3.1.0 • Published 3 years ago

@writetome51/validating-inputs v3.1.0

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3 years ago

interface CanBeValidated

isValid: (() => boolean) | (() => boolean)[];
	// Can be function or array of functions.

interface ValidatingInput extends CanBeValidated

__type: 'text' | 'password' | 'number'; // Private

id: string;
    // assigned to <input> id. Same value is used for 'name' attribute and  
    // the input's associated <label> 'for' attribute.

errorMessage: string | string[];
    // message to show if input is invalid.
    // If this.isValid is array of functions, this must be array of strings, 
    // each one belonging with function of same index.

triggeredError: string;
    // If input is invalid, this is assigned the resulting message in 
    // this.errorMessage.

objectToBind: object;
    // this.objectToBind[this.propertyToBind] stores entered value of this input

propertyToBind: string; // property in this.objectToBind

label: string; // same value is used for 'placeholder' attribute

hideLabel?: boolean; 
    // Adds 'hidden' attribute to input's associated <label>, default true

hidePlaceholder?: boolean; // default false

required?: boolean; // default true

prompt?: string; // text explaining input or asking user to fill it in

objectToMatch?: object;
    // this.objectToMatch[this.propertyToMatch] stores the entered value of another
    // input -- an input whose value is supposed to match with this one.
    // Example: if one <input> is for 'password' and another <input> is for 
    // 'confirm-password', they must match.  The ValidatingInput representing 
    // 'confirm-password' would need its objectToMatch[propertyToMatch] to be the 
    // object[property] storing the value of 'password'. 
    // this.objectToMatch[this.propertyToMatch] can then be checked in this.isValid 
    // if it matches this.objectToBind[this.propertyToBind].

propertyToMatch?: string; // property in this.objectToMatch

max?: number; // max value allowed if this.type is 'number'

min?: number; // min value allowed if this.__type is 'number'

maxLength?: number; // if this.__type is 'text' or 'password'

minLength?: number; // if this.__type is 'text' or 'password'


Abstract class representing a single ValidatingInput.


Abstract class representing a ValidatingInput array.


Abstract class, implements ValidatingInputService


Abstract class, implements ValidatingInputService


Abstract class, implements ValidatingInputService


Validates a ValidatingInput. If ValidatingInput.isValid is array of functions,
they are called in the order listed.


Abstract UI component class, representing a ValidatingInput in UI.


Abstract UI component class, representing a ValidatingInput array in UI.