0.2.0 • Published 1 year ago

@wildboar/x500-auth v0.2.0

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1 year ago

X.500 Directory Authentication TypeScript Library

  • Designed to work with PassportJS.
  • Can use Bind or Compare operations to authenticate users.

How it works

  • DN discovery:
    • If configured, converts a name to a search argument. The first entry, if present, will be returned. If no entry is returned, authentication fails.
    • Otherwise, the function should return a DN directly.
  • Use the selected substrategy (bind or compare) to assert the DN and password.
    • Under the "bind" substrategy, this library will attempt to bind to the configured DSA with the calculated distinguished name and password.
    • Under the "compare" substrategy, this library will use its own DAP association to submit a compare operation targeting the calculated distinguished name and asserting the supplied password.
  • If authentication succeeds, and if configured, perform a read operation on the entry and use the configured function to convert the read argument to user info.
  • The client can supply a async generator function that receives the raw DAP client, the user, and reduces the user on each iteration. When done is true, the user info is finally added to the request and authentication is complete.
    • This is so users of this library can search for other entries, such as groups the user might be a member of, and use this information from other entries to modify the user info, or update a "login time" attribute or some other use case like that.

How to use it

This library has one main export: get_auth_function(), which is a higher-order function that (meaning a function that returns a function). This function takes a single configuration object and returns a tuple whose first element is the Promise that resolves to the initial bind outcome, and whose second element is the "auth function."

The auth function has the exact same signature that is passed into PassportJS's LocalStrategy constructor. (See docs.)

With that overview, review the example below:

const [ initial_bind, x500AuthFunction ] = get_auth_function({

    // This is our logging handle. Log events will get displayed right on the
    // console in this case.
    log: console.log,

    // This is the URL of the DSA to which you want to connect.
    url: "idm://dsa01.root.mkdemo.wildboar.software:4632",

    // Step 1: We bind to the directory.
    bind_as: async () => ({
        protocol_id: id_ac_directoryAccessAC,
        timeout: 15000,
        parameter: new DirectoryBindArgument(
                simple: new SimpleCredentials(
                        unprotected: Buffer.from("asdf", "utf-8"),
            new Uint8ClampedArray([ TRUE_BIT, TRUE_BIT ]),

    // Step 2: We convert an asserted username to a search operation.
    username_to_dn_or_search: async (username: string) => ({
        baseObject: search_base_name_us,
        subset: "level",
        filter: {
            item: {
                equality: new AttributeValueAssertion(
                        uTF8String: username,
                    }, BER),
        sizeLimit: 1,
        copyShallDo: true,
        dontMatchFriends: true,
        noSubtypeMatch: true,
        preferChaining: true,
        requestSignedResult: true,
        requestSignedError: true,
        searchAliases: true,
        searchControls: {
            searchFamily: false,
            searchAliases: true,
        selection: {
            attributes: {
                select: [
        subentries: false,
        timeLimit: 15,

    // Step 3: Use the compare operation to assert the password.
    substrategy: { compare: {} },

    // Step 4: Convert a foundentry to user information.
    entry_to_user: async (entry: EntryInformation) => {
        const attributes = entry.information
            ?.flatMap((info) => "attribute" in info ? [info.attribute] : []);
        const uidAttr = attributes?.find((a) => a.type_.isEqualTo(uid["&id"]));
        const uidValue0 = uidAttr?.values[0];
        if (!uidValue0) {
            return {};
        const phone = attributes
            ?.find((a) => a.type_.isEqualTo(telephoneNumber["&id"]))
        const address: string[] | undefined = attributes
            ?.find((a) => a.type_.isEqualTo(postalAddress["&id"]))
            ?.values[0]?.sequence.map((e) => e.utf8String);
        const uidValue: string = directoryStringToString(uid.decoderFor["&Type"]!(uidValue0));
        return {
            uid: uidValue,

    timeout_ms: 15000,
const bind_outcome = await initial_bind;
if (!("result" in bind_outcome)) {
    throw new Error("Could not bind to directory!");
passport.use(new LocalStrategy(x500AuthFunction));
    passport.authenticate('local', { failureRedirect: '/failure' }),
    (req, res) => {

Now let's break that down.

