4.0.0 • Published 6 years ago

@writetome51/public-array-filter v4.0.0

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Last release
6 years ago


An array-manipulating Typescript/Javascript class with methods that
narrow down the content of the array it contains.


constructor(data? = [])  //  'data' is assigned to this.data .

You can reset the array by accessing the class .data property:

this.data = [1,2,3,4];


data : any[]   // the actual array

className: string (read-only)


byTest(testFunction): this
    // Narrows down this.data to only the values that pass `testFunction`.
    // testFunction = function(currentValue, currentIndex?, theArray?): boolean

    type: 'number' | 'boolean' | 'string' | 'array' | 'object' | 'function' | 'undefined' | 'null'
): this
    // Narrows down this.data to only values that are the specified type.
    // Here, 'null' is considered its own type, separate from 'object'.
    // You can also pass 'array' as a type.  Passing 'object' will match with objects and arrays.

The methods below are not important to know about in order to use this
class. They're inherited from BaseClass .

protected   _createGetterAndOrSetterForEach(
		propertyNames: string[],
		configuration: IGetterSetterConfiguration
	   ) : void
    Use this method when you have a bunch of properties that need getter and/or 
    setter functions that all do the same thing. You pass in an array of string 
    names of those properties, and the method attaches the same getter and/or 
    setter function to each property.
    IGetterSetterConfiguration is this object:
        get_setterFunction?: (
             propertyName: string, index?: number, propertyNames?: string[]
        ) => Function,
	    // get_setterFunction takes the property name as first argument and 
	    // returns the setter function.  The setter function must take one 
	    // parameter and return void.
        get_getterFunction?: (
             propertyName: string, index?: number, propertyNames?: string[]
        ) => Function
	    // get_getterFunction takes the property name as first argument and 
	    // returns the getter function.  The getter function must return something.
protected   _returnThis_after(voidExpression: any) : this
    // voidExpression is executed, then function returns this.
    // Even if voidExpression returns something, the returned data isn't used.

protected   _errorIfPropertyHasNoValue(
                property: string, // can contain dot-notation, i.e., 'property.subproperty'
                propertyNameInError? = ''
            ) : void
    // If value of this[property] is undefined or null, it triggers fatal error:
    // `The property "${propertyNameInError}" has no value.`

Inheritance Chain



npm i @writetome51/public-array-filter


// if using Typescript:
import { PublicArrayFilter } from '@writetome51/public-array-filter';
// if using ES5 Javascript:
var PublicArrayFilter = require('@writetome51/public-array-filter').PublicArrayFilter;
