1.0.0 • Published 5 months ago

@yoroi/identicon v1.0.0

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5 months ago


Identicon Module for Yoroi


The Identicon module for Yoroi to provide a visual representation of a wallet (pub-key) using identicons. Initially, this module leverages Blockies and Jazzicon algorithms to generate these visual identifiers.


  • Blockies Support: Generate identicons using the Blockies.
  • Headless Implementation: Provides a base64 representation of SVGs, enabling easy use across different platforms.
  • Jazzicons Support: Generate identicons using Jazzicon.


To install the Identicon module, use npm/yarn:

# npm
npm install @yoroi/identicon

# yarn
yarn add @yoroi/identicon

# workspace
yarn workspace <pkg> add @yoroi/identicon

Generating a Blockies identicon

const publicKey = 'BEDEAD'
const blockie = new Blockies({seed: publicKey})
const base64Image = blockie.asBase64({size: 44})

// Use the base64Image string as needed, for example, setting it as the src of an img element
document.getElementById('identicon-image').src = base64Image

Generating a Jazzicon identicon

const publicKey = 'BEDEAD'
const jazz = new Jazzicon({seed: publicKey})
const base64Image = jazz.asBase64({size: 44})

// Use the base64Image string as needed, for example, setting it as the src of an img element
document.getElementById('identicon-image').src = base64Image

Blockies API

asBase64({ seed, size, scale }) Generates a base64 encoded SVG image for the provided seed, the width and height are the result of size * scale


  • seed (string): The seed for which to generate the identicon.
  • size (number, optional): The size of the identicon grid. Default is 8.
  • scale (number, optional): The scale factor for the identicon. Default is 4.

Returns: A base64 encoded string representing the SVG image.

Jazzicon API

asBase64({ size }) Generates a base64 encoded SVG image for the provided seed, the width and height are equals to size


  • size (number, optional): The size of the identicon grid. Default is 100.

Returns: A base64 encoded string representing the SVG image.