1.5.1 • Published 1 year ago

acres-mapbox-utils v1.5.1

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Acres Mapbox Utils

Acres Mapbox Utils is a typescript library for dealing with mapbox-gl and geojson


Use the package manager npm or yarn to install acres-mapbox-utils.

npm i acres-mapbox-utils
yarn add acres-mapbox-utils


General Geojson Functions


Return if a Geometry completely contains another or not. Takes two params; containers: The container that we are checking if it completely contains the second argument and check: The Geometry that we are checking to see if is completely contained by the first argument and returns True if the container COMPLETELY contains the second argument.

import { geoCompletelyContains } from 'acres-mapbox-utils'

const containers: Geometry[] = [

const check: Geometry = {

// returns boolean
const result = geoCompletelyContains(containers, check)


Return if a Geometry completely contains another or not. Takes two params; containers: The container that we are checking if it completely contains the second argument and check: The Geometry that we are checking to see if is completely contained by the first argument and returns True if the container COMPLETELY contains EVERY geometry in the second argument.

import { geoCompletelyContainsMany } from 'acres-mapbox-utils'

const containers: Geometry[] = [

const check: Geometry[] = {

// returns boolean
const result = geoCompletelyContainsMany(containers, check)


Converts a multipolygon geometry to an array of polygon geometries and returns The array of polygons that made up the multi polygon.

import { multiPolygonGeoToPolygonGeos } from 'acres-mapbox-utils'

const multiPolygon: Geometry = [
    type: 'MultiPolygon',

// returns Geometry[]
const result = multiPolygonGeoToPolygonGeos(multiPolygon)


Returns the centroid of the polygon (May appear outside polygon)

import { centroid } from 'acres-mapbox-utils'

const geometry: Geometry = {

//returns point geometry
const result = centroid(geometry)


Converts a polygon into a multi-polygon. Or an array of features into an array of multi-polygons

import { convertPolygon } from 'acres-mapbox-utils'

const feature: Feature = {

// returns feature with multi-polygon
const result = convertPolygon(feature)


based off this package; A fast algorithm for finding polygon pole of inaccessibility, the most distant internal point from the polygon outline (not to be confused with centroid), implemented as a JavaScript library. Useful for optimal placement of a text label on a polygon.

import { findPolylabel } from 'acres-mapbox-utils'

const feature: Feature = {

//returns pole of inaccessibility coordinate in [x, y] format.
const result = findPolylabel(feature)


returns acres of a feature

import { getAcres } from 'acres-mapbox-utils'

const feature: Feature = {

// returns acres as number
const result = getAcres(feature)


returns acreage of all the features

import { getTotalAcres } from 'acres-mapbox-utils'

const features: Feature[] = [

// returns acres as number
const result = getTotalAcres(features)


Combines an array of features into a single feature (If possible) Will need to keep an eye on @turf/union as they are changing union into a feature collection instead of two polygons

import { multiUnion } from 'acres-mapbox-utils'

const feature1: Feature = {

const feature2: Feature = {

// returns single feature
const result = multiUnion([feature1, feature2])

General Mapbox-gl Functions

all mapbox functions takes a mapbox object look here


Takes a mapbox object and an Array of AnyLayer, loops through each layer and if the layer/layer's source already exists it will remove it and add the layers again. Able to pass a priorityLayers function to move layers to desired position.

import { addLayers } from 'acres-mapbox-utils'

function moveUpPriorityLayers(map: Map) {
  priorityLayers.forEach((layer) => {
    if (map.getLayer(layer)) {

const layer: AnyLayer = {

addLayer(map, [layer], undefined, moveUpPriorityLayers)


Takes a mapbox object and cords in x,y format; Optional duration and zoom level

import { flyToLocation } from 'acres-mapbox-utils'

flyToLocation(map, [0, 0])


Gets a source from MapBox (If available), and returns the source as a GeoJSONSource

import { getGeoJSONSource } from 'acres-mapbox-utils'

const source = getGeoJSONSource(map, 'random-source')


Given an array of MapboxGeoJSONFeature it will return a unique array of features

import { getUniqueFeatures } from 'acres-mapbox-utils'

const features[] = [
   id: 1,
  id: 1,

// returns unique feature
const result = getUniqueFeatures(features)


returns boolean if layer with given ID exists

import { isLayerActive } from 'acres-mapbox-utils'

// returns boolean
const result = isLayerActive(map, layerId)


given an array of AnyLayers it will loop through and remove layer

import { removeLayers } from 'acres-mapbox-utils'

const layers: AnyLayers[] = [

removeLayers(map, layers)


given an array of AnyLayers or Layer Ids and active boolean the layer will toggle between visible and not

import { toggleVisibility } from 'acres-mapbox-utils'

const layers: AnyLayers[] = [

toggleVisibility(map, layers, true)


Zooms to bounding box of the geometry

import { zoomToBounds } from 'acres-mapbox-utils'

const geometry: Geometry = {

zoomToBounds(map, geometry, padding)


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
