4.0.0 • Published 6 months ago

@wieloswiat/nodebb-plugin-sso-discord-alt v4.0.0

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6 months ago

NodeBB Discord OAuth2 SSO

This plugin for NodeBB provides a way to register/authenticate users against Discord. When enabled, and configured properly, there will be a Discord icon available on the login screen. Click that icon to authenticate against Discord.


  1. Create an application -- https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me
  2. Ensure the application's URI ends with /auth/discord/callback
  3. Fill in the id and secret for the application via the NodeBB admin control panel (under "Social Authentication")


This plugin is based on the excellent skeleton at https://github.com/julianlam/nodebb-plugin-sso-oauth. It is further based on the nodebb-plugin-sso-google by the same author. Without these plugins to learn from this one would not exist (at least not from me).

I authored this plugin prior to learning that https://github.com/NathanSMB/nodebb-plugin-sso-discord exists. When I did a search for such a plugin via NodeBB's plugin search in the control panel I did not find one. I'm publishing this one regardless, because they differ in some respects. "Your mileage may vary."


MIT License