0.16.4 • Published 3 years ago

@youtuosoft/plus-res v0.16.4

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Last release
3 years ago

Resource Generator

此为HBuilder Plus移植版,可生成符合HBuilder Plus要求的图标,ios上的启动图采用从cordova上移植过来的storyboard,也就是说需要自定义storyboard。


This tool will crop and resize JPEG and PNG source images to generate icons and splash screens for modern iOS, Android, and Windows. plus-res was developed for use with Cordova, but Capacitor and other native runtimes are supported.


$ npm install -g @youtuosoft/plus-res


plus-res expects a Cordova project structure such as:

├── icon.png
└── splash.png
  • resources/icon.(png|jpg) must be at least 1024×1024px
  • resources/splash.(png|jpg) must be at least 2732×2732px
  • config.xml is optional. If present, the generated images are registered accordingly

To generate resources with all the default options, just run:

$ plus-res

plus-res accepts a platform for the first argument. If specified, resources are generated only for that platform:

$ plus-res ios

Otherwise, if config.xml exists, plus-res will look for platforms (e.g. <platform name="ios">) and generate resources only for the configured platforms.


See the help documentation on the command line with the --help flag.

$ plus-res --help

Adaptive Icons

Android Adaptive Icons are also supported. If you choose to use them, create the following additional file(s):

  • resources/android/icon-foreground.png must be at least 432×432px
  • resources/android/icon-background.png must be at least 432×432px

A color may also be used for the icon background by specifying the --icon-background-source option with a hex color code, e.g. --icon-background-source '#FFFFFF'.

Regular Android icons will still be generated as a fallback for Android devices that do not support adaptive icons.

:memo: Note: For Cordova apps, Cordova 9+ and cordova-android 8+ is required.


To use plus-res in Capacitor and other native runtimes, it is recommended to use --skip-config (skips reading & writing to Cordova's config.xml file) and --copy (copies generated resources into native projects).

For example, to generate icons and splash screens for iOS and Android in Capacitor, run:

$ plus-res ios --skip-config --copy
$ plus-res android --skip-config --copy

You can use --ios-project and --android-project to specify the native project directories into which these resources are copied. By default, plus-res copies Android resources into android/ and iOS resources into ios/ (the directories Capacitor uses).



To avoid committing large generated images to your repository, you can add the following lines to your .gitignore:


Programmatic API

plus-res can be used programmatically.

CommonJS Example

const run = require('plus-res');

await run();

TypeScript Example

run() takes an options object described by the interface Options. If options are provided, resources are generated in an explicit, opt-in manner. In the following example, only Android icons and iOS splash screens are generated.

import { Options, run } from 'plus-res';

const options: Options = {
  directory: '/path/to/project',
  resourcesDirectory: 'resources',
  logstream: process.stdout, // Any WritableStream
  platforms: {
    android: { icon: { sources: ['resources/icon.png'] } },
    ios: { splash: { sources: ['resources/splash.png'] } },

await run(options);

Cordova Reference Documentation