0.0.1 • Published 5 years ago
@xprmntl/kompose v0.0.1
tiny functional composition utilities (educational project)
01 login url
Configuration file:
// config.ts
export default {
baseUrl: 'https://example.com',
loginPath: '/login/path',
Providers are data accessors, factories, getter etc. All providers get context as argument.
// provider.ts
import {qs} from './qs'; // arbitrary query string library
// data accessors providers
export const getBaseUrl = (ctx: {baseUrl: string}) => ctx.baseUrl;
export const getLoginPath = (ctx: {loginPath: string}) => ctx.loginPath;
// factory provider
export const queryStringFactory = (ctx?: any) => (params: object) => qs(params);
Factory is where composition start:
// factory function
// each provider represent argument
const loginUrlFactory = (baseUrl: string, loginPath: string, queryString: Function) =>
// return the composed function with optional arguments
// the composed function has access to local arguments and to factory arguments
(params: object) => `${baseUrl}${loginPath}?` + queryString(params);
Composition and usage:
import {factory, kompose, provide} from '../src';
import config from './share/config';
import {getBaseUrl, getLoginPath, queryStringFactory} from './share/providers';
const loginUrlFactory = (baseUrl: string, loginPath: string, queryString: Function) =>
(params: object) => `${baseUrl}${loginPath}?` + queryString(params);
// "provide" and "factory" are helpers function
const composition = kompose(
provide(getBaseUrl, getLoginPath, queryStringFactory),
// when context is available...
const loginUrl = composition(config);
// ...the function is ready to use
console.log( loginUrl({foo: 'bar'}) );
// https://example.com/login/path?foo=bar
Enjoy :)
5 years ago