2.1.0 • Published 4 years ago

@worldcerts/wa-verify v2.1.0

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4 years ago



Library to verify any OpenAttestation document. This library implements the verifier ADR.


npm install @govtechsg/oa-verify


import { documentRopstenValidWithToken } from "./test/fixtures/v2/documentRopstenValidWithToken";
import { verify, isValid } from "@govtechsg/oa-verify";

verify(documentRopstenValidWithToken, { network: "ropsten" }).then(console.log); // see below
console.log(isValid(results)); // display true
    "data": true,
    "status": "VALID",
    "name": "OpenAttestationHash",
    "message": "Document issuers doesn't have \"documentStore\" or \"certificateStore\" property or DOCUMENT_STORE method",
    "name": "OpenAttestationEthereumDocumentStoreIssued",
    "status": "SKIPPED",
    "type": "DOCUMENT_STATUS"
    "data": {
      "details": [
          "address": "0xe59877ac86c0310e9ddaeb627f42fdee5f793fbe",
          "minted": true
      "mintedOnAll": true
    "status": "VALID",
    "name": "OpenAttestationEthereumTokenRegistryMinted",
    "type": "DOCUMENT_STATUS"
    "message": "Document issuers doesn't have \"documentStore\" or \"certificateStore\" property or DOCUMENT_STORE method",
    "name": "OpenAttestationEthereumDocumentStoreRevoked",
    "status": "SKIPPED",
    "type": "DOCUMENT_STATUS"
    "data": [
        "dns": "example.tradetrust.io",
        "identified": true,
        "smartContract": "0xe59877ac86c0310e9ddaeb627f42fdee5f793fbe"
    "status": "VALID",
    "name": "OpenAttestationDnsTxt",
    "type": "ISSUER_IDENTITY"

Advanced usage


By default the provided verify method performs multiple checks on a document

  • for the type DOCUMENT_STATUS: it runs OpenAttestationEthereumDocumentStoreIssued, OpenAttestationEthereumDocumentStoreRevoked and OpenAttestationEthereumTokenRegistryIssued verifiers
  • for the type DOCUMENT_INTEGRITY: it runs OpenAttestationHash verifier
  • for the type ISSUER_IDENTITY: it runs OpenAttestationDnsTxt verifier

All those verifiers are exported as openAttestationVerifiers

You can build your own verify method or you own verifiers:

import { verificationBuilder, openAttestationVerifiers } from "@govtechsg/oa-verify";

// creating your own verify using default exported verifiers
const verify = verificationBuilder(openAttestationVerifiers); // this verify is equivalent to the one exported by the library
const verify = verificationBuilder([openAttestationVerifiers[0], openAttestationVerifiers[1]]); // this verify only run 2 verifiers

// creating your own verify using custom verifier
import { verificationBuilder, openAttestationVerifiers, Verifier } from "@govtechsg/oa-verify";
const customVerifier: Verifier = {
  skip: () => {
    // return a SkippedVerificationFragment if the verifier should be skipped or throw an error if it should always run
  test: () => {
    // return true or false
  verify: async document => {
    // perform checks and returns a fragment

// create your own verify function with all verifiers and your custom one
const verify = verificationBuilder([...openAttestationVerifiers, customVerifier]);


By default, isValid perform checks on every types that exists for a fragment:

  • ISSUER_IDENTITY it ensures that for every types, there is at least one VALID fragment and no INVALID or ERROR fragment.

The function allow to specify as a second parameters the list of types on which to perform the checks

import { documentRopstenValidWithCertificateStore } from "./test/fixtures/v2/documentRopstenValidWithCertificateStore";
import { verify, isValid } from "@govtechsg/oa-verify";

const fragments = verify(documentRopstenValidWithCertificateStore, { network: "ropsten" });
isValid(fragments); // display false because ISSUER_IDENTITY is INVALID
isValid(fragments, ["DOCUMENT_INTEGRITY", "DOCUMENT_STATUS"]); // display true because those types are VALID

