1.5.2 • Published 3 years ago

a-cli-core v1.5.2

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Last release
3 years ago


a-cli is a front-end engineering development tool for rapid development and build projects.

It can realize the decoupling of front-end projects and project engineering by integrating engineering-related codes into CLI plugin, and then executing them by global CLI commands.

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npm install a-cli-core -g

Command usage


Create a CLI configuration file named a-cli-config in the project. The default is CommonJS format, which also supports JSON format. The execution of all other commands depends on the configuration file.

acli init

The configuration file has the following attributes by default:

// a-cli-config.js
module.exports = {
  name: "cli-plugin-name",
  projectName: "project-name",
  preset: {}


a-cli will generate a local configuration file (local/setting.js), You can quickly open the file through the setting command (it will be created automatically if it does not exist) and then modify it.

acli setting
// setting.js:
module.exports = {
  // Add custom templates to this array
  templates: [
      // template name
      name: "a-cli-template",
      // template repository
      // To learn more about repo value, visit: https://www.npmjs.com/package/download-git-repo
      repo: "HaolinHom/a-cli-template"


The plugin command integrates related functions for scaffolding plug-in development, including new, link, unlink, publish, list, etc.

acli plugin [command]

plugin new

Create a new CLI plugin, you can download the CLI plugin template as a new plugin through the optional template option in the local settings(local/setting.json).

acli plugin new

plugin link

Create a symlink in the a-cli folder plugins/ that links to the plugin where the plugin link command was executed.

acli plugin link

plugin unlink

Remove a symlink in the a-cli folder plugins/ that links to the plugin where the plugin unlink command was executed.

acli plugin unlink

plugin publish

Publishes a plugin to the npm registry so that it can be installed by name.

acli plugin publish

plugin list

Get the list of local plugins in the plugins/ directory.

acli plugin list


Install the CLI plugin that was published on "npm".

acli install

install as dependencies(npm i -S):

acli install --save

acli install -s

install as devDependencies(npm i -D):

acli install --dev

acli install -d


Run custom commands. Any executable JavaScript file in the CLI plugin directory can be run as a custom command, and its file name will be used as the name of the custom command.

acli run [script]

Command line flags:

--debug-ddebug mode(dev, build commands in this mode, dependencies are automatically installed)
--preset keys/The default key value of the preset option(When preset[command].options has preset options, it can skip the pre-manual selection on the command line)


The run command can set related preset options in the configuration file (a-cli-config.js) and provide options for choose during runtime.

All commands(include dev, build) run through run command can be used by configuring preset options.

// a-cli-config.js
module.exports = {
  preset: {
    // The executable command's file name is used as the key value
    dev: {
      steps: [],
      define: null
  • preset.steps {array}

Each step takes an options object, that implements the following interface:

typeyesstringstep type, include "input", "select", "multiselect", "toggle", "number", "password"
messageyesstringThe message to display in the terminal
initialnostringThe default value

You can combine various steps as needed. It will execute in order, and then the results are passed into the target file as parameters. For example:

// a-cli-config.js
module.exports = {
  preset: {
    dev: {
      steps: [
          type: 'input',
          message: 'Please type something:'
          type: 'select',
          message: 'Please choose dev env:',
          choices: [
          type: 'multiselect',
          message: 'Please choose some:',
          choices: [
          type: 'toggle',
          message: 'Do you want to use proxy:',
          enabled: 'Yes',
          disabled: 'No',
          type: 'numeral',
          message: 'Please enter a number:',
          type: 'password',
          message: 'Please enter your password:',
      define: null
  • preset.define {object}

Any configuration that needs to be used can be set in the define attribute.

// a-cli-config.js
module.exports = {
  preset: {
    dev: {
      options: [],
      define: {
        remote: "git@github.com:a-cli/a-cli.git"
  • preset.options(To be deprecated)

We recommend to use steps instead of options. It will not support in the feature.


This command is an encapsulation of the run command, and its usage is consistent with the run command.

Development project. Its operation is based on the dev.js file in the CLI plugin and started by a dev server at runtime.

acli dev


This command is an encapsulation of the run command, and its usage is consistent with the run command.

Building project code. Its operation is based on the build.js file in the CLI plugin.

acli build

Develop CLI plugin

Development Process

  1. Create a new CLI plugin through executing acli plugin new
  2. Execute acli plugin link to link the plugin to the plugins/ directory by the symlink
  3. Execute acli init in the target project to create a configuration file (a-cli-config.js), and set its name property to the corresponding CLI plug-in name
  4. Development and debugging
  5. (Optional) After the development is completed, it can be published to npm through executing acli plugin publish
  6. (Optional) Execute acli plugin unlink on the local CLI plugin path to remove the symlink in plugins/
  7. (Optional) Execute acli install in the target project to install the CLI plugin that has been published on npm

Plugin calls the way

The CLI plugin currently has 2 ways to be called:

  • the plugin that creates a symlink in the plugins/ folder by acli plugin link
  • the plugin that installs in node_modules folder of the project

something important: If the above 2 ways exist for the same plugin, symlink-plugin has a higher priority than node_modules-plugin, it is designed to facilitate the maintenance and upgrade of CLI plugins in the future.

CLI function and params

CLI functions are all Common JS modules, exported as function, and receive two parameters context and args injected by a-cli.

* CLI function
* @param context {Object} context object
* @param args {Array} Command line params
* */
module.exports = function (context, args) {
  // useful utils
  const {
    // [Console print terminal with string styling](https://github.com/HaolinHom/std-terminal-logger)
    // [Parse process argv to object:](https://github.com/a-cli/a-cli-utils#parseArgs)
  } = context.utils;
  // useful packages
  const { 
    // [Terminal string styling](https://github.com/chalk/chalk)
    // [CLI prompts](https://github.com/enquirer/enquirer)
  } = context.packages;
  // Complete cli config object (a-cli-config.js) 
  const {
  } = context.config;
  // Commands for configuring `preset` are available
  const {
    // preset steps value
    steps: [],
    // preset define value
    define: {},
  } = context.preset;

  // enjoy your code...

3 years ago


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3 years ago