1.0.1 • Published 4 months ago

@werk/vite-config v1.0.1

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4 months ago

Werk Vite Config Factory

Generate an opinionated Vite config from a small declarative set of options.


npm i -D @werk/vite-config


Create a vite.config.ts file in your workspace root. Call the defineWerkConfig function, passing in options as required.

import { defineWerkConfig } from '@werk/vite-config';

export default defineWerkConfig({
  // All configuration values are optional.
  outDir: 'dist',
  emptyOutDir: true,
  lib: {
    entries: ['src/index.ts'],
    format: 'es',
    preserveModules: true,
  disablePlugins: [
    // Can be any of the optional plugin names listed in this README.
    // Note: Instead of disabling the plugin here, you can also just
    //       remove it from the workspace dev dependencies.

Optional Plugins

The following plugins are used only if they are dev dependencies of the current workspace.

  • @vitejs/plugin-react
  • vite-plugin-bin
  • vite-plugin-checker
  • vite-plugin-dts
  • vite-plugin-refresh
  • vite-plugin-svgr
  • vite-plugin-rewrite-all
  • vite-plugin-zip-pack

Plugin: Checker

The checker plugin will enable Typescript and ESLint checking based on the workspace configuration.

Typescript checking is enabled if Typescript is dev dependency, and a Typescript configuration (tsconfig.json) is present.

ESlint checking is enabled if ESLint is a dev dependency, and the workspace package.json file has an eslint script. ESLint checking as part of the build process is not recommended, because it should be considered testing.

Plugin: Zip Pack

The zip pack plugin will generate a zip file from the output directory.