3.0.2 • Published 5 years ago

@zeplo/envfile v3.0.2

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Last release
5 years ago

Parse and stringify the environment configuration files and format, also known as .env files and dotenv files

What are environment configuration files?

They are files use to configure environments by applications and servers that support them. Generally they look like this:

c = 3
d : 4

They are commonly also called envfiles, .env files, and dotenv files.



<script type="module">
    import * as pkg from '//dev.jspm.io/envfile'

This project provides its type information via inline JSDoc Comments. To make use of this in TypeScript, set your maxNodeModuleJsDepth compiler option to 5 or thereabouts. You can accomlish this via your tsconfig.json file like so:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "maxNodeModuleJsDepth": 5


API Documentation.

Via the Command Line

Requires a global installation of envfile: npm install -g envfile

# envfile to JSON
echo -e "a=1\nb:2" | envfile2json > config.json

# JSON to envfile
echo '{"a":1,"b":2}' | json2envfile > config.env

Via Node.js

// Include envfile
const envfile = require('envfile')
const sourcePath = 'file.env'
const sourceString = 'a=1\nb:2'
const sourceObject = { a: 1, b: 2 }

// Parse an envfile path
// async
envfile.parseFile(sourcePath, function(err, obj) {
    console.log(err, obj)
// sync

// Parse an envfile string
// async
envfile.parse(sourceString, function(err, obj) {
    console.log(err, obj)
// sync

// Stringify a javascript object to an envfile string
// async
envfile.stringify(sourceObject, function(err, str) {
    console.log(err, str)
// sync

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