1.1.3 • Published 2 years ago

@xmcdv/cordova-plugin-google-pay v1.1.3

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Last release
2 years ago

Cordova Apple Pay and Google Pay integration (xmcdv edit)

This plugin is built as unified method for obtaining payment tokens to forward it to payment processor (eg Adyen, Stripe, Wayforpay, Liqpay etc).

Plugin supports iOS 11-14. Tested properly with cordova 10, iOS 14.3 and android 11.


cordova plugin add @xmcdv/cordova-plugin-google-pay

For Android, register and fill all required forms at https://pay.google.com/business/console. Add following to config.xml:

<config-file parent="/manifest/application" target="AndroidManifest.xml">
            android:value="true" />

For iOS, you have to have valid developer account with merchant set up and ApplePay capability and a merchant id configured in your Xcode project. Merchant id can be obtained from https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/identifiers/list/merchant. Do configuration manually or using config.xml:

<platform name="ios">

  <config-file target="*-Debug.plist" parent="com.apple.developer.in-app-payments">
      <string>developer merchant ID here</string>

  <config-file target="*-Release.plist" parent="com.apple.developer.in-app-payments">
      <string>production merchant ID here</string>


canMakePayments() checks whether device is capable to make payments via Apple Pay or Google Pay.

// use as plain Promise
async function checkForApplePayOrGooglePay(){
    let isAvailable = await cordova.plugins.ApplePayGooglePay.canMakePayments()

// OR
let available;

cordova.plugins.ApplePayGooglePay.canMakePayments((r) => {
  available = r

makePaymentRequest() initiates pay session.

let request = {
    merchantId: 'merchant.com.example', // obtain it from https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/identifiers/list/merchant
    purpose: `Payment for your order #1`,
    amount: 100,
    countryCode: "US",
    currencyCode: "USD"

cordova.plugins.ApplePayGooglePay.makePaymentRequest(request, r => {
        // in success callback, raw response as encoded JSON is returned. Pass it to your payment processor as is.
      let responseString = r

      r => {
        // in error callback, error message is returned.
        // it will be "Payment cancelled" if used pressed Cancel button.

All parameters in request object are required.

For Android

You will have to provide few extra parameters:

request.gateway = 'stripe'; // or any another processor you are using: https://developers.google.com/pay/api#participating-processors
request.merchantId = 'XXXXXXX'; // merchant id provided by your processor
request.gpMerchantName = 'Your Company Name'; // will be displayed in transaction info
request.gpMerchantId = 'XXXXXXXXXXXX'; // obtain it at https://pay.google.com/business/console
request.environment = 'TEST'; // (xmcdv edit) 'TEST' or 'PRODUCTION'

Also, on Android checking payment availability calling canMakePayments() always returns false even if user has a valid card attached to GooglePay.