0.2.2 • Published 11 months ago

@yadah/subsystem-pubsub v0.2.2

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11 months ago

Yadah PubSub subsystem

A Yadah subsystem and Domain class mixin that provides Pub/Sub functionality.

Basic usage

import createPubSub, { PubSubMixin } from "@yadah/subsystem-pubsub";
import DataManager, { Domain } from "@yadah/data-manager";
import ListenerMixin from "@yadah/domain-listener";
import createContext from "@yadah/subsystem-context";
import createKnex from "@yadah/subsystem-knex";
import createLogger from "@yadah/subsystem-logger";
import { pipe } from "@yadah/mixin";
import { once } from "node:events";

class MyDomain extends pipe(Domain, ListenerMixin, PubSubMixin) {
  registerListeners() {
    // ensure all superclass listeners are registered

    // This will listen for the "example" event being emitted on the MyDomain
    // singleton, and re-publish events on channel "myDomainExample"

// create subsystems
const context = createContext();
const knex = createKnex({
  client: "postgresql",
  connection: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
const logger = createLogger({ pretty: true });
const pubsub = createPubSub(knex);
await pubsub.migrate();

// create and boot domains
const dataManager = new DataManager({ context, knex, pubsub });
const domains = dataManager.boot({ MyDomain });

// start domains and subscribe to pubsub channel
await dataManager.startup();
const subscription = pubsub.subscribe("myDomainExample");

// `subscription` is a Readable stream. The custom event 'pubsub:ready'
// indicates it is ready to receive messages
subscription.on("pubsub:ready", () => {
  // the "example" event is published to the "myDomainExample" channel.
  domains.MyDomain.emit("example", { data: "example-payload" });

// read the first payload from the subscription
const payload = await once(subscription, "data");
logger.info("example payload received", ...payload);
// info: example payload received {timestamp}
// { data: 'example-payload' }

// close the subscription and wait for cleanup
await pubsub.unsubscribe(subscription);

// shutdown pubsub and domains
await pubsub.unlisten();
await dataManager.shutdown();
await knex.destroy();


Creates a Pub/Sub subsystem using the provided knex instance for database connections.

PubSub.publish(channel, payload, transactionOrKnex)

Publishes a message to the specified channel.

payload must be an array.

The transactionOrKnex argument is optional. It allows publishing messages in a transaction; if the transaction is aborted the message will not be sent. If not set the knex instance provided in the constructor will be used.

Returns a Promise that resolves when the database query is complete.


Subscribes to the specified channel.

Returns a Readable object stream to asynchronously read messages from the channel.

A subscription stream may be converted to an AsyncIterator using the iterator() method. Calling .return() on the iterator will end the stream (this is equivalent to calling unsubscribe() on the stream).

The iterator also has two methods:

  • push(...payload) - pushes a payload onto the stream
  • map(callback) - allows to filter and transform the payload

Both methods return an iterator with the same properties.

The callback function has signature (...payload) => payload. If the callback returns a non-array value the payload is ignored.


import { createKnex } from "@yadah/subsystem-knex";
import { createPubSub } from "@yadah/subsystem-pubsub";

const knex = createKnex({
  client: "postgresql",
  connection: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
const pubsub = createPubSub({ knex });

function subscribe(criteria) {
  return pubsub
    .map((value) => {
      // filter out events that don't match the criteria
      if (!isMatch(value, criteria)) {
        return null;
      // return a new payload
      return [value];


Ends the subscription stream.

Returns a Promise that resolves when the stream has closed and cleanup performed.


Closes all subscriptions.

Returns a Promise that resolves when the connection has closed.


The PubSubMixin function will add a .pubsub property to domain classes which provides access to the pubsub instance, and a .publish getter to use in the registerListeners() function.

An error will be thrown if no pubsub subsystem is provided during the boot lifecycle.

The .publish getter is used to setup an event handler to publish events to the pubsub subsystem.

import { pipe } from "@yadah/mixin";

class MyDomain extends pipe(Domain, ListenerMixin, PubSubMixin) {
  registerListeners() {


The .publish getter returns an object that allows defining how to handle an event in a fluent manner. The modifiers are:

.publish.on(eventName, ...)

The .on modifier is used to list event names that will be published.


The .map modifier is used to transform and filter the message payload. The payload will be the event arguments by default, but may be altered by supplying a callback function to .map. The callback should return an array containing data to publish as the message payload, or a non-array (typically null or undefined) to filter the event and not publish a message.

// *Example*
// only broadcast messages when the `broadcast` argument is true
// also, only publish the message in the payload
this.publish.map((message, broadcast) => (broadcast ? [message] : null));


The .id modifier is used to override the default channel. This allows controlling the channel in cases where that is required.

By default, the channel will be the domain class constructor name. If the .on modifier is used, the channel will have the event name as a suffix.

.id accepts a callback with signature (eventName, id) => channel allowing dynamic construction of the channel. This can be useful when using the same code for multiple events, like

  .on("ev1", "ev2", "ev3")
  .id((eventName, id) => `${id}:${eventName}`);


The final value is a function suitable to be used in an event handler.

// the following are equivalient
this.on("eventName", this.publish.id("EVENT"));


A short-hand for subscribing to a domain's channel. If no channel is specified, the domain's constructor name will be used.

Returns the subscription AsyncIterator.