0.1.21 • Published 2 years ago

@yendisng/cdk-pipeline-lib v0.1.21

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2 years ago

CDK Pipeline Lib

This construct library is meant to help create a CDK pipeline that accepts multiple sources. For now the default is that there is a corresponding CodeBuild Project created for each input source. The library also creates a corresponding Pipeline Stage that uses a single CodeBuild Action for each input source.

Getting Started

Setup the local repo to pull the package from GitHub packages


Setup the registry for the @masterofthebus scope. Add the following to an .npmrc file at the root of the project.


In order to allow pulling from the GitHub packages registry, you will need to authenticate to GitHub packages. Create a file in the user directory ~/.npmrc and add the following. To generate a personal access token see this link. For more on authenticating with a PAT see the docs

//npm.pkg.github.com/:_authToken=<GitHub Personal Access Token>

After setting up the .npmrc install the package into dependencies by running

npm install @masterofthebus/cdk-pipeline-lib@0.1.6

Setting up an Artifact Bucket

If you want to setup an S3 bucket to store build artifacts to be used by the app, the bucket needs to be created ahead of time.


See https://github.com/MasterOfTheBus/cdk-pipeline-example for an example.

Setup the CloudFormation stack for the pipeline by creating a Stack class that instantiates the CodePipelineConstruct class.

export class CdkPipelineExampleStack extends Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    // Defines the information for the pipeline source. This is the repo where this class is defined.
    const pipelineSource = new CodeStarConnectionDef({
      // A CodeStar Connection ARN
      codeStarConnection: "arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:025257542471:connection/b53232ef-36cd-40e2-90ce-4bed059aed57",
      repo: "cdk-pipeline-example",
      repoOwner: "MasterOfTheBus",
      branch: "main"

    // Defines the information for the source code of you app. It can be any other repo.
    const codeSource = new CodeStarConnectionDef({
      // A CodeStar Connection ARN
      codeStarConnection: "arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:025257542471:connection/b53232ef-36cd-40e2-90ce-4bed059aed57",
      repo: "test_lambda_deploy",
      repoOwner: "MasterOfTheBus",
      branch: "main"

    // The bucket ARN that stores build artifacts used by the lambda
    const bucketArn = 'arn:aws:s3:::sng-lambda-deployments-bucket';
    // The S3 object key for the build artifact 
    const artifactKey = 'artifacts.zip';

    // Instantiates the CodePipeline
    const pipeline = new CodePipelineConstruct(this, 'CodePipeline', {
      pipelineSource: pipelineSource,
      source: codeSource,
      artifactBucketArn: bucketArn,
      artifactKey: artifactKey,
      githubUser: 'masterofthebus',
      githubEmail: 'yendisng@gmail.com'

    // Use the pipeline property to add stages.
      new MyPipelineAppStage(this ,'TestLambda', bucketArn, `${codeSource.repo}/${artifactKey}`, {
        env: { account: '025257542471', region: 'us-east-1' }


Local Setup

  • See the AWS CDK Docs to set up working with the CDK
    • aws configure to setup AWS configuration
    • npm -g install typescript to install TypeScript
    • npm install -g aws-cdk to install the CDK CLI tool
    • cdk bootstrap aws://ACCOUNT-NUMBER/REGION to bootstrap the CDK


Run npx projen to build

Run npx projen build to run a production build