0.0.1-beta.0 • Published 10 months ago

@zappar/threejs-particle-system v0.0.1-beta.0

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10 months ago


This is a powerful JavaScript library for creating and managing particle emitters in 3D space using the THREE library. It gives you fine-grained control over particle behaviour, distribution, and appearance. With options for various emitter types, color, opacity, size, angle and many other parameters, this library allows you to simulate complex particle systems such as fire, smoke, stars, or even abstract visual effects.

Key Features

  • Emitter Types: Choose from 'BOX', 'SPHERE', 'DISC', or 'LINE' distributions to control the spawn position and force behaviour of the particles.
  • Particle Count and Duration: Define the total number of particles an emitter holds and the duration for which the emitter lives. You can even specify emitters to run indefinitely.
  • Velocity and Acceleration: Customise the base and variance of the velocity and acceleration of each particle.
  • Drag and Wiggle: Apply drag to particles and make them wiggle over time. A great feature to simulate fire embers or create whimsical effects.
  • Rotation: Static or dynamic rotation of particles around a defined axis of rotation, with optional randomisation on re-spawning.
  • Color and Opacity: Define the color and opacity of a particle over its lifetime. - Both color and opacity support value-over-lifetime properties, meaning you can describe specific value changes over a particle's lifetime.
  • Size and Angle: Adjust the size and angle of particles, both also support value-over-lifetime properties.
  • Texture and Blending: Define the texture of particles. Apply blending modes to enhance the visual appearance of your particles.
  • Billboarding: Choose between spherical, cylindrical or directional billboarding for your different emitter effects.

You may also be interested in:

  • Zapapr for three.js (website, NPM)
  • Zappar for A-Frame (website, NPM)
  • Zappar for React+three.js (website, NPM)
  • Zappar for Unity (website)
  • Zappar for JavaScript (website, NPM), if you'd like to build content with a different 3D rendering platform
  • ZapWorks Studio (website), a full 3D development environment built for AR, VR and MR

Getting Started

Starting Development

You can use this library by installing from NPM for use in a module project.

NPM Package

Run the following NPM command inside your project directory:

npm install --save @zappar/threejs-particle-system

Then import the library into your JavaScript or TypeScript files:

import * as ParticleSystem from "@zappar/threejs-particle-system";

Example Project

import * as THREE from 'three';
import { OrbitControls } from "three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls";
import * as ParticleSystem from "@zappar/threejs-particles";
import './index.css'

// Define the URL for the rain particle texture
const rainParticle = new URL('./rain-particle.png', import.meta.url).href;

// Initialize scene, camera and clock
const clock = new THREE.Clock();
const scene = new THREE.Scene();
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.01, 1000);

// Initialize renderer and append it to the body
const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);

// Initialize camera controls
const controls = new OrbitControls(camera, renderer.domElement);

// Function to setup the EmitterGroup
const setupEmitterGroup = (billboard?: 'spherical' | 'cylindrical' | 'directional'): ParticleSystem.EmitterGroup => {
// Create a new EmitterGroup
const _emitterGroup = new ParticleSystem.EmitterGroup({
  maxParticleCount: 2000,
  texture: {value: new THREE.TextureLoader().load(rainParticle)}

// Define a new Emitter
const emitter = new ParticleSystem.Emitter({
  particleCount: 200,
  size: { value: 2.0 },
  velocity: {
    value: new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0),
    spread: new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0)
  acceleration: {
    value: new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0),
  position: {
    value: new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0),
    spread: new THREE.Vector3(10, 10, 10)

// Add the emitter to the group and set its position and scale
_emitterGroup.mesh.position.set(0, 0, 0);
_emitterGroup.mesh.scale.set(1, 1, 1);

// Return the EmitterGroup
return _emitterGroup;

// Initialize the EmitterGroup
const emitterGroup = setupEmitterGroup();

// Add the EmitterGroup to the scene

// Set initial camera position
camera.position.z = 5;

