0.3.0 • Published 1 month ago

@xavdid/json-requests v0.3.0

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1 month ago


This is a simple, modern, ergonomic, zero-dependency, JSON-only HTTP request client.

The package is intentionally light on features and configuration. Responses (and outgoing bodies, if applicable) must be JSON - if you need a different response type, use a different package.

It will soon have no external runtime dependencies. At time of writing, it wraps node-fetch, but once fetch is natively available in Node.js, that dependency will be removed.


The package is available on npm; install it via your favorite package manager:

yarn add @xavdid/json-requests


Usage is intentionally simple. Each method takes a url to start and Options to end. The postJSON method also takes a body in middle.

Each method returns a Promise that resolves to the JSON response from the server. Each method will also throw an error if the response status is >= 400 or the response isn't valid JSON. See error handling) for more info.


function getJSON(url: string, options?: Options): Promise<Response extends object>


import { getJSON } from '@xavdid/json-requests'

// within an async function

// you can give the response shape in the function call
type Todo = {
  userId: number
  id: number
  title: string
  completed: boolean
const todo = await getJSON<Todo>('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1')

// `todo` is correctly typed
console.log(todo.title) // "some title"


function postJSON(
    url: string,
    body: object | undefined,
    options?: Options
): Promise<Response extends object>


import { postJSON } from '@xavdid/json-requests'

type Todo = {
  userId: number
  id: number
  title: string
  completed: boolean

// within an async function

// you can give the response shape in the function call
const updatedTodo = await postJSON<Todo>(
    title: 'foo',
    body: 'bar',
    userId: 1,
// `updatedTodo` is correctly typed
console.log(updatedTodo.title) // "foo"


The Options object takes two optional keys:

interface Options {
  // these can only be strings (headers object casts accordingly)
  headers?: { [k: string]: string }
  // there might be more types here
  query?: { [k: string]: string | number | boolean }

The accept and content-type headers are set automatically (and irrevocably).

These types intended to cover basic use; let me know if there's a common case that the types complain about.

// in an async function

// put query params in the object, not the url
const data = await getJSON('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos', {
  query: { _limit: 10 },
// `data` has length 10

// pass auth as normal
const withAuth = await getJSON('https://httpbin.org/get', {
  headers: {
    authorization: 'Basic eGF2ZGlkOmh1bnRlcjI=',


Error Handling

This package raises a custom error class, the ResponseError. It's thrown in 2 cases:

  1. The response content isn't valid JSON
  2. The server returns a status code >= 400

The error object has the following properties:

  • message: a human-readable description of the problem
  • code: a reliable string which pinpoints the issue. Useful for narrowing down the problem programmatically (much like Node.js error codes). Possible values are:
  • statusCode: the numeric HTTP response code
  • body: the response's body content. If the response was valid JSON, it'll be parsed. If not (code is JSON_PARSE_ERROR), it's a string. There are helper functions to help type this for you (see below)

Any other errors will be thrown normally.

Narrowing Functions

The package includes helper functions to improve the typing of thrown errors:

  • isJSONError(e): boolean: narrows to a single possible error type
  • isHTTPError(e): boolean: narrows to a single possible error type
  • isResponseError(e): boolean will let you know an error is any of the above (as opposed to a native or fetch-based error). Useful for safely accessing .statusCode or treating unknown errors differently


import { getJSON, isJSONError, isHTTPError } from '@xavdid/json-requests'

// within an async function

try {
  await getJSON('https://httpbin.org/xml')
} catch (e) {
  if (isJSONError(e)) {
    e.body // <-- string; response that's not parsable JSON, like "<xml>...</xml>"
  if (isHTTPError(e)) {
    e.body // <-- object; parsed error response, like {error: "unable to X"}

  if (isResponseError(e)) {
    // can be either of the above, but not a native error
    e.message // string; human readable message
    e.statusCode // number
    e.code // string; one of the above

1 month ago


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1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago