0.2.0 • Published 1 year ago

@yadah/subsystem-storage v0.2.0

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1 year ago

Yadah Storage subsystem

A Yadah subsystem and Domain class mixin that provides object storage functionality.


  • Object - a piece of data represented as a stream of bytes; a file
  • Container - a folder containing related objects
  • Space - a location where containers of objects are stored
  • Adaptor - a class that implements primitive methods for object storage and retrieval

The storage subsystem is initialised with a configuration that defines one or more spaces. It may then be used to upload & download objects to/from containers in those spaces.

Storage spaces may reside in cloud services (eg. Google Cloud Storage or AWS S3), other networked file storage systems (eg. FTP), or a local filesystem (eg. a shared NFS volume).

Basic usage

import createStorage, { StorageMixin } from "@yadah/subsystem-storage";
import FilesystemStorageAdaptor from "@yadah/storage-fs";
import DataManager, { Domain } from "@yadah/data-manager";
import { pipe } from "@yadah/mixin";
import { createReadStream } from "node:fs";

class MyDomain extends pipe(Domain, StorageMixin) {
  async saveFileToStorage(filename) {
    const readable = createReadStream(filename);
    await this.storage.upload(["containerName", "objectName"], readable);

  async saveObjectToStorage(object) {
    await this.storage.upload(
      ["containerName", "objectName"],

// create subsystems
const storage = createStorage(
    demo: {
      url: "file:///tmp/storage/demo",

// create and boot domains
const dataManager = new DataManager({ storage });
const domains = dataManager.boot({ MyDomain });

// start domains
await dataManager.startup();

// copies a file to the storage space
await domains.MyDomain.saveFileToStorage("/path/to/a/file");

// writes an object to storage
await domains.MyDomain.saveObjectToStorage({ foo: "bar" });

// shutdown domains
await dataManager.shutdown();


createStorage(spaces, adaptors)

  • spaces - { [name]: SpaceConfig, ... }
  • adaptors - StorageAdaptor[]
  • Returns: Storage

Creates a Storage subsystem.

A SpaceConfig object is a configuration object defining each space. A space must have a url property that points to the space's root path.

The optional readonly property is used by storage adaptors to restrict use of mutating functions.

Adaptors may define additional configuration properties such as credentials or other protocol specific policies.

  [spaceName]: { url, readonly, ...adaptorConfig },
  [spaceName]: { url, readonly, ...adaptorConfig },

The adaptors array is a list of classes that implement the StorageAdaptor interface.


  • storageUrlLike - string | string[] | {space, container, object} | StorageUrl
  • Returns: StorageUrl

Create a StorageUrl instance from the given value.


  • storageUrl - StorageUrl
  • Returns: Readable

Creates a Readable stream to allow reading the object data at the specified storageUrl.


  • storageUrl - StorageUrl
  • Returns: Writable

Creates a Writable stream to allow writing the object data to the specified storageUrl.


  • storageUrlLike - string | string[] | {space, container, object} | StorageUrl
  • Returns: [StorageUrl, Readable] | Thenable<Buffer>

Parses the storageUrlLike value to a StorageUrl instance and returns a tuple containing the StorageUrl instance and a Readable stream.

const [storageUrl, readable] = storage.download([containerName, objectName]);
console.log(`downloading ${storageUrl.toUrl()}`);
await stream.promises.pipeline(readable, response);

The return value is thenable so it may be used as a Promise to read the object data to a Buffer.

const buffer = await storage.download([containerName, objectName]);

storage.download(storageUrlLike, writable)

  • storageUrlLike - string | string[] | {space, container, object} | StorageUrl
  • writable - Writable
  • Returns: Promise<StorageUrl>

Parses the storageUrlLike value to a StorageUrl and returns a Promise that resolves with the StorageUrl instance once the object data has been downloaded and piped to the Writable stream.

const writable = fs.createWriteStream("/path/to/a/file");
const storageUrl = await storage.download(
  [containerName, objectName],


  • storageUrlLike - string | string[] | {space, container, object} | StorageUrl
  • Returns: [StorageUrl, Writable]

Parses the storageUrlLike value to a StorageUrl instance and returns a tuple containing the StorageUrl instance and a Writable stream.

const [storageUrl, writable] = storage.upload([containerName, objectName]);
console.log(`uploading ${storageUrl.toUrl()}`);
await stream.promises.pipeline(data, writable);

storage.upload(storageUrlLike, readable)

