2.1.6 • Published 3 years ago

ac-sync v2.1.6

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3 years ago

ACSync :rocket:

Synchronisation utility for Adobe Campaign Previously NeoSync. Consider ACSync as NeoSync v2.0 The code of NeoSync was so horrific that I decided to start from scratch a new version, based on ac-connector.

The CLI Synchronisation utility between local files and Neolane / Adobe Campaign is almost ready. You can now fetch and push files, and 'watch' and 'pushall' commands are ready now. Also : js module that allows to synchronise Adobe Campaign Classic object with local files. By this way, you can simplify the versioning your sources

In French :

Utilitaire et ligne de commande pour synchronisation entre fichiers locaux et Neolane/ Adobe Campaign Egalement : bibliothèque JS permettant la synchro entre des objets Adobe Campaign Classic et des fichiers locaux.

Before starting

First of all, just keep in mind that this nodejs utility wasn't expected to be shared. If interested, be my guest, but : 1) not a very good experience of project distribution and repository, so the package.json and other things are very incomplete 2) I rewrote it all recently, so it should be incomplete comparing NeoSync, but much more stable. I run with Promises instead of making pyramid of doom, the code is a little more readable now. 3) I also use the API fs.promises, but with a NodeJS v10, I got some warning like

ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental

I guess thoses warning won't appear if you use a newer NodeJS version, but if it does, don't worry about it.

Getting Started


having Nodejs >= 10 installed


npm install -g ac-sync

Then, be sure to have run the configuration of ac-connector to have at least one connection configured in your system.



ACSync class

See (and try) example.js script

var ACSync = require('ac-sync');
var test = new ACSync({connectionName : "YOUR_ACCONNECTION_NAME"});
//Fetching a File from server
//'nms:delivery=MY_DELIVERY_INTERNALNAME' is called a fetch string. It's a command to tell ac-sync to get something on the server
//It must be like "schemaname=logickey"
//You can 'add' a directory before the logic name to put the file on a specific directory

//Pushing a file to the server
//The string must be a file. relative or absolute name


Main command is :

ACSync|ac-sync -c connectionName -[w,f,p,pa,h] options
ACSync -c connectionName --[fetch,fetchCollection,push,pushall,help,watch] options

You can also use the command ac-sync, alias of ACSync

Fetch source :arrow_lower_left:

ACSync -c connectionName -f namespace:schema=logicKey[;namespace:schema=logicKey]
ACSync -c connectionName --fetch namespace:schema=logicKey[;namespace:schema=logicKey]
*new* ACSync --fetchCollection namespace:schema=logicKey[,logicKey]

Getting the deliveries with internalName 'TOTO' and 'TATA' :

ACSync -c connectionName -f nms:delivery=TOTO;nms:delivery=TATA
ACSync -c connectionName --fetchCollection nms:delivery=TOTO,TATA

Those similar commands will create the TOTO.xml and TATA.xml files on the current local directory

Avaiblale default fetch :

xtk:javascriptns:namens_name.js file (src file)
xtk:jstns:namens_name.jst file
xtk:jsspns:namens_name.jssp file
xtk:workflowinternalNameinternalName.xml file (the wofklow as XML)
xtk:formns:namens_name.xml file
xtk:srcSchemans:namens_name.xml file
nms:deliveryinternalNameinternalName.xml file
nms:includeViewinternalNameinternalName.xml file
ncm:contentinternalNameinternalName.xml file
nms:deliveryinternalNamehtmlinternalName.html file containing only the html source of the delivery
nms:deliveryinternalNametxtinternalName.txt file containing only the text source of the delivery
nms:includeViewinternalNamehtmlinternalName.iview.html file containing only the html source of the include view
nms:includeViewinternalNametxtinternalName.iview.txt file containing only the text source of the include view

This is set in the mapping and can be changed (or best, can be extended/overwritten in the ACSyncFileMapping.json file, see below for more informations)

Push source to the server :arrow_upper_right:

ACSync -c connectionName -p localfilename
ACSync -c connectionName --push localfilename

NeoSync wil recognize what to do with :

  • the extension of the file
  • the content of the file in case of XML file
ACSync -c connectionName -p TOTO.html

This command will push the HTML source of the delivery with 'TOTO' as internal name.

Attention please : if the parameter 'devMode' is set to 0 or undefined in the neoSync.conf of the user, only HTML and Text version of deliveries and includes views can be pushed to the server. Other source will be ignored. This is a security if non developpers want to work with NeoSync (HTML integration, Marketing people etc.). Also, if a push is done, NeoSync will make a backup of the current server source before pushing. The backup is in the "NeoSync/BACKUP" folder into the user folder (next to neoSync.conf)

If a push is done, ACSync will make a backup of the current server source before pushing. The backup is in the "~/.ac-connector/ACSyncBackup/BACKUP" folder into the user folder (next to ACSyncFileMapping.json)

Push all source to the server :arrow_upper_right:

ACSync -c connectionName -pa
ACSync -c connectionName --pushall

Same as before, but for all the file into the current folder

Watch the current folder and push when change detected :eyes:

ACSync -c connectionName -w
ACSync -c connectionName --watch

ACSync will push a file when a change is detected. You can :

  • change the directory with the '-d path/to/watch' option if you don't want watch the current directory
  • specify a pattern for the files to push with '-pattern yourpattern'. For example, if you want to push only Javascript, NeoSync -w -pattern *.js`

:new: File Mapping

There is a new mapping concept. With NeosSync, this mapping was hardcoded, difficult to maintain. But with ACSync everything changes (because I was fedup with this crappy code) Those mapping are set on a separated 'conf/fileMapping.json' file. If you want to set your own mapping, just add a JSON file named 'ACSyncFileMapping.json' on the "/.ac-connector" of your user directory (=> something like C:\Users\yourname\ on Microsoft systems, /Users/yourname on MacOS, /home/yourname elsewhere. This "/.ac-connector" directory is created the first time you use ac-connector). This allows you to set your own mapping if needed, without need to change the code. The mapping is an array of JSON object :

"name" : "uniqueName", => a unique name
"label" : "Label", => a gracefull label
"fileExtension" : "xml|js|whatyouwant", => the extension of the wrote local file. If XML, the file will be the image of the XML returned by a queryDef
"schema" : "xtk:srcSchema", => the Adobe Campaign Schema name of your mapped object
"forceExtension" : true, => not mandatory, but if you want that your object names with the extension by default on the server (like the Javascript : ns_myScript.js will be ns:myScript.js on the server instead of ns:myScript), set this parameter to 'true'
"primaryKey" : "@internalName|@namespace + ':' + @name|@name|@whatyouwant", => The primary key of your mapped obejct. If this is a multiple key, just string and concat them
"specificKey" : null|"html"|"sms"|"whatyouwant", => For specific mapping, witch represent link between a part of the object and specific local file type (example : I set .html file for the html source of a delivery). This must be added in with bracket on a fetch => nms:delivery=DM12563[html]. If not present, ignored

//Fetch part (get content from Adobe Campaign)
"querySelector" : "<node expr='data'/><node expr='@xtkschema'/>", => what you want to get in your file (if other than XML file, just take 1 element, for example : /content/source/html of nms:delivery, or /data of xtk:javascript)
"queryCondition" : "<condition expr=\"@namespace + ':' + @name = '${primaryKey}'\"/>", => The query condition that match a unic element for you schema. You can (must) use the variable ${primaryKey}, ${nameSpace} or/and ${name}
"responseStructure" : "jst.code"|"<delivery[\\s\\S]*<\/delivery>", => How to retrieve the content from the server to local file in a soap response of queryDef.Execute : for non-XML file, a JS path to get the file content. For XML file, a regular expression that represents what you want to keep in your local XML file (usualy "<schema[\\s\\S]*<\/schema>")
"contentFilter" : "regexp or array of regexp" => If provide, a String or an Array of String to filter the result of a fetch to delete some content (for example, in the xtk:workflow mapping, we have to get the "data" to fetch all the content, but in case of a running instance (@isModel = 0), we don't want the errorCount, taskCount, eventCount attributes, so we exclude this content from the result)

//Push part (send content to Adobe Campaign)
"xmlStructure" : "<delivery xtkschema='nms:delivery' internalName='${internalName}' _operation='update'><content><text><source><![CDATA[${content}]]></source></text></content></delivery>" => For non-XML mapping, that represent how to push the file content in a soap request of xtk:session.Write(). Available variable : ${nameSpace}, ${xmlName} (if your primary key has 2 keys and a ":" to join them, ${nameSpace} is the first part, ${xmlName} is the second part), ${internalName} ( = unique primary key ), ${content} (content of your local file)


The better you can do is to take a look at the "conf/fileMapping.json" file.



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