@wrld/indoor-map-model v0.1.5
Indoor map model is a TypeScript project that represents a WRLD indoor map submission. It allows modeling of the submission via the browser and exporting/importing in various formats.
Clone the repo, run npm install
and start hacking!
The CI will only publish a new package to npm when the version is updated. You can use:
npm version [major | minor | patch]
to automatically increment the version number in the package.json and create a commit. Note: it needs a clean working dir, so commit all the changes before.
npm run build
Creates the distributable ES6 code including types. This can be used both in other TypeScript or in other EcmaScript projects.
npm run test
Executes automated tests using Jest.
npm run tests -- --watch
For running in continuous watch mode.
npm run lint
Lints the project using ESLint.
npm run lint -- --fix
Lints and attempts to fix auto-fixable issues.