0.5.3 • Published 4 years ago

@wildcard-api/client v0.5.3

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4 years ago

     What is Wildcard      Wildcard compared to REST and GraphQL      Learning Material      Usage           Getting Started           Authentication           Permissions           Error Handling           SSR           Options

What is Wildcard

Wildcard is a JavaScript library to create a backend API for your Node.js server.

With Wildcard, creating an API endpoint is as easy as creating a JavaScript function:

// Node.js server

const {endpoints} = require('wildcard-api');

// We define a `hello` function on the server
endpoints.hello = function(name) {
  return {message: 'Welcome '+name};
// Browser

import {endpoints} from 'wildcard-api/client';

(async () => {
  // Wildcard makes our `hello` function available in the browser
  const {message} = await endpoints.hello('Elisabeth');
  console.log(message); // Prints `Welcome Elisabeth`

That's all Wildcard does: it makes functions, that are defined on your Node.js server, callable in the browser. Nothing more, nothing less.

How you retrieve and mutate data is up to you. You can, for example, use SQL or ORM queries:

// Node.js server

const endpoints = require('wildcard-api');
const getLoggedUser = require('./path/to/your/auth/code');
const Todo = require('./path/to/your/data/model/Todo');

endpoints.createTodoItem = async function(text) {
  const user = await getLoggedUser(this.headers); // We talk about `this` later.

  if( !user ) {
    // The user is not logged-in. We abort.
    // (This is basically how you define permissions with Wildcard
    // which we talk more about in the "Permissions" section.)

  // With an ORM:
  const newTodo = new Todo({text, authorId: user.id});
  await newTodo.save();

  /* Or with SQL:
  const db = require('your-favorite-sql-query-builder');
  const [newTodo] = await db.query(
    "INSERT INTO todos VALUES (:text, :authorId);",
    {text, authorId: user.id}

  return newTodo;

Wildcard is used in production at several projects, every release is assailed against a heavy suit of automated tests, its author is responsive, and issues are fixed within 1-2 days.

Wildcard compared to REST and GraphQL

REST and GraphQL are wonderful tools to create an API that is used by a high number of developers and third-party developers. Facebook's API, for example, is used by ~200k third parties. It is no surprise that Facebook is using (and invented) GraphQL; a GraphQL API enables third-party developers to extensively access Facebook's social graph and build all kinds of applications. For an API used by that many (third-party) developers, GraphQL is the right tool.

But, for small to medium-sized projects, RPC such as Wildcard is often enough. RPC is especially well suited for prototypes which usually need only few API endpoints RPC allows you to quickly deliver, modify, and evolve an MVP.

Deciding whether to use REST or GraphQL for an application that does not yet exist is difficult. RPC allows you to implement your application without REST nor GraphQL at first and later decide, as you scale and as it becomes clear what you need, whether RPC is enough and whether either REST or GraphQL best fits your application. You then progressively replace your RPC endpoints with your newly created RESTful or GraphQL API.

In short, use RPC as default and switch to REST or GraphQL when and if the need arises.

Getting Started

  1. Install Wildcard.

    With Express:

    // Node.js server
    const express = require('express');
    const {getApiResponse} = require('wildcard-api'); // npm install wildcard-api
    const app = express();
    // Parse the HTTP request body
    app.all('/wildcard/*' , async (req, res) => {
      // `getApiResponse` requires the HTTP request `url`, `method`, and `body`.
      const requestProps = {
        url: req.url,
        method: req.method,
        body: req.body,
      // The `requestProps` object is available in your endpoint functions
      // as `this`; you can use `requestProps` to make further request information
      // available to your endpoint functions, such as the HTTP headers:
      requestProps.headers = req.headers;
      const responseProps = await getApiResponse(requestProps);
    // Node.js server
    const Hapi = require('hapi');
    const {getApiResponse} = require('wildcard-api'); // npm install wildcard-api
    const server = Hapi.Server();
      method: '*',
      path: '/wildcard/{param*}',
      handler: async (request, h) => {
        // `getApiResponse` requires the HTTP request `url`, `method`, and `body`.
        const requestProps = {
          url: request.url,
          method: request.method,
          body: request.payload,
        // The `requestProps` object is available in your endpoint functions
        // as `this`; you can use `requestProps` to make further request information
        // available to your endpoint functions, such as the HTTP headers:
        requestProps.headers = request.headers;
        const responseProps = await getApiResponse(requestProps);
        const response = h.response(responseProps.body);
        return response;
    // Node.js server
    const Koa = require('koa');
    const Router = require('koa-router');
    const bodyParser = require('koa-bodyparser');
    const {getApiResponse} = require('wildcard-api'); // npm install wildcard-api
    const app = new Koa();
    // Parse the HTTP request body
    const router = new Router();
    router.all('/wildcard/*', async ctx => {
      // `getApiResponse` requires the HTTP request `url`, `method`, and `body`.
      const requestProps = {
        url: ctx.url,
        method: ctx.method,
        body: ctx.request.body,
      // The `requestProps` object is available in your endpoint functions
      // as `this`; you can use `requestProps` to make further request information
      // available to your endpoint functions, such as the HTTP headers:
      requestProps.headers = ctx.request.headers;
      const responseProps = await getApiResponse(requestProps);
      ctx.status = responseProps.statusCode;
      ctx.body = responseProps.body;
      ctx.type = responseProps.contentType;

    Wildcard can be used with any server framework. All you have to do is to reply all HTTP requests made to /wildcard/* with getApiResponse:

    // Node.js server
    // This is generic pseudo code for how to integrate Wildcard with any server framework.
    const {getApiResponse} = require('wildcard-api'); // npm install wildcard-api
    const {addRoute, HttpResponse} = require('your-favorite-server-framework');
    // Add a new route `/wildcard/*` to your server
      async ({req}) => {
        // We assume that your server framework provides an object holding
        // information about the request. We denote this object `req`.
        // `getApiResponse` requires the HTTP request `url`, `method`, and `body`.
        const requestProps = {
          url: req.url, // The HTTP request url (or pathname)
          method: req.method, // The HTTP request method (`GET`, `POST`, etc.)
          body: req.body, // The HTTP request body
        // The `requestProps` object is available in your endpoint functions
        // as `this`; you can use `requestProps` to make further request information
        // available to your endpoint functions, such as the HTTP headers:
        requestProps.headers = req.headers;
        // We get the HTTP response body, HTTP status code, and the body's content type.
        const responseProps = await getApiResponse(requestProps);
        const {body, statusCode, contentType} = responseProps;
        // We assume that server framework provides a way to create an HTTP response
        // upon `body`, `statusCode`, and `contentType`.
        const response = new HttpResponse({body, statusCode, contentType});
        return response;
  2. Define an endpoint function endpoints.myFirstEndpoint:

    // Node.js server
    const {endpoints} = require('wildcard-api');
    endpoints.myFirstEndpoint = async function () {
      // The `this` object is the `requestProps` object we passed to `getApiResponse`.
      console.log('The HTTP request headers:', this.headers);
      return {msg: 'hello from my first Wildcard endpoint';
  3. Use the wildcard-api/client package to remotely call the enpdoint enpdoint.myFirstEndpoint from the browser:

    // Browser
    import {endpoints} from 'wildcard-api/client'; // npm install wildcard-api
    (async () => {
      const {msg} = await endpoints.myFirstEndpoint();

That's it.


Authentication usually uses HTTP headers such as Authorization: Bearer AbCdEf123456 or a cookie holding the user's session ID.

You can access the HTTP request headers in your endpoint functions by passing the headers object to getApiResponse:

// Node.js server

app.all('/wildcard/*' , async (req, res) => {
  const requestProps = {
    url: req.url,
    method: req.method,
    body: req.body,
    // We pass the `headers` object
    headers: req.headers,
  const responseProps = await getApiResponse(requestProps);

Wildcard makes requestProps available to your endpoint function as this:

// Node.js server

const {endpoints} = require('wildcard-api');
const getUser = require('./path/to/your/auth-code/getUser');

endpoints.getLoggedInUser = async function() {
  // Since `this===requestProps`, `requestProps.headers` is available as `this.headers`.
  const user = await getUser(this.headers.cookie);
  return user;

If you do SSR then read SSR & Authentication.


