1.0.2 β€’ Published 2 years ago

@xeggo/drop-sdk v1.0.2

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2 years ago

xeggo SDK

It's either possible to generate links and campaigns using our Dashboard or using SDK:

Short description

SDK for computing proxy address, generating and claiming xeggos


yarn add @xeggo/drop-sdk


const xeggoSDK = require("@xeggo/drop-sdk");

// OR

import xeggoSDK from "@xeggo/drop-sdk";


const xeggoSDK = new xeggoSDK({
  сhain = 'mainnet',
  jsonRpcUrl = `https://${chain}.infura.io`,
  apiHost = `https://${chain}.xeggo.io`,
  claimHost = 'https://claim.xeggo.io'

xeggo SDK constructor takes following params:

  • Required params:
    • xeggoMasterAddress - xeggo master address
    • factoryAddress - xeggo factory contract address

You can use the factory contract deployed on Mainnet, Ropsten, Rinkeby, Goerli and Kovan at 0xBa051891B752ecE3670671812486fe8dd34CC1c8

  • Optional params:
    • chain - Chain name, Currently supported chains are 'mainnet', 'ropsten', 'rinkeby', 'goerli' and 'kovan'. Will use 'mainnet' by default
    • jsonRpcUrl - JSON RPC URL to Ethereum node. Will use ${chain}.infura.io by default
    • apiHost - xeggo Relayer Service API host. Will use ${chain}.xeggo.io by default
    • claimHost - Claiming page url host. Will use claim.xeggo.io by default

With the SDK initialized you now need to take the following steps to distribute claimable xeggos:

Precompute proxy address

let proxyAddress = xeggoSDK.getProxyAddress((campaignId = 0));

This function precomputes the proxy address for each campaign.

⚠️ If you are integrating one-to-one xeggos you should always use campaignId = 0

Approve ERC20 tokens to proxy address

const txHash = await xeggoSDK.approve({

This function will approve tokenAmount tokens to provided proxy address

Approve ERC721 tokens to proxy contract

const txHash = await xeggoSDK.approveERC721({

This function will approve all NFTs to provided proxy address

Top-up proxy address with ETH

const txHash = await xeggoSDK.topup({

This function will topup the provided proxy address with weiAmount ethers

Top-up and deploy proxy contract

const txHash = await xeggoSDK.deployProxy({ signingKeyOrWallet, campaignId = 0, weiAmount })

This function will deploy a proxy contract for a given campaign id and top it up with weiAmount provided

Generate links

Generate link for ETH or ERC20

const {
} = await xeggoSDK.generateLink({
    signingKeyOrWallet, // Signing private key or ethers.js Wallet instance
    weiAmount, // Amount of wei per claim
    tokenAddress, // ERC20 token address
    tokenAmount, // Amount of ERC20 tokens per claim
    expirationTime = 12345678910, // Link expiration time
    campaignId = 0, // Campaign id

This function will generate link for claiming ETH or any ERC20 token and return the following params url, linkId, linkKey, xeggoSignerSignature

Generate link for ERC721

const {
} = await xeggoSDK.generateLinkERC721({
    signingKeyOrWallet, // Signing private key or ethers.js Wallet instance
    weiAmount, // Amount of wei per claim
    nftAddress, // ERC721 token address
    tokenId, // Token id
    expirationTime = 12345678910, // Link expiration time
    campaignId = 0, // Campaign id

This function will generate link for claiming ERC721 token and return the following params url, linkId, linkKey, xeggoSignerSignature

Claim links

Claim ETH or ERC20

const txHash = await xeggoSDK.claim({
    weiAmount, // Amount of wei per claim
    tokenAddress, // ERC20 token address
    tokenAmount, // Amount of ERC20 tokens to claim
    expirationTime = 12345678910, // Link expiration time
    linkKey, // Link ephemeral key
    xeggoSignerSignature, // Signature of xeggo signer
    receiverAddress, // Address of receiver
    campaignId = 0, // Campaign id

This function will claim ETH or ERC20 token by making a POST request to server endpoint. Make sure the server is up by running yarn server.

Claim ERC721

const txHash = await xeggoSDK.claim({
    weiAmount, // Amount of wei per claim
    nftAddress, // ERC721 token address
    tokenId, // Token id to claim
    expirationTime = 12345678910, // Link expiration time
    linkKey, // Link ephemeral key
    xeggoSignerSignature, // Signature of xeggo signer
    receiverAddress, // Address of receiver
    campaignId = 0, // Campaign id

This function will claim ETH or ERC20 token by making a POST request to server endpoint. Make sure the server is up by running yarn server.

Subscribe for Claimed events

await xeggoSDK.subscribeForClaimedEvents(proxyAddress, callback);

Subscribe for ClaimedERC721 events

await xeggoSDK.subscribeForClaimedERC721Events(proxyAddress, callback);

Stay in Touch

  • πŸ’¬ Join xeggo Community in Telegram to chat with the core team
  • πŸ•Ή Try out xeggo Dashboard to generate onboarding links
  • πŸ™Œ Want to contribute to the project β€” just ping us
  • πŸ’Œ Reach us at hi@linkdop.io