Connecting to the DSA

This library accepts many parameters into the get_auth_function() higher-order function's configuration object. The first one of interest is url:

url: "idm://dsa01.root.mkdemo.wildboar.software:4632",

Here, we configure the URL of the DSA to which we'd like to connect. The URL scheme should usually be idm, which stands for Internet-Directly-Mapped (IDM), which is defined in ITU Recommendation X.519 (2019). Some older DSAs do not recognized the IDM protocol, and support ISO Transport Over TCP (ITOT) instead. You can change the URL scheme to itot:// for this purpose. To use implicit TLS for either, append s to the scheme, making them idms and itots respectively.

Meerkat DSA will support more transports in the future, so you may see more URL schemes, such as lpp (for Lightweight Presentation Protocol), or xot (for X.25 Over TCP) appear.


This is not depicted in the example.

You can supply all NodeJS TLS Socket options in the options object under the tlsOptions property. These options will apply towards StartTLS as well. If you supply tlsOptions and a URL whose scheme does not end in s, it will be assumed that you want StartTLS. Note that only IDM supports StartTLS; ITOT does NOT support StartTLS.

Binding to the DSA

This is where we await the outcome of binding to the DSA.

const bind_outcome = await initial_bind;
if (!("result" in bind_outcome)) {
    throw new Error("Could not bind to directory!");

We await the result of the initial bind to the DSA. The bind outcome is a discriminated union.

  • If the result property is present, the bind succeeded and the result property contains the bind result.
  • If the error property is present, the bind failed, and the error property contains the bind error.
  • If the abort property is present, the bind failed (unusually badly!), and the abort property contains an abort reason enumeration.
  • If the timeout property is present, the bind failed by timing out.
  • If the other property is present, something else happened. The value of the other property is an open-ended object.

The discriminations above come from the @wildboar/rose-transport library here. You can study the above types in this library.

For most purposes, merely checking that the bind operation returned a "result" is sufficient for checking that your app has authenticated successfully.

By default, this library binds anonymously, but you can construct a bind argument via the bind_as option. This option is an async function that returns the bind argument. (This function is async so that you can fetch relevant data from a database, a file, the network, etc. to construct the bind argument, if needed).

bind_as: async () => ({
    protocol_id: id_ac_directoryAccessAC,
    timeout: 15000,
    parameter: new DirectoryBindArgument(
            simple: new SimpleCredentials(
                    unprotected: Buffer.from("asdf", "utf-8"),
        // Versions 1 and 2.
        new Uint8ClampedArray([ TRUE_BIT, TRUE_BIT ]),

Getting the Distinguished Name

After this library has bound to a DSA, it can submit operations to the DSA and begin authenticating users. The first step in authenticating a user is to convert the supplied username to a distinguished name.

This can be done in one of two ways. If the username can be inserted directly into a distinguished name, a function can be used to transform the username to the distinguished name directly without any DSA operation whatsoever. As an example, if your users' distinguished names have the form of C=US,ST=FL,CN=<username>, you can use a function like so, to transform the username into the DN:

async (username: string) => [
        new AttributeTypeAndValue(
            countryName.encoderFor["&Type"]!("US", BER),
        new AttributeTypeAndValue(
            stateOrProvinceName.encoderFor["&Type"]!({ uTF8String: "FL" }, BER),
        new AttributeTypeAndValue(
            commonName.encoderFor["&Type"]!({ uTF8String: username }, BER),

However, our example is intentionally more complex. If your username cannot be directly converted to a distinguished name, you need to perform a search against the directory to find an entry that has that username.

username_to_dn_or_search: async (username: string) => ({
    baseObject: search_base_name_us,
    subset: "level",
    filter: {
        item: {
            equality: new AttributeValueAssertion(
                    uTF8String: username,
                }, BER),
    sizeLimit: 1,
    copyShallDo: true,
    dontMatchFriends: true,
    noSubtypeMatch: true,
    preferChaining: true,
    requestSignedResult: true,
    requestSignedError: true,
    searchAliases: true,
    searchControls: {
        searchFamily: false,
        searchAliases: true,
    selection: {
        attributes: {
            select: [
    subentries: false,
    timeLimit: 15,

You might have to consult ITU Recommendation X.511 (2019) to understand what the above options mean. The most important parts are filter and selection.

filter causes the directory to return only entries having the uid attribute value equal to the username. If you're wondering what item means, it exists because filter is a composable expression. You can combine multiple criteria in a filter, like so:

    and: [
            item: {
                equality: new AttributeValueAssertion(
                        uTF8String: username,
                    }, BER),
            not: {
                item: {
                    equality: new AttributeValueAssertion(
                        objectClass.encoderFor["&Type"]!(id_oc_bannedPerson, BER),

In general, the more filtering criteria you supply, the better the performance of the search will be. Filtering on object class is a no-brainer.

selection determines what attributes the search actually returns. The selection does not have to include any attributes at all, but you might want to do this to fetch what groups a user is a member of, or what their display name is, or other details. The returned attributes will be available later.

Asserting the Password

This library provides two mechanisms ("substrategies") for asserting a user's password. Using the bind strategy, this library will bind to the directory using the calculated distinguished name and the supplied password. Using the compare strategy, this library will merely assert the password against the entry identified by the distinguished name via the compare operation.

compare will probably be a little more performant, but in the future bind may be more secure, since the protected variant will be supported, if it is configured for use.

Both of these substrategies take the form of a discriminated union, with keys of bind and compare and empty object values ({}) for both. (This is for forward compatibility.)

Here is the compare substrategy being chosen:

substrategy: { compare: {} },

Converting Directory Information to User Data

Attributes returned from a directory entry are not directly usable. It is much more consumable, to say, convert the commonName attribute values to strings instead of leaving commonName values as ASN1Elements. This library requires a function for converting an EntryInformation from the @wildboar/x500 library into a JavaScript object containing the user information.

If the username was directly converted to a distinguished name, the EntryInformation will have no attributes or values: just the distinguished name; if the search was used instead, this EntryInformation will be the first entry returned from the search.

Our example is pretty simple: we just extract the uid, phone number, and postal address for this user from the attributes. Note that postal address values are a SEQUENCE OF UTF8String, which is why these values are decoded differently.

entry_to_user: async (entry: EntryInformation) => {
    const attributes = entry.information
        ?.flatMap((info) => "attribute" in info ? [info.attribute] : []);
    const uidAttr = attributes?.find((a) => a.type_.isEqualTo(uid["&id"]));
    const uidValue0 = uidAttr?.values[0];
    if (!uidValue0) {
        return {};
    const phone = attributes
        ?.find((a) => a.type_.isEqualTo(telephoneNumber["&id"]))
    const address: string[] | undefined = attributes
        ?.find((a) => a.type_.isEqualTo(postalAddress["&id"]))
        ?.values[0]?.sequence.map((e) => e.utf8String);
    const uidValue: string = directoryStringToString(uid.decoderFor["&Type"]!(uidValue0));
    return {
        uid: uidValue,

Note that, if you want to decode more attributes, you probably should not iterate over them in multiple passes using .find() for performance reasons. You should save them to variables in a single pass of a for loop. This is the most efficient approach, but if, for some reason, the directory returns multiple attributes of the same type, the last attribute of that type will be used and the others will "disappear." Directories are not supposed to do this, but it is a good idea to expect the worst.

Hydrating User Data with Other Directory Operations

After you have extracted user information from the directory, you may want to perform multiple other directory operations to further "hydrate" the user information with information from other directory entries.

Here are some use cases for this:

  • Checking what groups a user is a part of by searching for entries of object class groupOfNames having a member value that's the same as the user's distinguished name, converting these group names to strings and adding these strings to the user information.
  • Fetching the entry indicated by the manager attribute so that the user's manager's name can be displayed.
  • Fetching a lot more attributes that we did not want to fetch for performance reasons before the user successfully authenticated.

This hydration takes place in the hydrate_user_info() function. Here is the simplest example that does absolutely nothing:

hydrate_user_info: async (state, user) => user,

Here is an example of this value where you use the DAP client to fetch some more information on the user to populate their group memberships:

hydrate_user_info: async (state, user) => {
    if (!state.dap_client || !state.dap_client.rose.socket?.readable) {
        state.dap_client = await create_client(options);
    const socket = state.dap_client.rose.socket;
    if (!socket?.readable || !socket?.writable) {
        state.dap_client = await create_client(options);
    const read_outcome = await state.dap_client.read({
        object: user.dn,
        selection: {
            attributes: {
                select: [
    // ... Translate memberOf values to group strings and add them to the user.
    return user;