It is crucial that you define permissions. You shouldn't do this:

endpoints.run = async function(query) {
  const result = await db.run(query);
  return result;

That's a bad idea since anyone in the world can go to your website, open the browser's web dev console, and call:

const users = await endpoints.run('SELECT login, password FROM users;');
users.forEach(({login, password}) => {
  // W00t — I have all passwords 。^‿^。
  console.log(login, password);

Instead, you should define permissions, for example:

// Node.js server

const {endpoints} = require('wildcard-api');
const getLoggedUser = require('./path/to/your/auth/code');
const db = require('./path/to/your/db/code');

// The following endpoint allows a to-do item's text to be modified only by its author.

endpoints.updateTodoText = async function(todoId, newText) {
  const user = getLoggedUser(this.headers);
  // The user is not logged-in — we abort.
  if( !user ) return;

  const todo = await db.getTodo(todoId);
  // There is no to-do item in the database with the ID `todoId` — we abort.
  if( !todo ) return;

  // The user is not the author of the to-do item — we abort.
  if( todo.authorId !== user.id ) return;

  // The user is logged-in and is the author of the todo — we proceed.
  await db.updateTodoText(todoId, newText);

You may wonder why we return undefined when aborting:

// The user is not logged-in — we abort.
if( !user ){
  // Why do we return `undefined`?
  // Why don't we return something like `return {error: 'Permission denied'}`?

The reason is simple: when we develop the frontend we know what is allowed and we can develop the frontend to always call endpoints in an authorized way. If an endpoint call isn't allowed, either there is a bug in our frontend or an attacker is trying to hack our backend. If someone is trying to hack us, we want to give him the least amount of information and we just return undefined.

That said, there are situations where it is expected that a permission may fail. We return a value then:

endpoints.getTodoList = async function() {
  const user = getLoggedUser(this.headers);
  // When the user is not logged in, the frontend redirects the user to the login page.
  if( !user ) {
    // Instead of returning `undefined` we return `isNotLoggedIn: true` so that
    // the frontend knows that the user should be redirected to the login page.
    return {
      isNotLoggedIn: true,
  /* ... */

Note that, in general, you should not purposely throw exceptions:

endpoints.getTodoList = async function() {
  const user = getLoggedUser(this.headers);
  if( !user ) {
    // Don't do this:
    throw new Error('Permissen denied: user is not logged in.');
  /* ... */

Return a JavaScript value instead:

endpoints.getTodoList = async function() {
  if( !user ) {
    return {
      isNotLoggedIn: true,
  /* ... */

Your endpoint functions should not deliberately throw exceptions because Wildcard treats exceptions as bugs, which we explain in the next section Error Handling.

Error Handling

Calling an endpoint throws an error when:

  • The browser cannot connect to the server. (The user is offline or your server is down.)
  • The endpoint function throws an uncaught error.

If you use a library that is expected to throw errors, then catch them:

// Node.js server

const {endpoints} = require('wildcard-api');
const validatePhoneNumber = require('some-phone-number-validatation-library');

endpoints.createAccount = async function({email, phoneNumber}) {
  // `validatePhoneNumber` throws an error if `phoneNumber` is not a phone number.
  let err;
  try {
  } catch(err_) {
    err = err_
  if( err ) {
    return {validationError: {phoneNumber: "Please enter a valid phone number."}};

  /* ... */

You should always catch expected errors: Wildcard treats any uncaught error as a bug in your code.

