0.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

accesscontrol-decorator-extensions v0.1.0

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5 years ago


Control access to whole instances or individual properties on those instances with ease, powered by accesscontrol.

Note: I am developing this for a side-project of mine, and will add features/fix issues as I encounter them. If you have a use-case that is not yet covered, please open an issue (or better yet, a pull request).

Get Started

yarn add accesscontrol-decorator-extensions


npm install --save accesscontrol-decorator-extensions

You will need to decorate the class you would like to control access to with the @ProtectedResource decorator. You can further control access to individual properties with the @ProtectedProperty decorator. For example:

import {
} from 'accesscontrol-decorator-extensions';

   * The viewer will be the identifier of the consumer, the instance will be the instance of
   * the ProtectedResource decorated class that you are trying to control access to.
   * ownershipDeterminer is a function that determines whether or not a viewer owns the instance
   * roleDeterminer is either the viewer's role (string) or a function that returns the viewer's role
  ownershipDeterminer: (viewer: User, instance: User) => viewer.id === userResult.id,
  roleDeterminer: (viewer: User) => viewer.role,
class User {
  public id: number;

    permissions: {
      admin: {
        [Action.CREATE]: Scope.ANY,
        [Action.READ]: Scope.ANY,
        [Action.UPDATE]: Scope.ANY,
        [Action.DELETE]: Scope.ANY,
      user: {
        [Action.CREATE]: Scope.OWN,
        [Action.READ]: Scope.ANY,
        [Action.UPDATE]: Scope.OWN,
        [Action.DELETE]: Scope.OWN,
  public username: string;

    permissions: {
      admin: {
        [Action.CREATE]: Scope.ANY,
        [Action.READ]: Scope.ANY,
        [Action.UPDATE]: Scope.ANY,
        [Action.DELETE]: Scope.ANY,
      user: {
        [Action.CREATE]: '',
        [Action.READ]: Scope.OWN,
        [Action.UPDATE]: '',
        [Action.DELETE]: '',
  public role: string;

Then for actually filtering the action, you would do something like this (imagine in an Express-like context):

import { Action, filterAccess } from 'accesscontrol-decorator-extensions';

export const editUser = async (req, res) => {
  // In this instance, a middleware prior to editUser running places the viewer (user) on the request object
  const { body, params, user } = req;

  const userToUpdate = await db.user.findOne(params.userId);

  // Change the user's username based on data in the request body
  userToUpdate.username = body.username;

  // This will ensure that the user is only updating fields they have access to update
  const filteredUserUpdates: Partial<User> = filterAccess(user, Action.UPDATE, userToUpdate);
  const savedUser = await db.user.save(filteredUserUpdates);

    success: true,
    user: savedUser,

To check if a role has access to any fields in the root-level resource for a given action, you could do something like the following:

import { Action, canAccess } from 'accesscontrol-decorator-extensions';

export const deletePost = async (req, res) => {
  // In this instance, a middleware prior to deletePost running places the viewer (user) on the request object
  const { params, user } = req;

  if (!canAccess(user, Action.DELETE, new Post())) {
    throw new Error('unauthorized!');

  await db.post.deleteOne(params.id);
  res.json({ success: true });

TypeScript Configuration

  "target": "es2015", // at least
  "experimentalDecorators": true


Feel free to contribute by forking this repository, making, testing, and building your changes, then opening a pull request. Please try to maintain a uniform code style.


MIT. Extension of the accesscontrol library (also MIT).


5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago