1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

abi-gen v1.0.2

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Last release
4 years ago


Typescript library for generating solidity and typescript code to handle tightly packed ABI structures.


npm install -g abi-gen

Command Line


abi-gen sol --input <input_file> --output <output_file> flags


--verbose Tells the code generator to explicitly define variables and construct the output rather than assigning directly to memory.


abi-gen ts -i <input_file> -o <output_directory>


Input Struct

enum ABC { a, b }
struct TestWrapped {
  uint32 a;
  bytes32 b;
  bytes32 c;
  uint8 d;
  ABC e;

Save the above in ./input.


abi-gen sol -i ./input -o ./output.sol

I still need to add handling to use the right library name instead of making one up.


pragma solidity ^0.6.0;

library OutputCode {
  enum ABC { a, b }

  struct TestWrapped {
    uint32 a;
    bytes32 b;
    bytes32 c;
    uint8 d;
    ABC e;

  function unpackTestWrapped(bytes memory input)
  internal pure returns (TestWrapped memory ret) {
    assembly {
      let ptr := add(input, 32)
      mstore(ret, shr(224, mload(ptr)))
      mstore(add(ret, 32), mload(add(ptr, 4)))
      mstore(add(ret, 64), mload(add(ptr, 36)))
      mstore(add(ret, 96), shr(248, mload(add(ptr, 68))))
      mstore(add(ret, 128), shr(248, mload(add(ptr, 69))))


abi-gen ts -i ./input -o ./output-dir

A number of files will be created, but the main output will be:

import {defineProperties} from 'ts-abi-utils';
import { ABC } from './ABC';
const TestWrappedABI = require('./TestWrappedABI.json');

export interface TestWrappedData {
	a: number;
	b: string;
	c: string;
	d: number;
	e: ABC;

export interface TestWrapped extends TestWrappedData {
	/* Encode as ABI. */
	toAbi: () => Buffer;
	/* Encode as packed ABI - all fields will have minimal length for their type. */
	toAbiPacked: () => Buffer;
	/* Encode as JSON object. */
	toJson: () => any;

export class TestWrapped {
	constructor(input: TestWrappedData) { Object.assign(this, input); }
	/* Decode a TestWrapped from an ABI string or buffer. */
	static fromAbi: (input: string | Buffer) => TestWrapped;
	/* Decode a TestWrapped from a packed ABI string or buffer */
	static fromAbiPacked: (input: string | Buffer) => TestWrapped;
	/* Decode a TestWrapped from an arbitrary object with BufferLike fields of the same names (works for JSON). */
	static fromObject: (input: any) => TestWrapped;
defineProperties(TestWrapped, TestWrappedABI);