0.6.1 • Published 7 years ago

@wizardsoftheweb/flatten-directory v0.6.1

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Last release
7 years ago


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This package takes a source directory, parses its contents, and moves everything (according to the options) to a target directory.


npm install @wizardsoftheweb/flatten-directory

Dev version

npm install --save git+https://github.com/wizardsoftheweb/flatten-directory


npm t

I've written a (currently small) integration test for flattenDirectory. It will run automatically with the rest of the tests. If you want to isolate its results, you can run the test:integration-only script.

npm run test:integration-only


TODO: write documentation after the API is done


Brief Explanation

All instances of maxdepth here follow the find conventions. Either ctrl/cmd+f "-maxdepth levels" in the preceding doc link or run man through less (or whatever pager you want):

man --pager='less -p "-maxdepth levels"' find

find's maxdepth works just a little bit differently than you might expect. The short version is that -maxdepth 0 only searches the files passed in, while -maxdepth 1 searches the files passed in and their children (if any).

Detailed Explanation

If you're comfortable with the man page, you can skip this entire section.


Create a directory tree with several nested subdirectories and files. Or, run this ( tree isn't usually a default install so it's guarded):

$ mkdir -pv $TMPDIR/depth0Directory/depth1Directory/depth2Directory \
    | awk -F "'" 'match($2, /([0-9])Directory$/, a) { print $2 "/depth" (a[1] + 1) "File"; }' \
    | xargs -n 1 touch; \
    which tree && tree $TMPDIR/depth0Directory

├── depth1Directory
│   ├── depth2Directory
│   │   └── depth3File
│   └── depth2File
└── depth1File
  • mkdir: creates the directory and all intermediate directories
  • (g)awk:

    • -F "'": mkdir uses quoteaf, which calls quotearg_style, which uses quotearg_style from gnulib. If you don't want to follow all those links (that was probably two hours of my life; I'm not great at navigating c repos), this test from GNU coreutils will have to serve as justification for changing the separator to '. If you've never seen -F/FS =, check out the following example:

      $ mkdir -vp foo/bar \
          | awk '{ \
              input = $0; \
              print "\nInitial input ($0): \"" input "\""; \
              split(input, a, FS); \
              print "Default separator (" FS "):"; \
              print "\t$1: \"" a[1] "\"\n\t$2: \"" a[2] "\""; \
              split(input, a, "'\''"); \
              print "Single quote separator ('\''): "; \
              print "\t$1: \"" a[1] "\"\n\t$2: \"" a[2] "\""; \
          }'; \
          rm -rf foo;
      Initial input ($0): "mkdir: created directory 'foo'"
      Default separator ( ):
           $1: "mkdir:"
           $2: "created"
      Single quote separator ('):
           $1: "mkdir: created directory "
           $2: "foo"
      Initial input ($0): "mkdir: created directory 'foo/bar'"
      Default separator ( ):
           $1: "mkdir:"
           $2: "created"
      Single quote separator ('):
           $1: "mkdir: created directory "
           $2: "foo/bar"
    • match($2, /([0-9])Directory$/, a): find the last digit followed by Directory; store results in a (either ctrl/cmd+f match(s here or run man --pager='less -p "match\(s"' awk)

    • print $2 "/depth" (a[1] + 1): a[1] contains the first capture group, so it prints (other depths)/depth[n]Directory/depth[n+1]Directory. If I weren't trying to do arithmetic, I'd just use sed.
    • I'm still pretty new to awk, so this might be a horrible way of doing things.
  • touch: xargs passes the piped values to touch

  • last line:
    • which tree: guards the tree call
    • tree: pretty-prints a directory structure
# This assumes the setup above; if you didn't do it, use your imagination
$ cd $TMPDIR
$ find depth0Directory -name "depth*"


$ find depth0Directory -maxdepth 1 -name "depth*"


$ find depth0Directory -maxdepth 0 -name "depth*"


The rest assumes you don't have any other files named 'depth*' in $TMPDIR.

$ find . -name "depth*"


$ find . -maxdepth 1 -name "depth*"


$ find . -maxdepth 0 -name "depth*"


I've got a couple of scripts at work that source content from some directories that keep changing. Rather than build some lengthy regex that would have to be regularly updated, I figured I could just flatten everything.


Polluting the global namespace is generally considered a bad idea, so why would you do it on NPM?


These percentages are pretty arbitrary. Today's 47% could be tomorrow's 90% or vice versa.

Main Features

Once all of these are finished, I'll release v1. Until then, v0 should be used with caution, because it's not stable.

100%Walk the initial directory, collecting files that aren't excluded by maxdepth
100%Link some internet version of man find
100%Finish parseOptions
100%Finish flattenDirectory
100%Add file encoding option because not everyone uses utf8
100%Check basename of filelist and warn that duplicates will be clobbered
60%Set up index properly
0%Export the full namespace
80%Compile declaration file
0%Compile docs from source
0%Incorporate @todos somewhere prominent in the docs
0%Figure out where to insert man find link in the docs as @see
7%Investigate proper npm lifecycle usage
0%Switch defaults (branch, badges) from dev to master
50%Publish package on npm

Eventual features

These are things I'd like to add, but probably won't be included in v1. If not, they'll most likely constitute one or more minor version increments.

0%Strip discovery from DirectoryWalker
0%Convert DiscoveryWalker to a function
0%Greenkeeper (or similar) integration
0%Add include options to IWalkOptions
0%Add some of the options from DirectoryWalker to flattenDirectory
0%Add destructive flattening option, e.g. mv instead of cp (currently just copying files)
0%Add clobber option
0%Production install
0%Dev install