0.7.0 • Published 7 months ago

@white-matrix/matrix-world-voucher-flow-js-sdk v0.7.0

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Last release
7 months ago


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API reference

core apis VoucherClient You can also check Demo-front-page for reference

/** Setup global FCL instance
* @async
* @param {FLowEnv} env - FlowEnv.{localEmulator, flowTestnet, flowMainnet}
* @returns {Promise<void>}
public async setupGlobalFcl(env: FLowEnv): Promise<void>;

* Send transferFUSD transaction
* @async
* @param {string} to - addresses of recipient
* @param {string} amount - amount in string (1.0 means 1.0 FUSD)
* @returns {Promise<string>} transactionId which can be used to verify the payment to server
public async transferFUSD(to: string, amount: string): Promise<string>;

* Get FUSDBalance of an Account
* @async
* @param {string} address - account address
* @returns {Promise<number>} account balance (1.0 means 1.0 FUSD)
public async FUSDBalance(address: string): Promise<number>;

public async transferFLOW(to: string, amount: string): Promise<string>;
public async FLOWBalance(): Promise<number>;

Local development guide

Setup Flow CLI

Official Documents

sh -ci "$(curl -fsSL https://storage.googleapis.com/flow-cli/install.sh)"

Sample steps (Local Emulator):

  1. Setup Flow CLI (Above)
  2. Got to contracts directory, where a flow.json is located

    cd ./packages/contracts/

  3. Open a new terminal and start emulator

    flow emulator start

  4. Run bootstrap script

    make bootstrap-local

  5. Start dev-wallet docker (Account information here is default service account in Local Emulator)

    docker run -it \
        -e PORT=8701 \
        -e FLOW_ACCESS_NODE=http://localhost:8080 \
        -e FLOW_ACCOUNT_KEY_ID=0 \
        -e FLOW_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY=2eae2f31cb5b756151fa11d82949c634b8f28796a711d7eb1e52cc301ed11111 \
        -e FLOW_ACCOUNT_PUBLIC_KEY=31a053a2003d95760d8fff623aeedcc927022d8e0767972ab507608a5f611636e81857c6c46b048be6f66eddc13f5553627861153f6ce301caf5a056d68efc29 \
        -e FLOW_INIT_ACCOUNTS=0 \
        -e FLOW_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS=0xf8d6e0586b0a20c7 \
        -e FLOW_AVATAR_URL=https://avatars.onflow.org/avatar/ \
        --network host \
  6. Import FCL from SDK

    import {
    } from 'matrix-world-voucher-flow-js-sdk/dist';
    const client = new FclVoucherClient();
    await client.setupGlobalFcl(FLowEnv.localEmulator);
    // or
    await client.setupGlobalFcl(FLowEnv.flowTestnet);
    // or
    await client.setupGlobalFcl(FLowEnv.flowMainnet);
    await fcl.logIn();
    await fcl.authenticate();

    sample code for checking voucher collection

    const user = await fcl.currentUser().snapshot();
    ret = await client.checkVoucherCollection(user.addr); // true of false

    if false ask use to init collection first

    const user = await fcl.currentUser().snapshot();
    ret = await client.initVoucherCollection();

    make sure use has enough reserved FLOW for storage to hold minted Vouchers

    const user = await fcl.currentUser().snapshot();
     * Pre-check user storage capabilities
     * @async
     * @param {string} address - userAddress
     * @param {number} currentBalance - userCurrentFlowBalance
     * @param {number} paymentAmount - amount Of Flow user to pay
     * @param {number} numberOfVouchers - number of vouchers user to mint
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    public async checkCapacity(
        address: string,
        currentBalance: number,
        paymentAmount: number,
        numberOfVouchers: number
    ): Promise<void>;
    // e.g.
    const ret = await client.FLOWBalance(user.addr);
    console.log("check capacity");
    try {
        await client.checkCapacity(user.addr, ret, 1000, 50);
    } catch (error) {
        // no error
    try {
        await client.checkCapacity(user.addr, ret, ret-0.0009, 50);
    } catch (error) {
        // Please may sure you have > 0.001 FLOW balance after payment
    try {
        await client.checkCapacity(user.addr, ret, ret-0.002, 50000);
    } catch (error) {
        // Please reserve more FLOW in your wallet, it seems like will run out of storage and likely cause a failed mint

    sample code for sending FLOW

    const ret = await client.transferFLOW('0x01cf0e2f2f715450', '10.0');

    sample code for sending FLOW

    const ret = await client.transferFLOW('0x01cf0e2f2f715450', '10.0');

    sample code for getting FLOW balance

    const ret = await client.FLOWBalance('0x01cf0e2f2f715450');

    sample code for sending FUSD

    const ret = await client.transferFUSD('0x01cf0e2f2f715450', '10.0');

    sample code for getting FUSD balance

    const ret = await client.FUSDBalance('0x01cf0e2f2f715450');

    sample code for getting all assets

    export interface Asset {
      name: string;
      description: string;
      image: string;
      animation_url: string;
      attributes: string;
      tokenId: string;
      collection: string;
      external_url: string;
    const ret: Asset[] = await client.getAssets('0xf20df769e658c257'); // mainnet admin account for quick testing

    sample code for transferring assets

    const ret = await client.transferVoucher('0x01cf0e2f2f715450', 0);