2.5.0 • Published 4 years ago

acnh-images v2.5.0

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Last release
4 years ago


Downloads every image from the Animal Crossing: New Horizons spreadsheet locally.


To execute this module, you can install it globally:

npm install -g acnh-images

or, you can use npx:

npx acnh-images

By default, images will be saved under a sub-directory images in the current working directory. To provide a different directory, you can provide a format with the -f flag.

This flag represents how each image will be saved, and can contain any one of: %s, %v, %f, %id, %uid, and/or [[key]]. All instances of these terms will be replaced by a specific value of the item that the image represents:

  • %s represents the item's source sheet,
  • %v represents the item's variation,
  • %f represents the name of the png,
  • %id represents the item's internal ID, and
  • %uid represents the unique ID of the item.

[[key]] is special as whatever is in the brackets will be treated as a property of the item and will be replaced with the value the key represents. For example, if you want to get the personalities for villagers, you can do so by [[personality]]. The key key will be called on all items, and if the key doesn't exist in the item, an empty string will be used. To view all possible keys, take a look at the JSON files here, as these are the data that acnh-images uses.

When manually setting the format, be sure that each image will be saved to a unique location, as variations of items can override other variations.


# This format downloads every image in the desktop, under the sub-directory representing each item's Unique Entry ID.
acnh-items -f "~/Desktop/%s/%uid/%f.png"

# An example of this format being:
# · Desktop
#   · Construction
#     · [unique ID]
#       - Image.png
#     · etc.
#   · Fish
#     · [unique ID]
#       - Critterpedia Image.png
#       - Furniture Image.png
#       - Icon Image.png
#     · etc.
#   · etc.

# This format will simply download each image as it's unique ID.
acnh-items -f "~/Desktop/images/%uid.png"

# As for the example with [[key]], this format will save each villager in a sub-directory representing their personality.
acnh-items -f "./images/%s/[[personality]]/%n/%v/%f.png"

4 years ago


4 years ago


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5 years ago