1.0.1 • Published 6 years ago

@writetome51/open-array v1.0.1

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6 years ago

The main feature of this package is the OpenArray class. All the other classes were created mainly to act as dependencies for OpenArray to use.

The main reason you would use OpenArray is if you hate JavaScript's built-in Array methods, like .slice(), .splice(), .push(), and .shift(). OpenArray has much clearer and expressive method names. Examples:

let arr = ObjectFactory.getInstance(OpenArray, [ 1,2,3,4,5,6 ]);

arr.remove.tail(2); // arr.data is now 1,2,3,4

arr.remove.head(2); // arr.data is now 3,4

if (arr.notEmpty) arr.prepend.one(10); // arr.data is now 10,3,4

arr.append.many(100,200,300); // arr.data is now 10,3,4,100,200,300

To actually see or get the array itself, you must access OpenArray's data property:

console.log(arr.data); // logs '10,3,4,100,200,300'

OpenArray has several injected dependencies, so you need to use ObjectFactory (which is included by npm) to instantiate it:

let arr = ObjectFactory.getInstance(OpenArray, [ 1,2,3,4,5,6 ]);

Aside from 'data', OpenArray has these public properties, which are all instances of the other classes in this package:

'append' : instance of OpenArrayAppender

'filter': instance of OpenArrayFilter

'getConverted': instance of OpenArrayGetterConverter

'get': instance of OpenArrayItemGetter

'getAndRemove': instance of OpenArrayItemGetterRemover

'insert': instance of OpenArrayItemInserter

'remove': instance of OpenArrayItemRemover

'replace': instance of OpenArrayItemReplacer

'prepend': instance of OpenArrayPrepender

'sort': instance of OpenArraySorter

To know what methods each of those properties offer, look at the code of each class.

Also, OpenArray inherits from OpenArrayContent, which has many of the basic properties and methods you need to understand the array's contents, such as:

length, isEmpty, notEmpty, has(value), hasAll(values), hasAny(values), startsWith(values), endsWith(values), ...and a few more.