0.1.4 • Published 7 years ago

ReasonDB v0.1.4

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Last release
7 years ago


A 100% native JavaScript browser or NodeJS database with a SQL like syntax (JOQULAR), JSON projections or live object result sets, streaming analytics, 18 built-in predicates (including soundex and RegExp matching), in-line fat arrow predicates, predicate extensibility, indexable computed values, fully indexed Dates and Arrays including array summaries, joins, nested matching, swapable persistence engines, built in statistical sampling, and automatic synchronization of object changes into the database and indexes in as little as 70K.

Add JOQULAR query capability, joins, and streaming analytics to popular back-end stores including file systems, Redis, Memcached, LevelUP, LocalForage, and IronCache. Or, add your own favoriate store in just an hour (we timed ourselves for Redis and MemCached :-).


npm install reasondb

Basic Use


Users of Chrome 54.0 and greater can use the file at src/index.js so long as node-uuid is loaded first (67K):

<script src="../node_modules/node-uuid/uuid.js"></script>
<script src="../src/index.js"></script>

A browserified version is located at browser/reasondb.js (203K). It will operate in Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge (although Edge fails with localStorage). Chome is almost twice as fast as either Firefox or Edge. Note*: The unit tests only work reliably in Chrome. However, this is due to how the tests are written and/or the behavior of Mocha and Chai. In some cases the tests and examples are "decafinated" and print to the console rather than the browser page.

<script src="../browser/reasondb.js"></script>

NodeJS 6.x users can use a smaller babelified version with normal require syntax. The code actually loaded is in lib/index.js (124K):


NodeJS 7.x users can use the version in the src directory so long as the --harmony-async-await flag is set. NodeJS will probably not support production use of async/await until April of 2017.

Note: Preliminary tests show ReasonDB running 25% faster using native Promises in Chrome rather than Bluebird, which is frequently used to try and get a performance boost.


The ReasonDB query language JOQULAR (JavaScript Object Query Language Representation) is designed to look and behave like SQL; however is also supports nested objects, the return of matching JavaScript instances, and streaming analytics. Below are examples of each primary operation supported drawn from code in the examples/basic/index.js file:

var ReasonDB;
if(typeof(window)==="undefined") {
	ReasonDB = require("../../lib/index.js"); // Load ReasonDB if running on the server.

// Create a database at the directory location provided using @key as the primary key on all objects.
// Store data using localStorage. In the browser this is window.localStorage and the directory location is ignored.
// On the server JSON files are created in the directory. The argument `true` forces the creation of new storage 
// and indexes each time the example is run.

let db = new ReasonDB("./examples/basic/db","@key",ReasonDB.LocalStore,true);

// Define a Person class. Classes are optional. ReasonDB can store items of type Object, Array, and Date by default.
// There is no need to tell the database about the class, it will be auto-indexed as soon as attempt is made to insert
// an instance.
class Person {
	constructor(name,birthday) {
		this.name = name;
		this.birthday = birthday;

// Create a streaming analytics rule that fires every time a Person is added to the database.
db.when({$p: {name: {$neq: null}, partner: undefined}}).from({$p: Person}).select().then((cursor) => { 
	cursor.forEach((row) => {
		console.log("New " + row[0].constructor.name + ":",JSON.stringify(row[0]));
//Create a streaming analytics rule that fires every time a Person is updated with a partner.
db.when({$p: {partner: {$neq: null}}}).from({$p: Person}).select().then((cursor) => { 
	cursor.forEach((row) => {
		console.log("Updated " + row[0].constructor.name + ":",JSON.stringify(row[0]));
				 // Insert Objects into the Person index casting it to a Person as it is inserted.
	           db.insert({name:"Mary",birthday:new Date("1961-01-15")}).into(Person).exec(),
	            db.insert({name:"Bill",birthday:new Date("1960-01-16")}).into(Person).exec(),
	           // Insert a person into the Person index.
	           db.insert(new Person("Joe",new Date("1961-01-15"))).into(Person).exec(),
	           // Insert an Object that looks like a Person into the Object index.
	           db.insert({name:"Bill",birthday:new Date("1960-01-16")}).into(Object).exec(),
	           ]).then(() => {
	           	// Delete a Person from the database where the name is "Joe". This will not match the Object
	           	// that looks like a person. It will only match one object, the Joe that is a Person.
	        	   db.delete().from({$p: Person}).where({$p: {name: "Joe"}}).exec().then((result) => {
	        	   }).then(() => {
	        	   		// Select and print Person's with non-null names. There will be two.
	        		   db.select().from({$p: Person}).where({$p: {name: {$neq: null}}}).exec().then((cursor) => {
	        			  cursor.forEach((row) => { console.log("Person",JSON.stringify(row[0])); }); 
	        		   // Select and print Objects with non-null names. There will be three since Person's are instances of Objects
	        		   // and are stored in the Object index.
	        		   db.select().from({$p: Object}).where({$p: {name: {$neq: null}}}).exec().then((cursor) => {
	        			  cursor.forEach((row) => { console.log("Object",JSON.stringify(row[0])); }); 
	        		   // Print all possible pairs of Person not paired with themselves. There will be two, Mary and Bill plus Bill and Mary.
	        		   db.select().from({$p1: Person, $p2: Person}).where({$p1: {name: {$neq: null},"@key": {$neq: {$p2: "@key"}}}}).exec().then((cursor) => {
		        			  cursor.forEach((row) => { console.log("Pair:",JSON.stringify(row[0]),JSON.stringify(row[1])); }); 
		        	   // Print all possible pairs of Person paired to named Objects with the same name and birthday. There will be one Bill.
	        		   db.select().from({$p: Person, $o: Object}).where({$p: {name: {$o: "name"}, birthday: {time: {$o: "time"}}}).exec().then((cursor) => {
		        			  cursor.forEach((row) => { console.log("Pair:",JSON.stringify(row[0]),JSON.stringify(row[1])); }); 
		        	   // Select a Person born on January 15th regardless of year.
	        		   db.select().from({$p: Person}).where({$p: {name: {$neq: null}, birthday:{date:14,month:0}}}).exec().then((cursor) => {
	        			  cursor.forEach((row) => { console.log("Born Jan 15th:",JSON.stringify(row[0])); }); 
	        		  // Update the partner for all Persons, the last update will "win"
	        		   db.update({$p1: Person, $p2: Person}).set({$p1: {partner: {$p2: "name"}}, $p2: {partner: {$p1: "name"}}}).where({$p1: {name: {$neq: null},"@key": {$neq: {$p2: "@key"}}}}).exec();

Review other files in the example directory or the unit tests under the test directory for more examples. Examples and unit tests can be run in the browser by loading the index.html file. The same examples and tests can be run in node.js by executing the index.js file from the command line, e.g. node test/index.js.

Note: Mocha and Instanbul currently break with ReasonDB under NodeJS even though they work in the browser. Test code is "decaffinated" prior to executing in NodeJS.

Document Notation

The notation below uses the following conventions:

1) Elements to be replaced by the developer are contained in angle brackets, < >.

2) Optional elements are further surrounded by square brackets, e.g. [< >].

3) Elipses, ..., indicates the immediately previous form can be repeated.

Creating A Database

The ReasonDB constructor signature is: ReasonDB("<nameOrPath>","<uniqueKeyName>"="@key",<storageType>,clear=false,activate=true,{<options>}={})

<nameOrPath> - See storage types below for use.

<uniqueKeyName> - The property to add to objects to uniquely identify them. Using anything other than "@key" has not been heavily tested at this point.

<storageType> - The currently available storage types are listed below. Note*: For all storage types except MemStrore, LocalStore, and LocalForageStore you will need to install the associated npm packages for production. They are only listed as dev dependencies in the ReasonDB/package.json file. This keeps the primary ReasonDB code smaller.

1) ReasonDB.MemStore provides a high-speed in memory database. <nameOrPath> is ignored.

2) ReasonBD.LocalStore uses browser localStorage in Chrome and Firefox. Microsoft Edge just fails. In NodeJS the same API saves to disk with no quota limitations. <nameOrPath> is ignored in the browser. On NodeJS, it is a path relative to the execution context of NodeJS.

3) ReasonDB.LocalForageStore is built on-top of IndexedDB. It is slow and not recommended unless you need to store a lot of data in the browser. Configuring with this store will fallback to ReasonBD.LocalStore on NodeJS.

4) ReasonDB.IronCacheStore - Create your IronCache client before creating the database and pass it in as a property ironCacheClient in the options object, e.g. {ironCacheClient: <theClient>}. <nameOrPath> is ignored. No support is currently provided for addressing value expiration. Note: To limit package dependencies, iron-cache is a dev dependency not a package dependency. If you wish to use iron-cache you should make it part of your app package. Also, unit testing has occassional tests that fail due to timing interactions with the iron-cache server, i.e. key updates are not complete prior to a request for an updated key originating on the client. It is not clear what causes this, i.e. if the cause is in ReasonDB code or the iron-cache architecture.

5) ReasonDB.RedisStore - Create your Redis client before creating the database and pass it in as a property redisClient in the options object, e.g. {redisClient: <theClient>}. <nameOrPath> is ignored because the name of the cache bucket is tied to client creation. No support is currently provided for addressing value expiration, but Redis values do not expire unless an expiration is specifically set. Note: To limit package dependencies, redis is a dev dependency not a package dependency. If you wish to use redis you should make it part of your app package.

6) ReasonDB.MemcachedStore - Create your Memcached client before creating the database and pass it in as a property memcachedClient in the options object, e.g. {memcachedClient: <theClient>}.<nameOrPath> is ignored because the name of the cache bucket is tied to client creation. No support is currently provided for addressing value expiration. Note: To limit package dependencies, memjs (the Memcached client) is a dev dependency not a package dependency. If you wish to use memjs you should make it part of your app package.

7) ReasonDB.LevelUPStore - Open your LevelUP database before creating the ReasonDB database and pass it in as a property levelUPClient in the options object, e.g. {levelUPClient: <theDatabase>}.<nameOrPath> is ignored because the name of the database is tied to LevelUP creation.

All storage types are referenced in the example and test files, you just need to provide client creation credentials and change the ReasonDB constructor call to test them out.

With the exception of LevelUP all data stored in ReasonDB, including indexes, is human readable as JSON directly in the store.

See ## Extending ReasonDB for how to add new storage types.

clear - Clear storage when creating the database.

activate - Activat eobjects to automatically update the database and indexes when changed. false dooes not currently work but is under development.

options - See storage types above for the only current options, which are instantiated storage clients.

JOQULAR - JavaScript Object QUery LAnguage Representation


$ - Inline test, e.g. {age:{$:(value)=> { return typeof(value)==="number" && value>=21; }}}.

$typeof - Ensures the value in a property is of the type specified, e.g. {id: {$typeof: "number"}}.

$lt - Less than test, e.g. {age: {$lt: 21}}. Aliased to <, e.g. {age: {"<": 21}}.

$lte - Less than or equal test, e.g. {age: {$lte: 21}}. Aliased to <=, e.g. {age: {"<=": 21}}.

$eq - Relaxed equal test, e.g. {age: {$eq: 21}} and {age: {$eq: "21"}} will match the same objects. Aliased to ==.

$neq - Relaxed not equal test, e.g. {age: {$neq: 21}} or {age: {$neq: "21"}} will match the same objects. Aliased to !=.

$neeq (not yet implemented) - Not exact equal test, e.g. {age: {$neq: 21}} or {age: {$neq: "21"}} will not match the same objects since type is taken into consideration. Aliased to !==.

$eeq - Exact equal test, e.g. {age: {$eq: 21}} and {age: {$eq: "21"}} will not match the same objects since type is taken into consideration. . Aliased to ===.

$gte - Greater than or equal test, e.g. {age: {$gte: 21}}. Aliased to >=, e.g. {age: {">=": 21}}.

$gt - Greater than test, e.g. {age: {$gt: 21}}. Aliased to >, e.g. {age: {">": 21}}.

$echoes - Implements soundex comparison, e.g. {name:{$echoes:"Jo"}} would match an object with {name: "Joe"}.

$matches - Implements RegExp matching, e.g. {name:{$matches: <RegExp>}}. RegExp can either be a regular expression using shorthand notation, or a string that looks like a regular expression, i.e starts and ends with /.

$in - Tests to see if a value is in the specified sequence, e.g. {age:{$in:[24,25]}} only matches 24 and 25. Types must match.

$nin - Tests to see if a value is not in the specified sequence, e.g. {age:{$nin:[24,25]}} matches everything except 24 and 25. Types must match.

$between - Tests to see if a value is between the first and second elements, e.g. {age:{$between:[24,25,true]}}. The flag true includes the boundaries in the test. Types must match.

$outside - Tests to see if a value is outside the first and second elements, e.g. {age:{$outside:[24,25]}}. Types must match.

See ##Extending ReasonDB to find out how to add your own predicates.


Query patterns take the top level form: {<classVariable>: {<property>: {<predicate>: <value> [,...]} [,...} [,...}.

classVariable refers to a variable created in a from clause, e.g. {$o1: Object} creates the variable $o1. Variables must start with a $ sign.

predicate can be any of the supported predicates, see Predicates below.

Continuing with the $o1 variable: {$o1: {age: {$gte: 18, $lte: 20}, state: {$in: ["OH","IN","WA"]}} matches all objects with age betwen 18 and 20 inclusive in the states of Ohio, Indiana, and Washington.


db.insert(<object>,...).into(<indexed class>)[.as(<class>)].exec().then(() => { <function body> }). then is chainable as a Promise.

Inserting objects into the database activates them such a way that any subsequent changes to the objects automatically result in updates to the index into which it is inserted as well as automatic saving of the object into the configured persistence store. Inserted objects have a unique v4 uuid as the value for thier key property. The name of the key property is provided when creating a database.


db.delete().from({<classVariable>: <class> [,...]}).where(<pattern>).exec().then((count) => { <function body> }). then is chainable as a Promise. count is the number of objects deleted.

The from clause is an object the properties of which are variable names to be used in the where clause. The values of the properties are classes.

See Patterns above for a description of the where clause.

Deleting an object from the database removes its unique key and removes it from its index and the persistent store.


db.select([<projection>])[.first(number) | .random(number) | .sample(confidence,range)].from({<classVariable>: <class>[,...]}).where(<pattern>).exec().then((cursor) => { <function body> });. then is chainable as a Promise. cursor is an instance of a Cursor.

A Cursor has three iterating methods, forEach(<function>), some(<function>), every(<function>), a retriever get(index), and a computational method, count. It also has the data element maxCount. <function> can be a normal function or a fat arrow function. It can return a value or a Promise. The signature is (row,rowNumber,cursor). row will either be an array of objects in the order specified in the from clause or a single object created from the row created using an optionaly provided . All the methods are asynchronous and return Promises.

In order to optimize memory and speed, objects are not retrieved from the database until a cursor row is accessed. Furthermore, the cursor is implemented using a smart crossproduct engine with row instantiation join restrictions. As a result, the acutal number of non-empty rows may be less than maxCount and there is no way to get the actual count without looping through all records; hence count is implemented as a function. The iteration methods skip over empty rows so the programmer may experience jumps in the rowNumber. If there is only a need to process a limited number of records, then using some or every with a test to break the loop is far more efficient than first calling count.

A projection specification takes the form {<desiredPropertyName>: {<classVariable>: "<resultPropertyName"}[,...]}.

The from clause is an object, the properties of which are variable names to be used in the where clause. The values of the properties are classes.

See ###Patterns above for a general description of the where clause.

See the ##Cursor documentation for more details.

When - Streaming Analytics

db.when(<pattern>).from({<classVariable>: <class>[,...]}).select([<projection>]).then((cursor) => { <function body> });. then is not currently chainable like Promise. Also unlike a Promise, it can be invoked mutiple times. cursor is an instance of a Cursor (see explanation above under ### Select).

Whenever <pattern> is matched based on new data being inserted or existing data being changed, the function specified in then will be invoked.


By default select clauses return a Promise which yields a cursor with rows represented by arrays of objects. By providing a projection, the row will be replaced with a single object that is a merger of data across the objects in the row.

A <projection> takes the form {<propertyName: {<classVariable: "<objectProperty>"}[,...]}.

For example {e1name: {$e1: "name"},e2name: {$e2: "name"}} will result in rows of the form {e1name: "Joe",e2name: "Mary"} assuming there are objects with the name "Joe" and "Mary" in database.


Select statements can join data from across classes in the where and when clauses. For example:

db.select().from({$p: Person, $o: Object}).where({$p: {name: {$o: "name"}}})


db.select().from({$p: Person, $o: Object}).where({$p: {name: {$eeq: {$o: "name"}}}})

At the present time, joins are only supported at the top level. They can't be used in nested query clauses. The below will not return any results:

db.select().from({$p: Person, $o: Object}).where({$p: {name: {$o: "name"}, birthday: {time: {$eeq: {$o: "time"}}}}})

Additionally, join restrictions should be placed on the left side of the join. The below permutation of the first join above will not return expected results.

db.select().from({$p: Person, $o: Object}).where({$p: {name: {$neq: null}}, $o: {name: {$p: "name}}}).

Only two way joins have been tested in the current release v1.x.


db.update({<classVariable>: <class>[,...]}).set({<classVariable>: {property: <value | {<classVariable>: "<property>"}> [,...]} [,...]}).where(<pattern>).exec()

For exampe: db.update({$p1: Person, $p2: Person}).set({$p1: {partner: {$p2: "name"}}, $p2: {partner: {$p1: "name"}}}).where({$p1: {name: {$neq: null},"@key": {$neq: {$p2: "@key"}}}}) pairs Persons and adds partner names.

Direct Index Use

The indecies associated with each class can be accessed via a .index property on the class. Instance keys can be looked-up by using an asynchronous match method, e.g.

Person.index.match({name: {$eq: "Joe"}}).then((result) => { })

The result is an array of ids associated with objects that match the pattern.

<class>.index.match(<pattern>).then((array) => { })

The return keys can be resolved all at once with a call to .instances, e.g.:

<class>.index.match(<pattern>).then((keyArray) => { <class>.index.instances(keyArray).then((objectArray) => { }); })

Alternatively, objects can be retrieved with .get, e.g.

<class>.index.get(uniqeKey).then((object) => { })

Array Matching

Arrays are treated like objects for matching, e.g. {children: {1:"Joe"}}, matches an object {children:["Mary","Joe"]}.

The max, average and min values of all arrays are indexed and can be tested using special predicates:

$max - {sizes: {$max: 5}} matches {sizes: [3,5,4,2]}. $avg - {sizes: {$avg: 3.5}} matches {sizes: [3,5,4,2]}. $min - {sizes: {$min: 2}} matches {sizes: [3,5,4,2]}.

Date Matching

All properties equivalent to the get methods on Date objects are indexed, e.g. getMonth can be matched as {month: <some month>} and getUTCMonth as {UTCMonth: <some month>}.

Advanced Use

Indexing Hidden and Computed Values

ReasonDB supports the indexing of hidden and computed values. Just add an Array called .indexKeys as a property on a class and all instances will be indexed by the keys in the array. .indexKeys will also eliminate keys from indexing. If you want to index all enumerable properties plus some functions and hidden properties, then insert an asterisk, *, into the array to tell ReasonDB to index all properties in addition to those listed. Below is the ReasonDB definition for Array. Date is handled in a similar manner.

Array.indexKeys = ["length","$max","$min","$avg","*"]

Note Functions must be callable with no arguments or default values for all arguments.

Forcing Reindexing

Sometimes it may be necessary to force a re-index of an object based on changes that are a side effect of calling a method. The approach to handling this is similar to indexing computed values. Just add a class property called .reindexCalls than lists the methods you wish to drive re-indexing. Below is the ReasonDB definition for Array. Date is handled in a similar manner.

Array.reindexCalls = ["push","pop","splice","reverse","fill","shift","unshift"]

Extending ReasonDB

Adding Predicates

Adding predicates can be done in as little as one line of code!

Here is the definitions of the RegExp predicate:

Index.$matches = function(value,testValue) { return value.search(testValue)>=0; }

Just choose a predicate name, it must start with a $, and add it as a class property to Index with the value being a boolean function taking two arguments. The first argument will be the value stored in the index, the second value will be the value extracted from the patterns used in where and when clauses of JOQULAR qeuries. The first value will always be a primitive, i.e. number, string, or boolean.

Adding Persistence Engines

Adding a persistence engine takes between 5 and 7 methods. A template is below:

class <StoreName> extends Store {
	constructor(name,keyProperty,db,clear) {
			// Initialize your store here.
			// Save data to the this.__metadata__ object, NOT the store itself!
			// If you need config options, then add them to the top level database instance and access them from the db argument.
	// lets the ReasonDB engine know if classnames can be used to split storage for efficiency by not sharing. This will usually be false.
	static get split() { return false; };
	async clear() {
		// Clear all data from the store and return true if successful, false if not.
		// The superclass does nto provide any methods to do this. It must be implemented by the child.
	async delete(key) {
		// Delete promise the data associated with the key and resolve to true if successful, false if not.
		return super.delete(key,() => new Promise((resolve,reject) => { <insert code here> resolve(true); })) 
	async get(key) {
		// Return the data associated with the key as an object and undefined if the key does not exists.
		// The superclass will handle resolving referencs to other classes.
		return super.get(key,() => new Promise((resolve,reject) => { < insert code here> resolve(object); }));
	async set(key,value,normalize) {
		// Set the data associated with the key and return true if successful, false if not.
		// The superclass will normalize the object if it contains references to other objects and ensure they are also persisted by
		// calling back down to the child.
		return super.set(key,value,normalize,(normalized) => new Promise((resolve,reject) => { < insert code here > resolve(true); }));
	async restore(json) {
		// An optional utility method that should return an instantiated class including instantiated
		// references to other objects. The superclass already provides this; but it can be overridden.
	normalize(instance) {
		// An optional utility method to convert the instance into plain JSON with embedded references 
		// to other objects using their keys. Depending on your situation, you may need to make this 
		// asynchronous and use it so save embedded objects. The superclass already provides this; but it can be overridden.



ReasonDB was designed to:

1) Be 100% JavaScript.

2) Leverage the massive number of hours that have gone into optimizing object property access by Mozilla and Google. See Indexing With JavaScript Objects, Millions Of Ops/Second.

3) Be extensible from a command, predicate, and persistence store perspective.

4) Leverage knowledge of SQL while not compromising native JavaScript syntax and semantics or requiring the implementation of a parser/compiler.

5) Minimize memory usage by large result sets.

6) Simplify initial development by eliminating the need to make decisions about indexing and updating the database. (Scaling back indexes or eliminating auto-updates are straight-forward to implement and should show up in v2.0).

Indexes & Data Storage

The internal data structure for an index is:

{<property>: {<value>: {<type>: {<id>: true}[,...]}[,...]}[,...]}[,...]}

For example:

{identifier: {Joe: {string: {Person@1: true, Person@3: true}}, {Mary: {string: {Person@2: true}},
 age: {21: {number: {Person@1: true, Person@2: true}}, {24: {number: {Person@3: true}}}

is an index for the below three objects:

{indentifier: "Joe", age: 21, @key: "Person@1"}
{indentifier: "Joe", age: 24, @key: "Person@3"}
{indentifier: "Mary", age: 21, @key: "Person@2"}

For storage, indexes are partitioned by property into KeyValue stores with <className>.<property> being the key and the rest of the index node being the value. Objects are just stored using their primary key. This means that almost any KeyValue store can be used as a persistence engine for ReasonDB.

