1.0.7 • Published 2 years ago

@webbster/fily v1.0.7

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Ever wanted to simply store a file in your NodeJS project? I know I do, and it's not that straightforward as you think.

Fily aims to simplify the process of storing a file - whether you want to put that file on the filesystem, send it over FTP or in an S3 Bucket - all while keeping the process simple and flexible.


// With NPM
$ npm i @webbster/fily

// With Yarn
$ yarn add @webbster/fily


To start using Fily, create a new file in the root of your project;


The following configuration is possible;

> fily.config.js

 * The configuration
module.exports = {
  filesystems: {
     * The default disk to use, will be used if no disk is provided in Fily methods
    default: 'local',

     * All of the disks (example). Available types are "local", "ftp" and "s3".
    disks: [
        // The driver, c.q. the name of this disk.
        driver: 'local',
        // The type of the disk, how it should store files.
        type: 'local',
        // The root directory where files will be placed. Don't put a slash before the path, as this will result in errors when trying to remove the file with `destroy()`.
        root: 'storage',
        driver: 'my-ftp-server',
        type: 'ftp',
        root: 'files',
        // The URL of the Ftp server.
        host: process.env.MY_FTP_SERVER_URL,
        // The user of the Ftp server.
        user: process.env.MY_FTP_SERVER_USER,
        // The password of the Ftp server.
        password: process.env.MY_FTP_SERVER_PASSWORD,
        // The port of the Ftp server.
        port: 443,
        driver: 'aws-s3',
        type: 's3',
        // The key for AWS S3.
        key: process.env.AWS_KEY,
        // The secret for AWS S3.
        secret: process.env.AWS_SECRET,
        // The region for AWS S3.
        region: process.env.AWS_REGION,
        // The bucket for AWS S3.
        bucket: process.env.AWS_BUCKET,
        // Optionally specify which ACL to apply to the uploaded file. More info: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/acl-overview.html
        acl: 'public-read',


Fily works with disks, inspired by the Laravel Framework.

Every disk has it's own configuration. This is handy if you have multiple places where you want to store files, for example a logo on a FTP server but avatar uploads on your local filesystem. Also it makes things easy to configure and change, and keeps it in one place. A default disk can also be specified in fily.config.js.

Let's say you want to store files in a local folder /uploads. Your configuration file would then look like this:

// Optionally use the enum
const { DISK_TYPES } = require("fily");

module.exports = {
  filesystems: {
    default: 'uploads',
    disks: [
        driver: 'uploads',
        type:  DISK_TYPES.local, // Or just 'local'
        root: 'uploads',

Or, if you want to store something on an S3 Bucket:

// Optionally use the enum
const { DISK_TYPES } = require("fily");

module.exports = {
  filesystems: {
    default: 's3',
    disks: [
        driver: 's3',
        type: DISK_TYPES.S3, // Or just 's3'
        // The key for AWS S3. You can omit this if you've already got ENV value AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID set.
        key: process.env.AWS_KEY,
        // The secret for AWS S3. You can omit this if you've already got ENV value AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY set.
        secret: process.env.AWS_SECRET,
        bucket: process.env.AWS_BUCKET,

Fily will use the default disk specified here if no explicit disk is provided.

Example usage in Express:

const fily = require('fily');

router.post('/file', authorize, async (req, res) => {
  const { file } = req.files;

  // With async/await
  await fily.store(file);

  // With .then/.catch
    .then(() => {
      // Do stuff
    .catch((error) => {
      // Do stuff with error

  // Delete a file - insert the full filename with the extension e.g. 'sample.pdf'
  await fily.destroy(file.name);

Options can also be passed to the method.

fily.store(file, {
  filename: 'my-file.pdf',
  driver: 'my-other-disk',


The following options are available:

filenameSet an explicit filename for the file. This is ignored when using the method destroy().
driverThe driver to use. Should be specified in fily.config.js.


The following methods are available: | Method | Description | | ------ | ----------- | | store(file, options) | Store a file. Return value is the hash from express-fileupload File. If s3 is used as a disk type, return value will be the Location property in the bucket. | | destroy(filename, options) | Destroy a file. Return value is void. |


The following disk types are available: | Type | Description | | ------ | ----------- | | local | Stores files in the local filesystem. | | ftp | Stores files on a remote FTP server. | | s3 | Stores files on an AWS S3 Bucket. |