In particular, don't throw an error upon validation failure:

// Node.js server

const {endpoints} = require('wildcard-api');
const isStrongPassword = require('./path/to/isStrongPassword');

endpoints.createAccount = async function({email, password}) {
  /* Don't do this:
  if( !isStrongPassword(password) ){
    throw new Error("Password is too weak.");

  // Instead, return a JavaScript value:
  if( !isStrongPassword(password) ){
    return {validationError: "Password is too weak."};

  /* ... */

You can use isServerError and isNetworkError to handle errors more precisely:

// Browser

import {endpoints} from 'wildcard-api/client';

async function() {
  let data;
  let err;
  try {
    data = await endpoints.getData();
  } catch(err_) {
    err = err_;

  if( err.isServerError ){
    // Your endpoint function threw an uncaught error: there is a bug in your server code.
      'Something went wrong on our side. We have been notified and we are working on a fix.' +
      'Sorry... Please try again later.'
  if( err.isNetworkError ){
    // The browser couldn't connect to the server.
    // The user is offline or your server is down.
    alert("We couldn't perform your request. Please try again.");

  if( err ) {
    return {success: false};
  } else {
    return {success: true, data};

You can also use Handli which will automatically handle errors for you:

// Browser

import 'handli'; // npm install handli
// That's it: Wildcard will automatically use Handli.
// Errors are now handled by Handli.


The Wildcard client is isomorphic (aka universal) and works in the browser as well as in Node.js.

If you don't need authentication, then SSR works out of the box. If you do, then read SSR & Authentication.



import wildcardClient from 'wildcard-api/client';

// The URL of the Node.js server that serves the API
wildcardClient.serverUrl = 'https://api.example.org';

// Whether the endpoint arguments are always passed in the HTTP body
wildcardClient.argumentsAlwaysInHttpBody = true;



You usually don't need to provide any serverUrl. But if your API and your browser-side assets are not served by the same server, then you need to provide a serverUrl.

serverUrl can be one of the following:

  • null
  • The URL of the server, for example http://localhost:3333/api or https://api.example.org.
  • The IP address of the server, for example

For example:

import wildcardClient, {endpoints} from 'wildcard-api/client';
import assert from 'assert';

wildcardClient.serverUrl = 'https://api.example.com:1337'; // Default value is `null`


async function callEndpoint() {
  await endpoints.myEndpoint();

  // Normally, Wildcard would make the HTTP request to the same origin:
  //   POST https://example.com/wildcard/myEndpoint HTTP/1.1

  // But because we have set `serverUrl`, Wildcard makes
  // the HTTP request to `https://api.example.com:1337`:
  //   POST https://api.example.com:1337/wildcard/myEndpoint HTTP/1.1


This is about configuring whether arguments are always passed in the HTTP request body. (Instead of being passed in the HTTP request URL.)

For example:

import wildcardClient, {endpoints} from 'wildcard-api/client';

wildcardClient.argumentsAlwaysInHttpBody = true; // Default value is `false`


async function callEndpoint() {
  await endpoints.myEndpoint({some: 'arguments' }, 'second arg');

  // Normally, Wildcard would pass the arguments in the HTTP request URL:
  //   POST /wildcard/myEndpoint/[{"some":"arguments"},"second arg"] HTTP/1.1

  // But because we have set `argumentsAlwaysInHttpBody` to `true`,
  // Wildcard passes the arguments in the HTTP request body:
  //   POST /wildcard/myEndpoint HTTP/1.1
  //   Request payload: [{"some":"arguments"},"second arg"]

Learning Material

Material to learn more about RPC and Wildcard. Create a Pull Request to add yours.

  • What is RPC Explains what RPC is.
  • How Wildcard Works Talks about the technologies Wildcard uses under the hood.
  • FAQ Covers high-level questions such as "Which is more powerful, GraphQL or RPC?" as well as low-level questions such as "How can I do versioning with RPC?" or "Doesn't RPC tightly couple frontend with backend?".
  • RPC vs REST/GraphQL Compares RPC with REST/GraphQL, in depth.
  • Example - A Todo List Showcases a to-do list app built with RPC/Wildcard.
  • SSR & Authentication How to use Wildcard with SSR and Authentication.

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