Continuing with the above example, the below is pseudocode for how ReasonDB handles things internally:

store.set("Person.identifier",{Joe: {string: {Person@1: true, Person@3: true}}, {Mary: {string: {Person@2: true}});
store.set("Person.age",age: {21: {number: {Person@1: true, Person@2: true}}, {24: {number: {Person@3: true}});
store.set("Person@1",{indentifier: "Joe", age: 21, @key: "Person@1"});
store.set("Person@3",{indentifier: "Joe", age: 24, @key: "Person@3"});
store.set("Person@2",{indentifier: "Mary", age: 21, @key: "Person@2"});


Cursors are asynchronous to simplify integration with third-party storage engines that may already return data asynchronously. Asynchronous cursors will also simplify the creation of client/server based applications.

Most ReasonDB cursors do not store all permutations of data required to form a row resulting from a query. Instead, they encapsulate a light-weight cross-product engine that given an offset will assemble the row on the fly. See http://phrogz.net/lazy-cartesian-product. The cross-product engine in ReasonDB can also handle join restrictions.

The cross-product approach has two values:

1) It dramatically reduces the amount of memory required to represent large result sets.

2) A result set can be returned faster.

As side effect of the above is that it is not currently possible to know the actual number of rows in a cursor without doing additional computation to determine which rows are excluded as a result of join restrictions.

An exception to the cross-product based cursor, is a cursor that results from down selection. The select clauses first, random, sample, result in the return of cursors with fixed pre-computed rows. However, the calling interface is identical. In fact, the same class is used to implement both types of cursor.

Building & Testing

Building, testing and quality assessment are conducted using Travis, Mocha, Chai, Istanbul, Code Climate, and Codacity.

For code quality assessment purposes, the cyclomatic complexity threshold is set to 10.

The unit tests and examples can be run on the server in NodeJS by executing just the index.js files in the relevant directories.


The codebase is currently light on error handling and test coverage is only at 30%.

Updates (reverse chronological order)

2016-11-13 v0.1.4 Further optimizations to ensure action sequencing is correct when using a remote datastore. This fixed issues with Redis. Simplified coding to add new persistence stores.

2016-11-02 v0.1.3 Optimizations to help ensure all the actions required to support one change to a data element are complete prior to initiating another on the same element. This involved replacing Promise calls is functions with a passed reference to the resolver for a top level Promise. Added support for multiple arguments for insert, delete. Added LevelUpStore. Identified an fixed a couple of edge case Promises that contained this references. Corrected a join issue that resulted in right sides that were unrestricted for Redis and Memcache was corrected.

2016-10-31 v0.1.2 1.1 was pushed with incorrect test case config.

2016-10-31 v0.1.1 Added support for IronCache, Redis, and Memcached. Improved documentation.

2016-10-30 v0.1.0 Added first, random, and sample to select. Made cursor calls to forEach, every, some, get asynchronous. See documentation for rationale. Deprecated shared indexes, they did not scale well under volume and made working with localStorage somewhat obscure. This resulted in dropping the as clause for insert.

2016-10-28 v0.0.6 Added Update statement. Enhanced database to take a start-up flag that makes activating objects for automatic database and index update optional. Repaired 'delete' which broke when cursor.count was changed to a function. Added documentation. Published to npm.

2016-10-27 v0.0.5 Added documentation. Repaired 'when' which broke when cursor.count was changed to a function. Published to npm.

2016-10-26 v0.0.4 Added documentation. Changed count on Cursor instances to a function and added maxCount as a data member. Not published to npm.

2016-10-25 v0.0.3 First npm publication.


This software is provided as-is under the MIT license.