0.3.0 • Published 13 days ago

@wjfe/dataview v0.3.0

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13 days ago


Svelte v5 table component suitable for examination of extensive tabular data.


The data view component renders a table with functionality suitable for close examination of the presented data. It provides conveniences like pinnable columns and row highlighting on hover, useful to users when following data with their eyes.

Demo Website

The component tries to be as unopinionated as possible in terms of styling and tries to provide as little styling as possible. Certain features, however, impose some appearance requirements. For example, pinning columns in the grid requires opaque background colors or else the data from other columns will be seen through the pinned columns when the data view is scrolled horizontally.

To theme the table to your needs or otherwise make it play well with your styling framework of choice (Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, Bulma, etc.), you may style it in accordance to what is shown in the Theming the Data View section.


Install the package:

npm i @wjfe/dataview

Now import the data view component and use it:

import { WjDataView } from '@wjfe/dataview';

The only two required properties are columns and data. The former defines the columns in the data view; the latter provides the data that shows in each column. By default, the key property of each column is treated as the key to retrieve data from the data row, but this can be overridden by providing get functions.

Each column must have the key and the text properties. Any other property is optional.

Each data object (the rows) must have an id property of type number or string, and the wjdv property, which is an object that holds operational data for each row. The defineData() function is a helper function that helps you fulfill these 2 requirements. The id values are meant to be unique amongst the data set.

IMPORTANT: Always bind columns and data. The data view control will mutate properties inside this data, so the best practice is to bind.

<script lang="ts">
    import { WjDataView, defineData } from '@wjfe/dataview';
    import { type MyDataModel } from 'path/to/my-model-types.js';

    type MyColumn = WjDvColumn<MyDataModel>;
    const columns = $state<MyColumn[]>([
            key: 'id',
            text: 'ID'
            key: 'tagName',
            text: 'Tag'
    // Obtain the data somehow.  This could be part of the results of the universal or server load() SvelteKit 
    // function, or could be obtained in non-SvelteKit projects with a fetch() call.
    const dataFromApi = getDataSomehow();
    // Now ensure the data fulfills the component requirements using "defineData":
    let data = $state(defineData<MyDataModel>(dataFromApi));
    // The model type here ------^^^^^^^^^^^ may not be needed if you have properly typed the `getDataSomehow()` 
    // function or the `dataFromApi` variable.

<WjDataView bind:columns bind:data>
    <!-- snippets go here -->

This example would render the data view with two columns, whose captions will read ID and Tag. The data shown in each column will be extracted from the MyDataModel.id and MyDataModel.tagName properties of each of the data objects in the data array.

The defineData() function mutates the data for performance reasons. It works the items directly as opposed to cloning them. Also, the same array is returned for the same performance reasons.

Theming the Data View

As stated in the overview, the data view's appearance can be customized. The component has been styled using CSS variables with some defaults. If you wish, you may redefine the variables at will (the variables are listed at the end of the section), but it is best to use the theme component WjDataViewTheme that provides a friendlier way than directly defining the CSS variables.

The WjDataViewTheme Component

This component is a mere convenience to setting up themes for data view components. It works by defining the CSS variables in a <div> element with its CSS display attribute set to contents that wraps the target WjDataView component.

TIP: The WjDataViewTheme component doesn't have to be the immediate parent of a WjDataView. It can be placed higher in the hierarchy to, for example, cover more than one WjDataView component.

The theme component has a single theme property of type Theme:

export type ComponentColor = {
    backgroundColor?: string;
    opacity?: number;
    color?: string;

export type ResizerColor = {
    backgroundColor?: string;
    borderColor?: string;

export type Theme = {
    table?: ComponentColor;
    stripes?: ComponentColor;
    rowHighlight?: ComponentColor;
    rowSelection?: ComponentColor;
    pinnedColumnsDivider?: {
        width?: string;
        style?: 'dashed' | 'dotted' | 'double' | 'groove' | 'inset' | 'outset' | 'ridge' | 'solid' | 'unset';
        color?: string;
    resizer?: {
        width?: string;
        overlay?: {
            opacity?: number;
            item?: ResizerColor;
            positiveDelta?: ResizerColor;
            negativeDelta?: ResizerColor;

While the amount of properties is many, each one of them are optional. Simply set the properties that you wish to customize. The properties that aren't set will take the default value documented in the table further down.

For example, Bootstrap consumers might want to ensure that the data view always uses the body's background color. In this case, we could create the following theme in a dataViewThemes.ts (potential) file:

import { type Theme } from '@wjfe/dataview';

export const bootstrapTheme: Theme = {
    table: {
        backgroundColor: 'var(--bs-body-bg-rgb)'
    stripes: {
        backgroundColor: 'var(--bs-emphasis-color-rgb)'
    rowHighlight: {
        backgroundColor: 'var(--bs-primary-rgb)',
        opacity: 0.2
    rowSelection: {
        backgroundColor: 'var(--bs-row-selection-bg-color-rgb)',

This is the actual modification set in the demonstration page. The first three variables are provided by Bootstrap, while the last one (--bs-row-selection-bg-color-rgb) is defined inside the demo project.

As seen, one can take advantage of CSS variables to define values. Bootstrap provides light and dark modes, and these variables have different definitions depending on the mode, making the data view's theme immediately responsive to mode selection changes.

