1.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

@zulus/migrations-runner v1.0.0

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Last release
5 years ago


pipeline status coverage report

Applied migrations, that stored in a dir, using Knex query builder.

npm i @zulus/migrations-runner



in console

./node_modules/.bin/migrations_runner -d ./src/migrations


runMigrations(knex, dirname, [options])

Applied migrations, stored at dirname in files, with name in format<timestamp>-<name>.sql

  • knex - The Knex instance
  • dirname -The absolute path to directory with migrations
  • options
    • src - list of migrations, that should be used
    • last - last date of migrations


Write next lines in your console, to view documentation for CLI tool

runMigrations --help


To start contributing do

git clone git@gitlab.com:ZulusK/nodejs-migrations-runner.git
git checkout develop
git checkout -b <your-branch-name>

The project is developed in accordance with the GitFlow methodology.

What it means
  1. All work you should do in your own local branch (naming is important, look below), then make pull request to develop branch
  2. Your local branch should not have conflicts with repository develop branch. To avoid it, before push to repository, do:
    git pull origin develop
    # resolve all conflicts, if they exists
    git add --all
    git commit -m "fix conflicts"
    git push origin <your-branch-name>
  3. We use next naming of branches:
branch templatedescription
feat/<short-feature-name>new feature, ex. feat-add-logger
fix/<short-fix-name>fix of existing feature, ex. fix-logger
refactor/<short-scope-description>refactor, linting, style changes, ex. style-update-eslint
test/<short-scope-descriptiopn>tests, ex. test-db-connections
docs/<short-scope-descriptiopn>documentation, ex. test-db-connections
Important, before push
  1. We use eslint with this rules to lint code, before making pull request, lint your code:
    npm run lint
  2. Before making pull request, run tests

    npm run test