  • storageUrlLike - string | string[] | {space, container, object} | StorageUrl
  • readable - Readable | Buffer | string
  • Returns: Promise<StorageUrl>

Parses the storageUrlLike value to a StorageUrl and returns a Promise that resolves with the StorageUrl instance once the object data has been streamed from readable to storage.

const readable = fs.createReadStream("/path/to/a/file");
const storageUrl = await storage.upload([containerName, objectName], readable);


  • storageUrlLike - string | string[] | {space, container, object} | StorageUrl
  • Returns: Promise<StorageUrl>

Parses the storageUrlLike value to a StorageUrl instance and returns a Promise that resolves to the StorageUrl instance once the object has been deleted from storage.

storage.rename(fromStorageUrlLike, toStorageUrlLike)

  • fromStorageUrlLike - string | string[] | {space, container, object} | StorageUrl
  • toStorageUrlLike - string | string[] | {space, container, object} | StorageUrl
  • Returns: Promise<[from: StorageUrl, to: StorageUrl]>

Parses the fromStorageUrlLike and toStorageUrlLike values to StorageUrl instances and returns a Promise that resolves with a tuple containing the StorageUrl instances once the object at the from location has been renamed to the to location.

The from and to locations must be in the same storage space.


  • storageUrlLike - string | string[] | {space, container, object} | StorageUrl
  • Returns: Promise<boolean>

Returns a Promise that resolves with true if there is an object at the location specified in storageUrlLike and false if there is not.


  • storageUrlLike - string | string[] | {space, container, object} | StorageUrl
  • Returns: Promise<{ size: number, mtime: Date }>

Returns a Promise that resolves with an object specifying the object size in bytes, and the object's last modified time.

storage.listContainers(space, glob)

  • space - string
  • glob - string; a minimatch glob pattern
  • Returns: AsyncIterable<StorageContainerUrl> | Thenable<StorageContainerUrl[]>

Returns an AsyncIterable yielding the StorageContainerUrl instances in the specified space. If a glob string is provided it is used to filter the list of containers by name.

const storageContainerUrls = storage.listContainers(spaceName);
for await (const storageContainerUrl of storageContainerUrls) {
  // do something with storageContainerUrl

The return value is also thenable which allows using it as a Promise that resolves with an array of the StorageContainerUrl instances.

const storageContainerUrls = await storage.listContainers(spaceName);
for (const storageContainerUrls of storageContainerUrls) {
  // do something with storageContainerUrl

NOTE: depending on the Storage Adaptor, listing containers may require exhaustively listing objects in a storage space which may have performance implications.

storage.list(storageContainerUrlLike, glob)

  • storageContainerUrlLike - string | [string, null] [string, string, null] | {space, container, object: null} | StorageContainerUrl
  • glob - string; a minimatch glob pattern
  • Returns: AsyncIterable<StorageUrl> | Thenable<StorageUrl[]>

Returns an AsyncIterable yielding the StorageUrl instances of objects in the specified container. If a glob string is provided it is used to filter the list of objects by name (using minimatch).

const storageUrls = storage.list([containerName, null], "*");
for await (const storageUrl of storageUrls) {
  // do something with storageUrl

The return value is also thenable which allows using it as a Promise that resolves with an array of the StorageUrl instances.

const storageUrls = await storage.list([containerName, null], "*");
for (const storageUrl of storageUrls) {
  // do something with storageUrl


  • value - string | [string, string | null] [string, string, string | null] | {space, container, object: string | null} | StorageUrl
  • Returns: StorageUrl

Constructs a StorageUrl instance from one of the accepted forms:

  • internal stringified form: a string matching space ":" container ["/" object]
  • external stringified form: a string that can be parsed with URL
  • a 2-tuple: [container: string, object: string | null]
  • a 3-tuple: [space: string, container: string, object: string | null]
  • an object: { space: string, container: string, object: string | null }

A StorageContainerUrl is a StorageUrl where the object property is null.


  • Returns: string

Constructs the internal stringified form representing the storage location

space ":" container ["/" object]


  • Returns: URL

Constructs a URL object representing the storage location.

storageUrl.toURL() is an alias for storageUrl.toUrl().


  • Returns: { space: string, container: string, object: string | null }

Constructs an object representing the storage location.

storageUrl.toJSON() is an alias for storageUrl.toJson().


  • Returns: [string, string, string | null]

Constructs a 3-tuple representing the storage location.


The StorageMixin function adds a .storage property to domain classes to provide access to the Storage instance.

An error will be thrown if no storage subsystem is provided during the boot lifecycle.