// Define the animation loop
const animation = function () {
// Update emitter group, controls and render the scene
renderer.render(scene, camera);

// Set the animation loop

Particle Emitter settings

NameTypeDefault valueDescription
type'BOX' or 'SPHERE' or 'DISC' or 'LINE''BOX'The default distribution this emitter should use to control its particle's spawn position and force behaviour.
particleCountnumber100The total number of particles this emitter will hold. NOTE: this is not the number of particles emitted in a second, or anything like that. The number of particles emitted per-second is calculated by particleCount / maxAge (approximately!)
durationnumber or nullnullThe duration in seconds that this emitter should live for. If not specified, the emitter will emit particles indefinitely. NOTE: When an emitter is older than a specified duration, the emitter is NOT removed from it's group, but rather is just marked as dead, allowing it to be reanimated at a later time using ParticleEmitter.enable().
isStaticbooleanfalseWhether this emitter should be be simulated.
activeMultipliernumber > 0 & < 11A value between 0 and 1 describing what percentage of this emitter's particlesPerSecond should be emitted, where 0 is 0%, and 1 is 100%. For example, having an emitter with 100 particles, a maxAge of 2, yields a particlesPerSecond value of 50. Setting activeMultiplier to 0.5, then, will only emit 25 particles per second (0.5 = 50%).Values greater than 1 will emulate a burst of particles, causing the emitter to run out of particles before it's next activation cycle.
directionnumber 1 or -11The direction of the emitter. If value is 1, emitter will start at beginning of particle's lifecycle. If value is -1, emitter will start at end of particle's lifecycle and work it's way backwards.
maxAgeAn object describing the particle's maximum age in seconds.
maxAge.valuenumber > 0 & < 12A number between 0 and 1 describing the amount of maxAge to apply to all particles.
maxAge.spreadnumber0A number describing the maxAge variance on a per-particle basis.
positionAn object describing this emitter's position.
position.valueTHREE.Vector3x: 0, y: 0, z: 0A THREE.Vector3 instance describing this emitter's base position.
position.spreadTHREE.Vector3x: 0, y: 0, z: 0A THREE.Vector3 instance describing this emitter's position variance on a per-particle basis. Note that when using a SPHERE or DISC distribution, only the x-component of this vector is used. When using a LINE distribution, this value is the endpoint of the LINE.
position.spreadClampTHREE.Vector3x: 0, y: 0, z: 0A THREE.Vector3 instance describing the numeric multiples the particle's should be spread out over. Note that when using a SPHERE or DISC distribution, only the x-component of this vector is used. When using a LINE distribution, this property is ignored.
position.radiusnumber10This emitter's base radius.
position.radiusScaleTHREE.Vector3x: 1, y: 1, z: 1A THREE.Vector3 instance describing the radius's scale in all three axes. Allows a SPHERE or DISC to be squashed or stretched.
position.distribution'BOX' or 'SPHERE' or 'DISC' or 'LINE'value of distributionA specific distribution to use when radiusing particles. Overrides the type option.
position.randomisebooleanfalseWhen a particle is re-spawned, whether it's position should be re-randomised or not. Can incur a performance hit.
velocityAn object describing this particle velocity.
velocity.valueTHREE.Vector3x: 0, y: 0, z: 0A THREE.Vector3 instance describing this emitter's base velocity.
velocity.spreadTHREE.Vector3x: 0, y: 0, z: 0A THREE.Vector3 instance describing this emitter's velocity variance on a per-particle basis. Note that when using a SPHERE or DISC distribution, only the x-component of this vector is used.
velocity.distribution'BOX' or 'SPHERE' or 'DISC' or 'LINE'value of distributionA specific distribution to use when calculating a particle's velocity. Overrides the type option.
velocity.randomisebooleanfalseWhen a particle is re-spawned, whether it's velocity should be re-randomised or not. Can incur a performance hit.
accelerationAn object describing this particle's acceleration.
acceleration.valueTHREE.Vector3x: 0, y: 0, z: 0A THREE.Vector3 instance describing this emitter's base acceleration.
acceleration.spreadTHREE.Vector3x: 0, y: 0, z: 0A THREE.Vector3 instance describing this emitter's acceleration variance on a per-particle basis. Note that when using a SPHERE or DISC distribution, only the x-component of this vector is used.
acceleration.distribution'BOX' or 'SPHERE' or 'DISC' or 'LINE'value of distributionA specific distribution to use when calculating a particle's acceleration. Overrides the type option.
acceleration.randomisebooleanfalseWhen a particle is re-spawned, whether it's acceleration should be re-randomised or not. Can incur a performance hit.
dragAn object describing this particle drag. Drag is applied to both velocity and acceleration values.
drag.valuenumber0A number between 0 and 1 describing the amount of drag to apply to all particles.
drag.spreadnumber0A number describing the drag variance on a per-particle basis.
drag.randomisebooleanfalseWhen a particle is re-spawned, whether it's drag should be re-randomised or not. Can incur a performance hit.
