0.0.3 • Published 1 year ago

@yololeio/evervault-node-test v0.0.3

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1 year ago


Evervault Node.js SDK

The Evervault Node.js SDK is a toolkit for encrypting data as it enters your server, and working with Functions. By default, initializing the SDK will result in all outbound HTTPS requests being intercepted and decrypted.

Getting Started

Before starting with the Evervault Node.js SDK, you will need to create an account and a team.

For full installation support, book time here.


See the Evervault Node.js SDK documentation.


Our Node.js SDK is distributed via npm, and can be installed using your preferred package manager.

npm install --save @evervault/sdk

yarn add @evervault/sdk


To make Evervault available for use in your app:

const Evervault = require('@evervault/sdk');

// Initialize the client with your team's api key
const evervaultClient = new Evervault('<API-KEY>');

// Encrypt your sensitive data
const encrypted = await evervaultClient.encrypt({ ssn: '012-34-5678' });

// Process the encrypted data in a Function
const result = await evervaultClient.run('<FUNCTION_NAME>', encrypted);

// Send the decrypted data to a third-party API
await evervaultClient.enableOutboundRelay();
const response = await axios.post('https://example.com', encrypted);

// Enable the Cages beta client
await evervaultClient.enableCagesBeta({ 'my-cage': { pcr8: '...' } });
// This connection will be attested by the Cages beta client
const response = await axios.post(


The Evervault Node.js SDK exposes four functions.


evervault.encrypt()encrypts data for use in your Functions. To encrypt data at the server, simply pass an object or string into the evervault.encrypt() function. Store the encrypted data in your database as normal.

async evervault.encrypt(data: Object | String);
dataObject or StringData to be encrypted.


evervault.run() invokes a Function with a given payload.

async evervault.run(functionName: String, payload: Object[, options: Object]);
functionNameStringName of the Function to be run
dataObjectPayload for the Function
optionsObjectOptions for the Function run

Function Run Options

Options to control how your Function is run

asyncBooleanfalseRun your Function in async mode. Async Function runs will be queued for processing.
versionNumberundefinedSpecify the version of your Function to run. By default, the latest version will be run.


evervault.createRunToken() creates a single use, time bound token for invoking a Function.

async evervault.createRunToken(functionName: String, payload: Object);
functionNameStringName of the Function the run token should be created for
dataObjectPayload that the token can be used with


evervault.enableOutboundRelay() configures your application to proxy HTTP requests using Outbound Relay based on the configuration created in the Evervault dashboard. See Outbound Relay to learn more.

async evervault.enableOutboundRelay([options: Object])
decryptionDomainsArrayundefinedRequests sent to any of the domains listed will be proxied through Outbound Relay. This will override the configuration created in the Evervault dashboard.
debugRequestsBooleanFalseOutput request domains and whether they were sent through Outbound Relay.


evervault.enableCagesBeta() configures your client to automatically attest any requests to Cages. See the Cage attestation docs to learn more.

async evervault.enableCagesBeta([cageAttestationData: Object])
<CageName>ObjectundefinedRequests to a Cage specified in this object will include a check to verify that the PCRs provided in the object are included in the attestation document.

Cages Beta Example

await evervault.enableCagesBeta({
  'hello-cage': {
    pcr8: '97c5395a83c0d6a04d53ff962663c714c178c24500bf97f78456ed3721d922cf3f940614da4bb90107c439bc4a1443ca',


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/evervault/evervault-node.

Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for more details.


Questions or feedback? Let us know.