0.0.1-alpha.17 • Published 12 months ago

@xlabs-libs/wallet-aggregator-injective v0.0.1-alpha.17

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12 months ago

Wallet Aggregator - Injective

Implements the base abstractions for the Injective blockchain.


Under the hood the wallet relies on the WalletSelector class provided by the @injectivelabs/wallet-ts package, which acts as a façade with multiple strategies behind it, one for each method of connecting. So, while the generic class is InjectiveWallet, we inject the type of wallet we want to connect to through a constructor parameter.

For now, the only supported types are Keplr and Cosmostation.

import { ChainId as InjectiveChainId } from "@injectivelabs/ts-types";
import { getNetworkInfo, Network } from "@injectivelabs/networks";
import { InjectiveWallet } from "@xlabs-libs/wallet-aggregator-injective";

const network = InjectiveChainId.Mainnet;
const networkInfo = getNetworkInfo(Network.MainnetK8s);

const opts = {
  networkChainId: network,
  broadcasterOptions: {
    endpoints: {
      indexerApi: networkInfo.indexerApi,
      sentryGrpcApi: networkInfo.sentryGrpcApi,
      sentryHttpApi: networkInfo.sentryHttpApi,

const keplr = new InjectiveWallet({
  type: InjectiveWalletType.Keplr,
const cosmostation = new InjectiveWallet({
  type: InjectiveWalletType.Cosmostation,