wiggleThis is quite a fun one! The values of this object will determine whether a particle will wiggle, or jiggle, or wave, or shimmy, or waggle, or... Well you get the idea. The wiggle is calculated over-time, meaning that a particle will start off with no wiggle, and end up wiggling about with the distance of the value specified by the time it dies. It's quite handy to simulate fire embers, or similar effects where the particle's position should slightly change over time, and such change isn't easily controlled by rotation, velocity, or acceleration. The wiggle is a combination of sin and cos calculations, so is circular in nature.
wiggle.valuenumber0A number describing the amount of wiggle to apply to all particles. It's measured in distance.
wiggle.spreadnumber0A number describing the wiggle variance on a per-particle basis.
rotationAn object describing this emitter's rotation. It can either be static, or set to rotate from 0 radians to the value of rotation.value over a particle's lifetime. Rotation values affect both a particle's position and the forces applied to it.
rotation.axisTHREE.Vector3x: 0, y: 1, z: 0A THREE.Vector3 instance describing this emitter's axis of rotation.
rotation.axisSpreadTHREE.Vector3x: 0, y: 0, z: 0A THREE.Vector3 instance describing the amount of variance to apply to the axis of rotation on a per-particle basis.
rotation.anglenumber0The amount of variance in each particle's rotation angle.
rotation.angleSpreadnumber0The amount of variance in each particle's rotation angle.
rotation.staticbooleanfalseWhether the rotation should be static or not.
rotation.centerTHREE.Vector3value of position.valueA THREE.Vector3 instance describing the center point of rotation.
rotation.randomisebooleanfalseWhen a particle is re-spawned, whether it's rotation should be re-randomised or not. Can incur a performance hit.
colorAn object describing a particle's color. This property is a "value-over-lifetime" property, meaning an array of values and spreads can be given to describe specific value changes over a particle's lifetime. Depending on the value of valueOverLifetimeLength, if arrays of THREE.Color instances are given, then the array will be interpolated to have a length matching the value of valueOverLifetimeLength.
color.valueTHREE.Color or THREE.Color arrayr: 0, g: 0, b: 0Either a single THREE.Color instance, or an array of THREE.Color instances to describe the color of a particle over it's lifetime.
color.spreadTHREE.Vector3 or THREE.Vector3 arrayx: 0, y: 0, z: 0Either a single THREE.Vector3 instance, or an array of THREE.Vector3 instances to describe the color variance of a particle over it's lifetime.
color.randomisebooleanfalseWhen a particle is re-spawned, whether it's color should be re-randomised or not. Can incur a performance hit.
opacityAn object describing a particle's opacity. This property is a "value-over-lifetime" property, meaning an array of values and spreads can be given to describe specific value changes over a particle's lifetime. Depending on the value of valueOverLifetimeLength, if arrays of numbers are given, then the array will be interpolated to have a length matching the value of valueOverLifetimeLength.
opacity.valuenumber or number array1Either a single number, or an array of numbers to describe the opacity of a particle over it's lifetime.
opacity.spreadnumber or number array0Either a single number, or an array of numbers to describe the opacity variance of a particle over it's lifetime.
opacity.randomisebooleanfalseWhen a particle is re-spawned, whether it's opacity should be re-randomised or not. Can incur a performance hit.
sizeAn object describing a particle's size. This property is a "value-over-lifetime" property, meaning an array of values and spreads can be given to describe specific value changes over a particle's lifetime. Depending on the value of valueOverLifetimeLength, if arrays of numbers are given, then the array will be interpolated to have a length matching the value of valueOverLifetimeLength.
size.valuenumber or number array1Either a single number, or an array of numbers to describe the size of a particle over it's lifetime.
size.spreadnumber or number array0Either a single number, or an array of numbers to describe the size variance of a particle over it's lifetime.
size.randomisebooleanfalseWhen a particle is re-spawned, whether it's size should be re-randomised or not. Can incur a performance hit.
angleAn object describing a particle's angle. The angle is a 2d-rotation, measured in radians, applied to the particle's texture. NOTE: if a particle's texture is a sprite-sheet, this value IS IGNORED. This property is a "value-over-lifetime" property, meaning an array of values and spreads can be given to describe specific value changes over a particle's lifetime. Depending on the value of valueOverLifetimeLength, if arrays of numbers are given, then the array will be interpolated to have a length matching the value of valueOverLifetimeLength.
angle.valuenumber or number array0Either a single number, or an array of numbers to describe the angle of a particle over it's lifetime.
angle.spreadnumber or number array0Either a single number, or an array of numbers to describe the angle variance of a particle over it's lifetime.
angle.randomisebooleanfalseWhen a particle is re-spawned, whether it's angle should be re-randomised or not. Can incur a performance hit.

