0.0.3 • Published 4 years ago

a-formajs v0.0.3

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Last release
4 years ago


FormaJS will help you to create dynamic and interactive forms with a better end-user experience.

There are few different starting points once you load up and initialize the script. Check out our GitHub page for complete documentation with examples, usage, and features.

This project is still in alpha version so be careful if you use it for live sites or in production environments.

Quick start

  1. Copy-paste the stylesheet <link> into your HTML document<head>. There are few starting stylesheets that are included in the /dist/css folder.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/css/forma.css" />
  1. Create your form by using the structure below
<form class="forma">
    <div class="forma-fieldset">
      <input />

Don't forget to use forma as your main form class and wrap your form elements within div that has forma-fieldset class.

  1. Place the following <script>'s near the end of your pages, right before the closing </body> tag.
<script src="path/to/js/forma.min.js"></script>


FormaJS stylesheets files are written in SASS and compiled to CSS. You can compile them from source or you can drop the CSS & JS files into your code (as described above).


You can load up the FormaJS pre-built dist files directly from CDNs:

JS (from jsdelivr)


CSS (from jsdelivr)


JS (from unpkg)


CSS (from unpkg)



You can install it from NPM into your project:

npm i a-formajs --save

Note: the only dev dependency is SASS so you can customize and create your custom stylesheets.

Build your form

There are a couple structure rules you need to follow when building your forms.

  1. First, add the forma class attribute to your target form tag. This is required if you plan to use the /dist/css files as your starting point for customization.
  2. Next each form row (field) must be structured as the example below, where <span> holds the text and <div class="forma-fieldset">...</div> is for your form elements.

A real-world example login form structure.

<form class="forma forma-login">
  <label for="username">
    <div class="fieldset">
      <input type="text" name="username" pattern="[a-z]{3,32}" 
        title="Username must be lowercase between 3 and 32 characters." required />
  <label for="password">
    <div class="fieldset">
      <input type="password" name="password" pattern="(?=.*[A-Za-z])(?=.*\d)[A-Za-z\d]{8,}" 
        title="Password must have minimum 8 characters, at least one letter and one number" required />
  <button type="submit" disabled>Login</button>

Initialize FormaJS

Once we have our form created we are ready to initialize and run our script.

Below is the most basic way to do that (wihtout any additional options).


Note: The init function must be added after <script src="path/to/js/forma.min.js"></script>.

Below is the full format for our init function (with all default values).

    container: '.forma',
    prefix: 'Enter ',
    suffix: '...',
    tab: true,
    auto: false,
    show: false,
    manual: false,
    submit: false,
    support: []

Take a look at the documentaion page for more information about user-defined options.

Customize your form

There are few different approaches when it comes to customizing and styling your forms.

You can either use the pre-built stylesheets that come inside the /dist/css folder, or build your own CSS from scratch.

Note: need to take into consideration some JS defined CSS classes; take a look at /dist/css/forma-boilerplate.css

If you decide you want to use the pre-built stylesheets the simplest way to customize your form look and feel is to update the :root values. See the example below.

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Sans+Pro');
:root {
  --font-mono: 400 normal 16px/1.6 'Monaco', 'Consolas', 'Andale Mono', 'Ubuntu Mono', monospace;
  --font-google: 400 normal 16px/1.6 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif;
  --primary-color: #d65bd1;
  --secondary-color: #845ec2;
  --error-color: #fc4444;
  --success-color: #008f7a;
  --warning-color: #ff9671;
  --info-color: #0081cf;
  --white-rgb-color: 250, 250, 250; /* #fafafa */
  --black-rgb-color: 25, 25, 25; /* #191919 */
  --space: 1rem;

In addition, you can easily extend and change the structure of your form, take a look at the Register form example here.


All stylesheets can be generated with SASS/SCSS; speed up your form customization process.

Below is the main forma.scss; take a look at the files under /src/scss for more information.

// forma.scss

// _form-variables.scss
// Define global variables.
@import 'forma-variables';

// _forma-boilerplate.scss
// Starting from scratch (strcuture only).
@import 'forma-boilerplate';

// _forma-barebone.scss
// Get some structure with limited funcitionality and styling.
// @import 'forma-barebone';

// _forma-base.scss 
// Getting a bit more structure, functionality, and styling than _forma-barebone.scss.
// @import 'forma-base';

// _forma-complete.scss
// Fully integrated styleheet that can be customized wtih minimal effort and modification.
// @import 'forma-complete';

// _forma-docs.scss
// Take a look at our custom stylesheet we use for https://formajs.com/
// @import 'forma-docs';

If you download the master after uncommenting your prefered stylesheet starting point run the following command in the terminal and the CSS will be generated. (assuming you are inside the master directory and you have SASS installed on your system)

sass --watch src/scss:src/scss/css

Form validations

There are two types of validations, built-in validations with generic messages and custom validations that use regular expressions (this is done by utilizing the pattern and title attributes for each form element).

More about form validation with examples can be found here.


Check out the GitHub page for the different ways you can contribute to this project.


(c) Krasen Slavov | Code released under the MIT License.


4 years ago


4 years ago