1.3.11 • Published 2 years ago
@xlera/convector-core-model v1.3.11
Convector Model
This module contains the base model to be used as a base for any other model.
The children classes can be used in 1 of 3 ways:
As an model query
class MyModel extends ConvectorModel<MyModel> { ... }
const model = new MyModel(id);
As a param constructor and validator
class MyModel extends ConvectorModel<MyModel> { /* ... */ }
class MyController {
public async myMethod(
myModel: MyModel
) {
As a container to start filling the model
class MyModel extends ConvectorModel<MyModel> { /* ... */ }
const myModel = new MyModel();
myModel.name = 'name';
myModel.info = 'info';
/* ... */