Particle Group settings

NameTypeDefault valueDescription
textureAn object describing the texture used by the group.
texture.valueTHREE.Texture or nullnullAn instance of THREE.Texture.
texture.framesTHREE.Vector2x: 1, y: 1A THREE.Vector2 instance describing the number of frames on the x- and y-axis of the given texture. If not provided, the texture will NOT be treated as a sprite-sheet and as such will NOT be animated.
texture.frameCountnumbervalue of texture.frames.x * value of texture.frames.yThe total number of frames in the sprite-sheet. Allows for sprite-sheets that don't fill the entire texture.
texture.loopnumber1The number of loops through the sprite-sheet that should be performed over the course of a single particle's lifetime.
fixedTimeStepnumber0.016If no dt (or deltaTime) value is passed to this group's tick() function, this number will be used to move the particle simulation forward. Value in SECONDS.
hasPerspectivebooleantrueWhether the distance a particle is from the camera should affect the particle's size.
colorizebooleantrueWhether the particles in this group should be rendered with color, or whether the only color of particles will come from the provided texture.
blendingTHREE.BlendingAdditiveBlendingA THREE.Blending mode to be applied to this group's ShaderMaterial.
transparentbooleantrueWhether these particle's should be rendered with transparency.
alphaTestnumber > 0 & < 10Sets the alpha value to be used when running an alpha test on the texture.value property. Value between 0 and 1.
depthWritebooleanfalseWhether rendering the group has any effect on the depth buffer.
depthTestbooleantrueWhether to have depth test enabled when rendering this group.
fogbooleantrueWhether this group's particles should be affected by their scene's fog.
scalenumber300The scale factor to apply to this group's particle sizes. Useful for setting particle sizes to be relative to renderer size.
maxParticleCountnumber or nullnullWARNING: If no maxParticleCount specified adding emitters after rendering will probably cause errors.

Links and Resources


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