1.1.9 • Published 1 year ago
@xlou/webtools v1.1.9
- Commonly used tools in frontend development.
- Examples: Base64 encoding/decoding, deep copying of data, extracting URL parameters, etc.
Using in Traditional Projects
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@xlou/webtools@1.1.9/dist/umd/webtools.min.js"></script>
<!-- It's recommended to download and use the file locally -->
/* After including this JS file, the tools object will be available on the window */
let query = tools.getQuery()
Using in Vue, React, Angular, and Other Node Projects
npm i @xlou/webtools -S
In main.js or main.ts
/* Using specific functions */
import { getQuery } from '@xlou/webtools'
let query = getQuery()
/* Using the entire package */
import tools from '@xlou/webtools'
let query = tools.getQuery()
deepCopy Deep Copy for Reference Types
Parameter Details
function deepCopy(obj: any, set?: Set<any>): any;
Usage Example
let objA = { m: "hello", n: [1, 2, 3] }
let objB = deepCopy(a) // objB => { m: "hello", n: [1, 2, 3] }
objA.m = "hi"
objB.n[0] = 4 // objB => { m: "hi", n: [4, 2, 3] }
console.log(objA) // objA => { m: "hello", n: [1, 2, 3] }
getQuery Get URL Parameters
Parameter Details
interface GeneralObject {
[prop: string]: string | number | boolean | null | undefined;
function getQuery(href?: string): GeneralObject;
/* If href is not provided, it gets parameters from the current page's URL */
Usage Example
/* If the current page's URL is www.xxx.com?name=tom&id=1 */
let q0 = getQuery() // q0 => { name: "tom", id: 1 }
let q1 = getQuery("www.xxx.com?type=1") // q1 => { type: 1 }
queryString Convert Object to Query String
Parameter Details
function queryString(obj: GeneralObject, bol?: boolean): string;
Usage Example
let a = { name: "tom", id: 1 }
let m = queryString(a) // m => "name=tom&id=1"
let n = queryString(a, true) // n => "?name=tom&id=1"
filterObject Filter an Object
Parameter Details
function filterObject(obj: Object, str?: string, bol?: boolean): Object;
Usage Example
let a = { m: 123, n: "hello", p: 456, q: 789 }
let b = filterObject(a, "p, q") // b => { p: 456, q: 789 }
let c = filterObject(a, "p, q", false) // b => { m: 123, n: "hello" }
toFixed Format Decimal Places
Parameter Details
function toFixed(num?: number | string, s?: number | string): string | undefined;
Usage Example
let a = 1.335
let m = a.toFixed(2) // m => 1.33 Using the default toFixed method might lead to unexpected results
let n = toFixed(a, 2) // n => 1.34
let p = toFixed(a) // p => 1
formSubmit Simulate Form Submission for File Downloads
Parameter Details
function formSubmit(obj: FormOptions): void;
Usage Example
method: "post", // Request type
action: "./hello", // Request URL
/* ... Other form parameters */
data: { name: "tom" } // Request data
readText Read Text Files
Parameter Details
function readText(url: string): Promise<string>;
Usage Example
.then(res => {
readJSON Read JSON Files
Parameter Details
function readJSON(url: string): Promise<any>;
Usage Example
.then(res => {
getStore Read from localStorage, Parsing JSON if Applicable
Parameter Details
function getStore(str: string): any;
Usage Example
/* key: a, value: { "m": "hello" } */
let b = getStore("a") // b => { m: "hello" }
setStore Write to localStorage, Parsing Objects to JSON if Applicable
Parameter Details
function setStore(str: string, data: any): void;
Usage Example
let a = { m: "hello" }
let b = "tom"
setStore('p', a) // key: p, value: { "m": "hello" }
setStore('q', b) // key: q, value: tom
Base64 Encode and Decode Strings using Base64
Parameter Details
class Base64 {
constructor(key?: string);
private key;
encode(input: string): string;
decode(input: string): string;
private utf8_encode;
private utf8_decode;
Usage Example
const base64 = new Base64()
let a = base64.encode("Hello, World!") // a => 'SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ=='
let b = base64.decode('SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==') // b => "Hello, World!"
unid Generate a Unique ID String
Parameter Details
function unid(): string;
Usage Example
let a = unid() // a => 'xenj1qoj5lbei4nh2'
colorRGB Get RGB Values from a Color
Parameter Details
function colorRGB(str: string): Array<number> | undefined;
Usage Example
colorRGB("#f00") // [255, 0, 0]
colorRGB("#ff7300") // [255, 115, 0]
colorRGB("rgb(128, 55, 255)") // [128, 55, 255]
clipboardWrite Copy the specified content to the clipboard.
Parameter Details
function clipboardWrite(content: any, type?: string): Promise<void>;
Usage Example
function copyText() {
clipboardWrite("Hello, World!") // If the 'type' parameter is not specified, it defaults to 'text/plain'.
.then(() => {
console.log("Copy successful")
async function copyImage() {
const res = await fetch("./flower.png")
const blob = await res.blob()
clipboardWrite(blob, blob.type)
.then(() => {
console.log("Copy successful")