This is not perfect, however, because Bootstrap doesn't have -rgb variables for every color, so not everything goes as smoothly. Create CSS variables that adjust to the color mode to perfect the theme. For example, the last one has been defined as:

.theme-def {
    --bs-row-selection-bg-color-rgb: 221, 235, 255;
    :global([data-bs-theme="dark"]) & {
        --bs-row-selection-bg-color-rgb: 21, 35, 55;

With this technique, we can create fully responsive themes for the data view component.

IMPORTANT: All background colors are composed using the provided color and an opacity value. This is why the color must be specified in RGB format, or with a CSS variable that defines it in RGB format. Formats like #rrggbb simply won't work.

Use the WjDataViewTheme component as a wrapper for any WjDataView components that you may have. This wrapper doesn't have to be the immediate parent, so put it wherever is best according to your needs.

<script lang="ts">
    import { bootstrapTheme } from '../dataViewThemes.js';

<WjDataViewTheme theme={bootstrapTheme}>
    <WjDataView ...>
        <!-- Snippets go here -->

The complete list of CSS variables that can be set for the data view component are:

CSS VariableLight DefaultDark DefaultDescription
--wjdv-bg-color-rgb255, 255, 2550, 0, 0Data view's background color.
--wjdv-bg-opacity11Background's opacity.
--wjdv-fg-colorinheritinheritForeground (or text) color. Usually this one doesn't need to be set.
--wjdv-striping-bg-color-rgb0, 0, 0255, 255, 255Striping background color. Set the opacity as well.
--wjdv-striping-bg-opacity0.040.07Striping background color's opacity.
--wjdv-striping-fg-colorinheritinheritForeground (or text) color for striped rows.
--wjdv-rowhighlight-bg-color-rgb0, 0, 0255, 255, 255Background color for row highlighting on hover.
--wjdv-rowhighlight-bg-opacity0.070.15Opacity for row highlighting. Usually set higher than the striping one or the effect doesn't look very good.
--wjdv-rowhighlight-fg-colorinheritinheritForeground (or text) color for highlighted rows.
--wjdv-sticky-divider-width0.1em0.1emWidth of the border that divides pinned columns from unpinned ones.
--wjdv-sticky-divider-stylesolidsolidStyle of the border that divides pinned columns from unpinned ones.
--wjdv-sticky-divider-colordarkgraylightgrayColor of the border that divides pinned columns from unpinned ones.
--wjdv-resizer-width0.4em0.4emColumn resizer's width.
--wjdv-resizer-overlay-opacity0.70.7Opacity of the entire resizer overlay.
--wjdv-resizer-overlay-bg-colorlightblue#0578eaBackground color of the overlay section that represents the original column's size.
--wjdv-resizer-overlay-border-colorblue#13aeffBorder color of the overlay section that represents the original column's size.
--wjdv-resizer-deltapos-bg-colorlightgreenlightgreenBackground color of the overlay section that represents the column's size increase.
--wjdv-resizer-deltapos-border-colorgreengreenBorder color of the overlay section that represents the column's size increase.
--wjdv-resizer-deltaneg-bg-colorpinkpinkBackground color of the overlay section that represents the column's size reduction.
--wjdv-resizer-deltaneg-border-colorredredBorder color of the overlay section that represents the column's size reduction.
--wjdv-selected-bg-color-rgb227, 240, 25415, 25, 74Background color of rows that have been selected.
--wjdv-selected-bgopacity11Background opacity of rows that have been selected.
--wjdv-selected-fg-colorinheritinheritForeground color of rows that have been selected.



PropertyTypeDefault ValueDescription
columnsWjDvColumn<TCol, TRow>[](none)Defines the columns the data view component will create.
dataWjDvRow<TRow>[](none)The data that is shown by the data view component.
get(row: TRow, key: string) => any(function)Function that retrieves a column's value using the row and provided key for columns that don't provide one.
defaultWidthnumber10The width for colums that don't specify its own width, in em's.
rowHighlightbooleantrueTurns the row-highlighting-on-hover feature on and off.
rowSelectionBgbooleantrueTurns the row-highlighting-on-selection feature on and off.
stripedbooleantrueTurns the striping of rows on and off.
pinnedDividerbooleantrueTurns the divider between pinned and unpinned columns on and off.
classstringundefinedAdditional CSS classes that are applied to the data view's viewport (the top-level element).

Snippets (formerly slots)

headerCell(col: WjDvColumn<TCol, TRow>)Renders header cells' content. The snippet is passed the column definition.
dataCell(col: WjDvColumn<TCol, TRow>, row: WjDvRow<TRow>)Renders data cells' content. The snippet is passed the column definition and the data object for the row being rendered.
rowExpansion(row: WjDvRow<TRow>)Renders arbitrary content immediately below the data cells of the row. It is only rendered when WjDvRow<TRow>.wjdv.expanded is true.




  • Scrollable viewport
  • Striped look
  • Row highlighting effect on hover
  • Column alignment
  • Text wrap control
  • Hideable columns
  • Pinnable columns
  • Customizable appearance
  • Theme component
  • headerCell snippet
  • dataCell snippet
  • Resizable columns
  • Expansible rows
  • Row selection
  • headerControl and dataControl snippets
  • Make cell/row/column padding themeable
  • dataRow snippet (complex)

13 days ago


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