c08a5391-3798-469c-a156-8bd333a54db0
  parsable-cli users:rm -u john@parsable.com -t 2bf8a711-1404-4467-9fe7-ead62b5f04ea

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli users:revoke

Revoke a persistent auth token

  $ test-cli users:revoke

  -u, --username=username  (required) Username or user id

  Revokes a persistent auth token for a user. The persistent auth token will no longer by valid to use.

  parsable-cli users:revoke -u lisa@parsable.com
  parsable-cli users:revoke -u d364a4aa-ef06-4848-9af3-ad1bf6f01dc7

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli users:show

Show user information

  $ test-cli users:show

  -t, --team=team          Team ID or subdomain the request is for
  -u, --username=username  Username or user id
  -x, --extended           show extra columns
  --columns=columns        only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                    output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter          filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --no-header              hide table header from output
  --no-truncate            do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml   output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort              property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Use this command to view a specific user's information

  $ test-cli users:get
  $ test-cli users:fetch

  parsable-cli users:show -u bob@parsable.com
  parsable-cli users:show -u bfd373c2-efe5-4251-a81e-c16d63f01377
  parsable-cli users:show -u chai@parsable.com -t wacker
  parsable-cli users:show -u test.user@sera.co -t d364a4aa-ef06-4848-9af3-ad1bf6f01dc7

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli users:tokens

View team tokens

  $ test-cli users:tokens

  -t, --team=team         Team ID or subdomain the request is for
  -x, --extended          show extra columns
  --columns=columns       only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv                   output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=filter         filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --no-header             hide table header from output
  --no-truncate           do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml  output in a more machine friendly format
  --sort=sort             property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Lists all auth tokens granted to users on a team

  parsable-cli users:tokens -t c53149e5-931a-48b8-9f2a-9f079d47e3cc
  parsable-cli users:tokens -t heineken

See code: @wearableintelligence/plugin-admin-cli

test-cli users:unapply

Remove attributes on a user

  $ test-cli users:unapply

  -a, --attributes=attributes  Attribute and attribute values, formatted like key=value|value|value
  -t, --team=team              Team ID or subdomain the request is for
  -u, --username=username      (required) Username or user id
  -x, --extended               show extra columns
  --columns=columns            only show provided columns (comma-separated)