@zekneer/test-dist-tag v1.0.15
My project for storing some useful information
Used technologies
- Server (MVC pattern)
- Node.js
- Express
- HTML (with PUG templates)
- Vanilla JS
- GULP (for frontend bundle)
Project structure
app.js - start file, route requests to routers;
routes, controllers, models - MVC pattern parts;
views - pug templates;
config - for configuration files, like database configuration object, general error logger;
src - frontend sources ('gulp dev' create a 'static' folder with static compiled content from src like img, .css, .js);
P.S.: On this moment almoust all useful code is in codeDictionary subfolders.
Code dictionary part
Beta version available at url http://zekneeue.beget.tech/codeDictionary
Idea in cards with theory and interactive data for learning in process of creation this project. Project will be remind me language in the future.
Previous attempts
First - just pen with primitive script to generate dom
Second - pen project with scss usage and work with modules